
    This function creates a powershell session to an on premises server to invoke winRM commands.
    This function creates a powershell session to an on premises server to invoke winRM commands.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    This is the credential that will be utilized to establish the connection
    .PARAMETER Server
    This is the server that the connection will be made to.
    .PARAMETER PowershellSessionName
    This is the name of the powershell session that will be created.
    Powershell session to use for aad connect commands.
    new-PowershellSession -Server SERVER -Credential Credential -PowershellSessionName Name

    Function New-PowershellSession

            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NotOnline",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Online",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NotOnline",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NotOnline",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Online",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Online",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Online",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Online",Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NotOnline",Mandatory = $false)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Online",Mandatory = $false)]

        #Declare function variables.


        #Start function processing.

        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN NEW-POWERSHELLSESSION"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

        #Log the parameters and variables for the function.

        if ($server -ne "")
            Out-LogFile -string ("Server = "+$Server)
        Out-LogFile -string ("Credential = "+$Credentials.userName.tostring())
        Out-LogFile -string ("PowershellSessionName = "+$PowershellSessionName)

        if ($connectionURI -ne "")
            Out-LogFile -string ("ConnectionURI = "+$connectionURI)

        if ($authenticationType -ne "")
            Out-LogFile -string ("AuthenticationType = "+$authenticationType)

        if ($configurationName -ne "")
            Out-LogFile -string ("ConfigurationName = "+$configurationName)
        if ($allowRedirection -ne $FALSE)
            Out-LogFile -string ("AllowRedirection = "+$allowRedirection)
        if ($requiresImport -ne $FALSE)
            Out-LogFile -string ("RequireImport = "+$requiresImport)
            if ($requiresImport -eq $FALSE)
                #The session was flagged by the caller as requiring import.
                #This would usually be reserved for things like Exchange On Premises / Exchange Online

                Out-LogFile -string "Creating the powershell to server." 
                New-PSSession -computername $Server -credential $Credentials -name $PowershellSessionName -errorAction STOP
            elseif ($requiresImport -eq $TRUE)
                #No import is required - this is a local powershell session

                Out-LogFile -string "Creating the powershell to server that requires import." 
                $sessiontoimport=New-PSSession -ConfigurationName $configurationName -ConnectionUri $connectionURI -Credential $credentials -AllowRedirection:$allowRedirection -Authentication $authenticationType -name $PowershellSessionName
            Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE -isAudit $isAudit

        Out-LogFile -string "The powershell session was created successfully."

        Out-LogFile -string "END NEW-POWERSHELLSESSION"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        #This function is designed to open local and remote powershell sessions.
        #If the session requires import - for example exchange - return the session for later work.
        #If not no return is required.
        if ($requiresImport -eq $TRUE)
            return $sessionToImport