
function Export-D365LBDConfigReport {
    Gathers data from the D365 environment for easy diagnostics and quicker onboarding for support tickets.
    Gathers data from the D365 environment for easy diagnostics and quicker onboarding for support tickets.
    Export-D365LBDConfigReport -exportlocation "C:\ConfigreportBasicForLCSTicketsEnvironment.html" -CustomModuleName 'MOD'
    Creates a basic report at C:\ConfigreportBasicForLCSTicketsEnvironment.html based on local servers environment and a custom module name mod
   Export-D365LBDConfigReport -computername 'AXSFServer01' -detailed -exportlocation "C:\ConfigreportEnvironment.html" -CustomModuleName 'MOD'
  Creates a detailed report at C:\ConfigreportEnvironment.html based on server AXSFServer01's environment and a custom module name mod
   .PARAMETER ComputerName
   The name of the D365 LBD Server to grab the environment details; needed if a config is not specified and will default to local machine.
   .PARAMETER Config
    Custom PSObject
    Config Object created by either the Get-D365LBDConfig or Get-D365TestConfigData function inside this module
    if not selected the report will be basic with only details on issues. Less information for high level architecture without divulging any unneeded could be confidential config data.
.PARAMETER ExportLocation
    String Mandatory
    the file path to export the report to should end with a file extension of HTML
    .PARAMETER CustomModuleName
    the name of the custom module name to gather more information of the environment such as build version

    param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'D365FO Local Business Data Server Name')]
        [PSFComputer]$ComputerName = "$env:COMPUTERNAME",
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string]$ExportLocation, ##mandatory should end in html
    ##Gather Information from the Dynamics 365 Orchestrator Server Config
    BEGIN {
        if (!$Config -or $Config.OrchestratorServerNames.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Config not defined or Config is invalid. Trying to Get new config using $ComputerName"
            if ($CustomModuleName) {
                $Config = Get-D365LBDConfig -ComputerName $ComputerName -CustomModuleName $CustomModuleName
            else {
                $Config = Get-D365LBDConfig -ComputerName $ComputerName
        Write-PSFMessage -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Running Environment Health Check"
        $Health = Get-D365LBDEnvironmentHealth -config $config
        $HealthGroups = $($Health.Group | Select-Object -unique)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Running Dependency Health Check"
        $DependencyCheck = Get-D365LBDDependencyHealth -Config $config
        $DependencyGroups = $($DependencyCheck.Group | Select-Object -unique)
        $HealthText = "<p class=""Success""><b>D365 Health looks great</b></p>"
        if ($Health.State -contains "Down") {
            $HealthText = "<p class=""issue""><b>D365 Health issues:</b></p>"
            $healthissues = $Health | Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Down" }
        $html = "<html> <body>"
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<h1><a href = ""$($Config.ClientURL)"">$($Config.LCSEnvironmentName)</a> </h1>"
        else {
            $html += "<h1>$($Config.LCSEnvironmentName)</h1>"
        if (!$CustomModuleName) {
            $CustomModuleName = $Config.CustomModuleName
        if ($CustomModuleName) {
            $html += "<p><b>Custom Code $CustomModuleName Version:</b></p> $($Config.CustomModuleVersion)"
        $html += "<p><b>AX Kernel Version:</b></p> $($Config.AOSKernelVersion)"
        $html += "<p><b>LCS Project and Environment ID:</b></p> $($config.LCSProjectID) - <a href=""$($config.LCSEnvironmentURL)""> $($config.LCSEnvironmentID)</a> "
        if ($Config.AXDatabaseRestoreDate) {
            $html += "<p><b>Database Refresh/Restore Date:</b></p> $($Config.AXDatabaseRestoreDate) "
            if ($Detailed) {
                $html += "<p><b>Database Refresh/Restore file:</b></p> $($Config.AXDatabaseBackupFileUsedForRestore) "
        $html += "<p><b>Number of Apps in Healthy State:</b></p> <a href=""$($config.SFExplorerURL)""> $($Config.NumberOfAppsinServiceFabric) </a> "
        $html += "$HealthText"
        if ($healthissues) {
            foreach ($healthissue in $healthissues) {
                $html += "<p><b>Check:</b> $($healthissue.Name) <b>Source:</b> $($healthissue.Source) <b>Details:</b> $($healthissue.Details) <b>Additional Info:</b> $($healthissue.ExtraInfo) </p>"
        $html += "<b><p>Health Check Groups: </b></p> <ul>"
        foreach ($HealthGroup in $HealthGroups) {
            $html += "<li>$HealthGroup</li>"
        $html += "</ul>"
        if ($DependencyCheck.Count -gt 0) {
            $DependencyCheckText = "<p class=""Success""><b>D365 Environment Dependencies Health looks great.</b></p>"
            if ($DependencyCheck.State -contains "Down") {
                $DependencyCheckText = "<p class=""issue""><b>D365 Dependency Health issues:</b></p>"
                $DependencyCheckissues = $DependencyCheck | Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Down" }
            $html += "$DependencyCheckText"
            if ($DependencyCheckissues) {
                foreach ($DependencyCheckissue in $DependencyCheckissues) {
                    $html += "<p><b>Check:</b> $($DependencyCheckissue.Name) <b>Source:</b> $($DependencyCheckissue.Source) <b>Details:</b> $($DependencyCheckissue.Details) <b>Additional Info:</b> $($DependencyCheckissue.ExtraInfo) </p></p> "
            $html += "<b><p>Dependency Groups: </b></p> <ul>"
            foreach ($DependencyGroup in $DependencyGroups) {
                $html += "<li>$DependencyGroup</li>"
            $html += "</ul>"
        $html += "<p><b>Orchestrator Job State:</b> $($Config.OrchestratorJobState) <b>Last Ran Orchestrator Job ID:</b> $($Config.LastOrchJobId) </p>"
        $html += "<p><b>Run Book Task State:</b> $($Config.OrchestratorJobRunBookState) <b>Last Ran Run Book Task ID:</b> $($Config.LastRunbookTaskId) </p>"
        $CountofAXServerNames = $Config.AXSFServerNames.Count
        $html += "<p><b>Number of AX SF Servers:</b></p> $($CountofAXServerNames)"
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<b><p>AX SF Servers: </b></p> <ul>"
            foreach ($axsfserver in $Config.AXSFServerNames) {
                $html += "<li>$axsfserver</li>"
            $html += "</ul>"
        $html += "<p><b>Number of Orchestrator Servers: </b> </p>$($Config.OrchestratorServerNames.Count)</p>"
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<p><b>Orchestrator Servers:</b></p> <ul>"
            foreach ($AXOrchServerName in $Config.OrchestratorServerNames) {
                $html += "<li>$AXOrchServerName</li>"
            $html += "</ul>"
        if ($Detailed) {  
            $html += "<p><b>AX Database Connection Endpoint:</b></p> $($Config.AXDatabaseServer)"
        $html += "<p><b>AX database is $($Config.DatabaseClusteredStatus)</b></p>"
        $DBCount = $Config.DatabaseClusterServerNames.Count
        if ($DBCount -gt 1) {
            $html += "<p><b>Number of Database servers:</b></p> $($Config.DatabaseClusterServerNames.Count)"
            if ($Detailed) {
                $html += "<p><b>Database server(s):</b></p> <ul>"
                foreach ($AXDBServerName in $($Config.DatabaseClusterServerNames)) {
                    $html += "<li>$AXDBServerName</li>"
                $html += "</ul>"
        $html += "<p><b>Number of SSRS Report Servers: </b> </p>$($Config.SSRSClusterServerNames.Count)</p>"
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<p><b>SSRS Servers:</b></p> <ul>"
            foreach ($SSRSClusterServerName in $Config.SSRSClusterServerNames) {
                $html += "<li>$SSRSClusterServerName</li>"
            $html += "</ul>"
        if ($Config.ComponentsinSetupModule -contains "financialreporting") {  
            $html += "<p><b>Number of Management Reporter Servers: </b> </p>$($Config.ManagementReporterServers.Count)</p>"
            if ($Detailed) {
                $html += "<p><b>Management Reporter Servers:</b></p> <ul>"
                foreach ($ManagementReporterServer in $Config.ManagementReporterServers) {
                    $html += "<li>$ManagementReporterServer</li>"
                $html += "</ul>"
        $html += "<p><b>Local Agent Version:</b></p> $($Config.OrchServiceLocalAgentVersionNumber)</p>"
        $html += '<table style="width:100%" class="Thumbprints"><tr><th>Certificate</th>'
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += '<th>Thumbprint</th>'
        $html += '<th>Expiration Date</th></tr>'

        $html += '<tr><td>SF Client</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td> $($Config.SFClientCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td> $($Config.SFClientCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"
        if ($(!$Config.SFClientCertificateExpiresAfter)) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Make sure config was not run only high level if you want expirations"
        $html += '<tr><td>SF Server</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td>$($Config.SFServerCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td> $($Config.SFServerCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"

        $html += '<tr><td>Data Encryption</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td> $($Config.DataEncryptionCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td> $($Config.DataEncryptionCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"

        $html += '<tr><td>Data Signing</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td>$($Config.DataSigningCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td>$($Config.DataSigningCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"

        $html += '<tr><td>Session Authentication</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td>$($Config.SessionAuthenticationCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td>$($Config.SessionAuthenticationCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"

        $html += '<tr><td>Shared Access</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td>$($Config.SharedAccessSMBCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td>$($Config.SharedAccessSMBCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"

        if ($Config.DataEnciphermentCertificateExpiresAfter) {
            $html += '<tr><td>Data Encipherment</td> '
            if ($Detailed) {
                $html += "<td>$($Config.DataEnciphermentCertificate)</td>"
            $html += "<td>$($Config.DataEnciphermentCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "DataEncipherment likely not configured in xml"
        $html += '<tr><td>Financial Reporting (MR)</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td>$($Config.FinancialReportingCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td>$($Config.FinancialReportingCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"

        $html += '<tr><td>Reporting SSRS </td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td>$($Config.ReportingSSRSCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td>$($Config.ReportingSSRSCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"
        if ($Config.DatabaseEncryptionCertificates) {
            foreach ($DatabaseEncryptionCertificate in $Config.DatabaseEncryptionCertificates) {

                $html += '<tr><td>Database Connection Configured Encryption </td> '
                if ($Detailed) {
                    $html += "<td>$($DatabaseEncryptionCertificate)</td>"
                if ($Config.DatabaseEncryptionCertificatesExpiresAfter) {
                    $html += "<td>$($Config.DatabaseEncryptionCertificatesExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"
                else {
                    $html += "<td>Can't get Expiration (Permissions on SQL OS level)</td></tr>"
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Database Encryption not configured in xml or access issues to Database server"
        $html += '<tr><td>Local Agent</td> '
        if ($Detailed) {
            $html += "<td>$($Config.LocalAgentCertificate)</td>"
        $html += "<td>$($Config.LocalAgentCertificateExpiresAfter)</td></tr>"
        $html += "</table>"
        if ($Detailed) {
            $guids = Get-D365LBDAXSFGUIDS -Config $Config
            $html += "<p></p><table style=""width:100%"" class=""GUIDS""> <tr> <th>Server</th> <th>GUID</th> <th>Endpoint</th> </tr>"
            foreach ($guid in $guids) {
                $html += "<tr><td>$($guid.Source)</td><td>$($guid.Details)</td><td><a href=""$($guid.ExtraInfo)"">$($guid.ExtraInfo)</a></td></tr>"
            $html += "</table>"
        if ($QueriesandEvents) {
            <# Source:

            function Invoke-SQL {
                    [string] $dataSource = ".\SQLEXPRESS",
                    [string] $database = "MasterData",
                    [string] $sqlCommand = $(throw "Please specify a query.")

                $connectionString = "Data Source=$dataSource; " +
                "Integrated Security=SSPI; " +
                "Initial Catalog=$database"

                $connection = new-object$connectionString)
                $command = new-object$sqlCommand, $connection)
                $adapter = New-Object System.Data.sqlclient.sqlDataAdapter $command
                $dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet

                $adapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null

            $SqlQueryToGetRunningSQL = "SELECT stext.TEXT,req.total_elapsed_time,req.session_id,req.status,req.command FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) stext" 
            $AXDatabaseName = $Config.AXDatabaseName
            $AXDatabaseServer = $Config.AXDatabaseServer
            $SqlresultsToGetRunningSQL = invoke-sql -datasource $AXDatabaseServer -database $AXDatabaseName -sqlcommand $SqlQueryToGetRunningSQL 
            $html += "<h2>Running Queries </h2>"
            $html += "<p></p><table style=""width:100%"" class=""SQLQueries""> <tr> <th>Command Type</th> <th>Command</th> <th>Elapsed Time</th> <th>Session ID</th> <th>Status</th> </tr>"
            foreach ($SQLResult in $SqlresultsToGetRunningSQL) {
                $html += "<tr><td>$($SQLResult.command)</td><td>$($SQLResult.TEXT)</td><td>$($SQLResult.total_elapsed_time)</td><td>$($SQLResult.session_id)</td><td>$($SQLResult.status)</td></tr>"
            $html += "</table>"

            $html += "<h2>Last Orchestrator Events: </h2>"
            $orchevents = Get-D365OrchestrationLogs -config $Config -NumberofEvents 10
            $html += "<p></p><table style=""width:100%"" class=""OrchLogs""> <tr> <th>Server</th> <th>MessageType</th> <th>DateTime</th> <th>EventMessage</th><th>EventDetails</th> </tr>"
            foreach ($orchevent in $orchevents) {
                $html += "<tr><td>$($orchevent.MachineName)</td><td>$($orchevent.Message)</td><td>$($orchevent.TimeCreated)</td><td>$($orchevent.EventMessage)</td><td>$($orchevent.EventDetails)</td></tr>"
            $html += "</table>"

            $html += "<h2>Last Database Synchronize Events: </h2>"
            $dbevents = Get-D365DBEvents -config $Config -NumberofEvents 10
            $html += "<p></p><table style=""width:100%"" class=""OrchLogs""> <tr> <th>Server</th> <th>MessageType</th> <th>DateTime</th> <th>EventMessage</th><th>EventDetails</th> </tr>"
            foreach ($dbevent in $dbevents) {
                $html += "<tr><td>$($dbevent.MachineName)</td><td>$($dbevent.Message)</td><td>$($dbevent.TimeCreated)</td><td>$($dbevent.EventMessage)</td><td>$($dbevent.EventDetails)</td></tr>"
            $html += "</table>"

        $html += "</body></html>"
        $html |  Out-File "$ExportLocation"  -Verbose
    END {}