
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("DFSReplicationGroupConnection")]
class DSC_DFSReplicationGroupConnection : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("The name of the DFS Replication Group.")] String GroupName;
    [Key, Description("The name of the Replication Group source computer for the connection. This can be specified using either the ComputerName or FQDN name for the member. If an FQDN name is used and the DomainName parameter is set, the FQDN domain name must match.")] String SourceComputerName;
    [Key, Description("The name of the Replication Group destination computer for the connection. This can be specified using either the ComputerName or FQDN name for the member. If an FQDN name is used and the DomainName parameter is set, the FQDN domain name must match.")] String DestinationComputerName;
    [Write, Description("Specifies whether the DFS Replication Group connection should exist."), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure;
    [Write, Description("A description for the DFS Replication Group connection.")] String Description;
    [Write, Description("Ensures that connection is either Enabled or Disabled."),ValueMap{"Enabled","Disabled"}, Values{"Enabled","Disabled"}] String EnsureEnabled;
    [Write, Description("Ensures remote differential compression is Enabled or Disabled."),ValueMap{"Enabled","Disabled"}, Values{"Enabled","Disabled"}] String EnsureRDCEnabled;
    [Write, Description("Ensures cross-file similarity remote differential compression is Enabled or Disabled."),ValueMap{"Enabled","Disabled"}, Values{"Enabled","Disabled"}] String EnsureCrossFileRDCEnabled;
    [Write, Description("The file size threshold for RDC to apply in KB.")] UInt32 MinimumRDCFileSizeInKB;
    [Write, Description("The name of the AD Domain the DFS Replication Group connection should be in.")] String DomainName;