
    This function invokes AD Connect to sync the user if credentials were provided.
    This function invokes AD Connect to sync the user if credentials were provided.
    .PARAMETER PowershellSessionName
    This is the name of the powershell session that will be used to trigger ad connect.
    Powershell session to use for aad connect commands.
    invoke-adConnect -powerShellSessionName NAME

    Function Invoke-ADConnect

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        #Declare function variables.


        #Start function processing.

        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN INVOKE-ADCONNECT"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

        #Log the parameters and variables for the function.

        Out-LogFile -string ("PowershellSessionName = "+$PowershellSessionName)

        #Obtain the powershell session to work with.

            $workingPowershellSession = Get-PSSession -Name $PowershellSessionName
            Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        #Using the powershell session import the ad connect module.
            invoke-command -session $workingPowershellSession -ScriptBlock {Import-Module -Name 'AdSync'}
            Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

            if ($invokeSleep -eq $TRUE)
                out-logfile -string "Sleeping for 30 seconds."

                start-sleep -s 30
                out-logfile -string "This is first attempt - skipping sleep."

                $invokeSleep = $true

            $invokeTest = Invoke-Command -Session $workingPowershellSession -ScriptBlock {start-adsyncsynccycle -policyType 'Delta'} *>&1

            if ($invokeTest.result -ne "Success")
                out-logFile -string "An error has occured - this is not necessarily uncommon."
                out-logFile -string $invokeTest.exception.toString()
        } until ($invokeTest.result -eq "Success")

        out-logfile -string "The results of the AD Sync."
        out-logfile -string $invokeTest.result

        Out-LogFile -string "ADConnect was successfully triggered."

        Out-LogFile -string "END INVOKE-ADCONNECT"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"