
function ConvertTo-DSCObject
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 1)]

    #region Variables
    $ParsedResults = @()

    # Define components we wish to filter out
    $noisyTypes = @("NewLine", "StatementSeparator", "Command", "CommandArgument", "CommandParameter", "Comment")
    $noisyParts = @("in", "if", "node", "localconfigurationmanager", "for", "foreach", "when", "configuration", "Where", "_")
    $noisyOperators = (".",",", "")
    # Tokenize the file's content to break it down into its various components;
    $parsedData = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize((Get-Content $Path), [ref]$null)

    [array]$componentsArray = @()
    $currentValues = @()
    $nodeKeyWordEncountered = $false
    $ObjectsToClose = 0
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $parsedData.Count; $i++)
        if ($nodeKeyWordEncountered)
            if ($parsedData[$i].Type -eq "GroupStart" -or $parsedData[$i].Content -eq '{')
            elseif (($parsedData[$i].Type -eq "GroupEnd" -or $parsedData[$i].Content -eq '}') -and $ObjectsToClose -gt 0)

            if ($parsedData[$i].Type -notin $noisyTypes -and $parsedData[$i].Content -notin $noisyParts)
                $currentValues += $parsedData[$i]
                if($parsedData[$i].Type -eq "GroupEnd" -and $parsedData[$i].Content -eq '}' -and $ObjectsToClose -eq 0)
                    $componentsArray += ,$currentValues
                    $currentValues = @()
                    $ObjectsToClose = 0
            elseif (($parsedData[$i].Type -eq "GroupEnd" -and $parsedData[$i-2].Content -ne 'parameter' -and $parsedData[$i].Content -ne '}') -or 
                ($parsedData[$i].Type -eq "GroupStart" -and $parsedData[$i-1].Content -ne 'parameter' -and $parsedData[$i].Content -ne '{'))
                $currentValues += $parsedData[$i]
        elseif ($parsedData[$i].Content -eq 'node')
            $nodeKeyWordEncountered = $true
            $newIndexPosition = $i+1
            while ($parsedData[$newIndexPosition].Type -ne 'Keyword')
                $newIndexPosition = $i+1

    $ParsedResults = Get-HashtableFromGroup -Groups $componentsArray
    return $ParsedResults

function Get-HashtableFromGroup
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $IsSubGroup = $false

    # Loop through all the Resources identified within our configuration
    $currentIndex = 1
    $result = @()
    $ParsedResults = @()
    foreach ($group in $Groups)
        $keywordFound = $false
        if (-not $IsSubGroup -and $currentIndex -le $Groups.Count-2)
            Write-Progress -PercentComplete ($currentIndex / ($Groups.Count-2) * 100) -Activity "Parsing $($resource.Content) [$($currentIndex)/$($Groups.Count-2)]"
        $currentPropertyIndex = 0
        $currentProperty = ''
        while ($currentPropertyIndex -lt $group.Count)
            $component = $group[$currentPropertyIndex]
            if ($component.Type -eq "Keyword" -and -not $keywordFound)
                $result = @{ ResourceName = $component.Content }
                $keywordFound = $true
            elseif ($keywordFound)
                # If the next component is a keyword and we've already identified a keyword for this group, that means that we are
                # looking at a CIMInstance property;
                if ($component.Type -eq "Keyword")
                    $currentGroupEndFound = $false
                    $currentPosition = $currentPropertyIndex + 1
                    $subGroup = @($component)
                    $ObjectsToClose = 0
                    $allSubGroups = @()
                    [Array]$subResult = @()
                    while (!$currentGroupEndFound)
                        $currentSubComponent = $group[$currentPosition]
                        if ($currentSubComponent.Type -eq 'GroupStart' -or $currentSubComponent.Content -eq '{')
                        elseif ($currentSubComponent.Type -eq 'GroupEnd' -or $currentSubComponent.Content -eq '}')

                        $subGroup += $group[$currentPosition]
                        if ($ObjectsToClose -eq 0 -and $group[$currentPosition+1].Type -ne 'Keyword' -and `
                            $group[$currentPosition].Type -ne 'Keyword')
                            $currentGroupEndFound = $true
                        if ($ObjectsToClose -eq 0 -and $group[$currentPosition].Type -ne 'Keyword')
                            $allSubGroups += ,$subGroup
                            $subGroup = @()
                    $currentPropertyIndex = $currentPosition
                    $subResult = Get-HashtableFromGroup -Groups $allSubGroups -IsSubGroup $true
                    $allSubGroups = @()
                    $subGroup = @()
                    $result.$currentProperty = $subResult
                # If the next component is not an operator, that means that the current member is part of the previous property's
                # value;
                elseif ($group[$currentPropertyIndex + 1].Type -ne "Operator" -and $component.Content -ne "=" -and `
                        $component.Content -ne '{' -and $component.Content -ne '}' -and $group[$currentPropertyIndex + 1].Type -ne 'Keyword')
                    switch ($component.Type)
                        {$_ -in @("String","Number")} {
                            $result.$currentProperty += $component.Content
                        {$_ -in @("Variable")} {
                            $result.$currentProperty += "`$" + $component.Content
                        {$_ -in @("Member")} {
                            $result.$currentProperty += "." + $component.Content
                        {$_ -in @("GroupStart")} {
                            $result.$currentProperty += "@("

                                if ($group[$currentPropertyIndex].Content -notin @("@(", ")"))
                                    $result.$currentProperty += "`"" + $group[$currentPropertyIndex].Content + "`",`""
                            while ($group[$currentPropertyIndex].Type -ne 'GroupEnd')

                            if (($result.$currentProperty).EndsWith(","))
                                $result.$currentProperty = ($result.$CurrentProperty).Substring(0, ($result.$CurrentProperty).Length -1) + ")"
                                $result.$currentProperty += ')'
                elseif ($component.Content -notin $noisyOperators)
                    switch ($component.Type)
                        "Member" {
                            $currentProperty = $component.Content.ToString()

                                $result.Add($currentProperty, $null)

            $ParsedResults += $result
    return $ParsedResults