
<# .Description
    Pester tests for DRSRule PowerShell module. Expects that:
    0) DRSRule module is already loaded (but, will try to load it if not)
    1) a connection to at least one vCenter is in place (but, will prompt for XMS to which to connect if not)
    2) there are one or more existing DRS items of each type to test (VMGroup, VMHostGroup, etc.) in the specified cluster
    Invoke-Pester -Script @{Path = '\\some\path\DRSRule\testing\DRSRule.Tests_Get.ps1'; Parameters = @{Cluster = "myFavoriteCluster"}}
    Invokes the tests in said Tests script, passing the given Cluster parameter value, to be used for the cluster-specific tests

param (
    ## Name of the vCenter cluster to use in the DRSRule testing

## initialize things, preparing for tests
$oClusterToUse = & $PSScriptRoot\DRSRule.TestingInit.ps1 -Cluster $Cluster
## hashtable of DRSRule object short typename to VMware "real" object full typename info, to be used with -ReturnRawGroup testing
$hshDrsruletypeToVMwareTypeInfo = @{
    VMGroup = "VMware.Vim.ClusterVmGroup"
    VMHostGroup = "VMware.Vim.ClusterHostGroup"
    VMToVMRule = "VMware.Vim.ClusterAffinityRuleSpec", "VMware.Vim.ClusterAntiAffinityRuleSpec"
    VMToVMHostRule = "VMware.Vim.ClusterVmHostRuleInfo"
} ## end hsh

## for each of the object types whose typenames match the object name in the cmdlet noun, test getting such an object
$arrObjectTypesToGet = Write-Output VMGroup, VMHostGroup, VMtoVMRule, VMToVMHostRule
$arrObjectTypesToGet | Foreach-Object {
    Describe -Tags "Get" -Name "Get-Drs$_" {
        It "Gets a DRSRule $_ object" {
            $arrReturnTypes = if ($arrTmpObj = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {& "Get-Drs$_" | Select-Object -First 2}) {$arrTmpObj | Get-Member -ErrorAction:Stop | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty TypeName} else {$null}
            New-Variable -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type" -Value ($arrReturnTypes -eq "DRSRule.$_")

            ## gets only the desired object type should be $true
            (Get-Variable -ValueOnly -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type") | Should Be $true

        It "Gets a 'raw' $($hshDrsruletypeToVMwareTypeInfo[$_] -join ' or ') object, via -ReturnRawGroup" {
            $strThisTypeShortname = $_
            ## should be only one type returned
            $arrReturnTypes = if ($arrTmpObj = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {& "Get-Drs$_" -ReturnRaw | Select-Object -First 2}) {$arrTmpObj | Get-Member -ErrorAction:Stop | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty TypeName} else {$null}
            New-Variable -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type" -Value (($arrReturnTypes | Foreach-Object {$hshDrsruletypeToVMwareTypeInfo[$strThisTypeShortname] -contains $_}) -notcontains $false)

            ## gets only the desired object type should be $true
            (Get-Variable -ValueOnly -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type") | Should Be $true

        It "Gets a DRSRule $_ object (from specific cluster, '$oClusterToUse')" {
            $arrReturnTypes = if ($arrTmpObj = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {& "Get-Drs$_" -Cluster $oClusterToUse | Select-Object -First 1}) {$arrTmpObj | Get-Member -ErrorAction:Stop | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty TypeName} else {$null}
            New-Variable -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type" -Value ($arrReturnTypes -eq "DRSRule.$_")
            $bGetsItemFromSpecifiedCluster = $arrTmpObj.Cluster -eq $oClusterToUse.Name

            ## gets only the desired object type should be $true
            (Get-Variable -ValueOnly -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type") | Should Be $true
            $bGetsItemFromSpecifiedCluster | Should Be $true

        It "Gets a DRSRule $_ object (from specific cluster, '$oClusterToUse', taking cluster from pipeline)" {
            $arrReturnTypes = if ($arrTmpObj = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$oClusterToUse | & "Get-Drs$_" | Select-Object -First 1}) {$arrTmpObj | Get-Member -ErrorAction:Stop | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty TypeName} else {$null}
            New-Variable -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type" -Value ($arrReturnTypes -eq "DRSRule.$_")
            $bGetsItemFromSpecifiedCluster = $arrTmpObj.Cluster -eq $oClusterToUse.Name

            ## gets only the desired object type should be $true
            (Get-Variable -ValueOnly -Name "bGetsOnly${_}Type") | Should Be $true
            $bGetsItemFromSpecifiedCluster | Should Be $true

Describe -Tags "Get" -Name "Get-DrsVMToVMRule" {
    It "Gets a DRS VM-To-VM Rule from related VM" {
        $oSomeRule = Get-DrsVMToVMRule -ReturnRaw | Select-Object -First 1
        $morefVMInRule = $oSomeRule.Vm | Select-Object -Last 1

        $bGetsRuleByRelatedVM = (Get-VM -Id $morefVMInRule | Get-DrsVMToVMRule).Name -contains $oSomeRule.Name

        ## gets only the desired object type should be $true
        $bGetsRuleByRelatedVM | Should Be $true

Describe -Tags "Get" -Name "Get-DrsVMToVMHostRule" {
    It "Gets a DRS VM-To-VMHost Rule from related VM" {
        ## get a DRS VM-to-VMHost rule where the associated DRS VMGroup has one or more VMs in it
        $oSomeRule = Get-DrsVMToVMHostRule | Where-Object {(Get-DrsVMGroup -Name $_.VmGroupName -Cluster $_.Cluster -ReturnRaw).Vm.Count -gt 0} | Select-Object -First 1
        $morefVMInRule = (Get-DrsVMGroup -Name $oSomeRule.VmGroupName -Cluster $oSomeRule.Cluster -ReturnRaw).Vm | Select-Object -Last 1

        $bGetsRuleByRelatedVM = (Get-VM -Id $morefVMInRule | Get-DrsVMToVMHostRule).Name -contains $oSomeRule.Name

        ## gets only the desired object type should be $true
        $bGetsRuleByRelatedVM | Should Be $true

    It "Gets a DRS VM-To-VMHost Rule from related VMHost" {
        ## get a DRS VM-to-VMHost rule where the associated DRS VMHostGroup has one or more VMHosts in it
        $oSomeRule = Get-DrsVMToVMHostRule | Where-Object {(Get-DrsVMHostGroup -Name ($_.AffineHostGroupName,$_.AntiAffineHostGroupName | Where-Object {-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}) -Cluster $_.Cluster -ReturnRaw).Host.Count -gt 0} | Select-Object -First 1
        $morefVMHostInRule = (Get-DrsVMHostGroup -Name ($oSomeRule.AffineHostGroupName,$oSomeRule.AntiAffineHostGroupName | Where-Object {-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}) -Cluster $oSomeRule.Cluster -ReturnRaw).Host | Select-Object -Last 1

        $bGetsRuleByRelatedVMHost = (Get-VMHost -Id $morefVMHostInRule | Get-DrsVMToVMHostRule).Name -contains $oSomeRule.Name

        ## gets only the desired object type should be $true
        $bGetsRuleByRelatedVMHost | Should Be $true