
    This function creates the new distribution group in office 365.
    This function creates the new distribution group in office 365.
    .PARAMETER originalDLConfiguration
    The original configuration of the DL on premises.
    .PARAMETER groupTypeOverride
    Submits the group type override of specified by the administrator at run time.
    new-Office365DL -groupTypeOverride "Security" -originalDLConfiguration adConfigVariable -office365DLConfiguration CONFIG

    Function new-office365dl

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        #Output all parameters bound or unbound and their associated values.

        write-functionParameters -keyArray $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -parameterArray $PSBoundParameters -variableArray (Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore)

        #Declare function variables.

        [string]$functionGroupType=$NULL #Holds the return information for the group query.
        [string]$functionMailNickName = ""
        [string]$functionName = ((Get-Date -Format FileDateTime)+(Get-Random)).tostring()
        $functionDL = $NULL
        $functionIsRoom = $FALSE

        #Start function processing.

        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN New-Office365DL"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

        #Calculate the group type to be utilized.
        #Three values - either NULL,Security,or Distribution.

        out-Logfile -string ("The group type for evaluation is = "+$originalDLConfiguration.groupType)

        if ($groupTypeOverride -Eq "Security")
            out-logfile -string "The administrator overrode the group type to security."

            $functionGroupType = "Security"
        elseif ($groupTypeOverride -eq "Distribution")
            out-logfile -string "The administrator overrode the group type to distribution."

            $functionGroupType = "Distribution"
        elseif ($groupTypeOverride -eq "None") 
            out-logfile -string "A group type override was not specified. Using group type from on premises."

            if (($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483640") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483646") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.groupType -eq "-2147483644"))
                out-logfile -string "The group type from on premises is security."

                $functionGroupType = "Security"
            elseif (($originalDLConfiguration.grouptype -eq "8") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.grouptype -eq "4") -or ($originalDLConfiguration.grouptype -eq "2"))
                out-logfile -string "The group type from on premises is distribution."

                $functionGroupType = "Distribution"
                out-logfile -string "A group type override was not provided and the input did not include a valid on premises group type."    
            out-logfile -string "An invalid group type was utilized in function new-Office365DL" -isError:$TRUE    

        out-logfile -string ("Random DL name: "+$functionName)

        #Test to determine if the distribution group is a room distribution group.

        if ($originalDLConfiguration.msExchRecipientTypeDetails -eq "268435456")
            out-logfile -string "The group is a room distribution list."
            $functionIsRoom = $TRUE
            out-logfile -string "The group is not a room distribution list."

        #Create the distribution group in office 365.
            if ($functionIsRoom -eq $FALSE)
                out-logfile -string "Creating the distribution group in Office 365."

                $functionDL = new-o365distributionGroup -name $functionName -type $functionGroupType -ignoreNamingPolicy:$TRUE -errorAction STOP 
                out-logfile -string $functionDL
                out-logfile -string "Creating the distribution group in Office 365 as a room list."

                $functionDL = new-o365distributionGroup -name $functionName -type $functionGroupType -ignoreNamingPolicy:$TRUE -roomList -errorAction STOP 
                out-logfile -string $functionDL
            Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        Out-LogFile -string "END New-Office365DL"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

        return $functionDL