
function Update-DSCResultWithMetadata
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    # Find the location of the Node token. This is to ensure
    # we only look at comments that come after.
    $i = 0
    } while (($tokens[$i].Kind -ne 'DynamicKeyword' -and $tokens[$i].Extent -ne 'Node') -and $i -le $tokens.Length)
    $tokenPositionOfNode = $i

    for ($i = $tokenPositionOfNode; $i -le $tokens.Length; $i++)
        $percent = ($i / ($tokens.Length - $tokenPositionOfNode) * 100)
        Write-Progress -Status "Processing $percent%" `
                       -Activity "Parsing Comments" `
                       -PercentComplete $percent
        if ($tokens[$i].Kind -eq 'Comment')
            # Found a comment. Backtrack to find what resource it is part of.
            $stepback = 1
            } while ($tokens[$i-$stepback].Kind -ne 'DynamicKeyword')

            $commentResourceType         = $tokens[$i-$stepback].Text
            $commentResourceInstanceName = $tokens[$i-$stepback + 1].Value

            # Backtrack to find what property it is associated with.
            $stepback = 1
            } while ($tokens[$i-$stepback].Kind -ne 'Identifier')
            $commentAssociatedProperty = $tokens[$i-$stepback].Text

            # Loop through all instances in the ParsedObject to retrieve
            # the one associated with the comment.
            for ($j = 0; $j -le $ParsedObject.Length; $j++)
                if ($ParsedObject[$j].ResourceName -eq $commentResourceType -and `
                    $ParsedObject[$j].ResourceInstanceName -eq $commentResourceInstanceName -and `
                    $ParsedObject[$j].Add("_metadata_$commentAssociatedProperty", $tokens[$i].Text)
    Write-Progress -Completed `
                   -Activity "Parsing Comments"
    return $ParsedObject

function ConvertFrom-CIMInstanceToHashtable
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    # Case we have an array of CIMInstances
    if ($ChildObject.GetType().Name -eq 'PipelineAst')
        $result = @()
        $statements = $ChildObject.PipelineElements.Expression.SubExpression.Statements
        foreach ($statement in $statements)
            $result += ConvertFrom-CIMInstanceToHashtable -ChildObject $statement
        $result = @{}
        $KeyPairs = $ChildObject.CommandElements[2].KeyValuePairs
        $CIMInstanceName = $ChildObject.CommandElements[0].Value
        $result.Add("CIMInstance", $CIMInstanceName)
        foreach ($entry in $keyPairs)
            if ($null -ne $entry.Item2.PipelineElements)
                $staticType = $entry.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.StaticType.ToString()
                $subExpression = $entry.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.SubExpression

                if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($subExpression))
                    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($entry.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.Value))
                        $subExpression = $entry.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.ToString()
                        $subExpression = $entry.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.Value
            elseif ($null -ne $entry.Item2.CommandElements)
                $staticType    = $entry.Item2.CommandElements[2].StaticType.ToString()
                $subExpression = $entry.Item2.CommandElements[0].Value

            # Case where the item is an array of Sub-CIMInstances.
            if ($staticType -eq 'System.Object[]' -and `
                $subResult = @()
                foreach ($subItem in $subExpression)
                    $subResult += ConvertFrom-CIMInstanceToHashtable -ChildObject $subItem.Statements
                $result.Add($entry.Item1.ToString(), $subResult)
            # Case the item is a single CIMInstance.
            elseif ($staticType -eq 'System.Collections.Hashtable' -and `
                $subResult = ConvertFrom-CIMInstanceToHashtable -ChildObject $entry.Item2
                $result.Add($entry.Item1.ToString(), $subResult)
                $result.Add($entry.Item1.ToString(), $subExpression)

    return $result

function ConvertTo-DSCObject
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ParameterSetName = 'Path')]
                if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) {
                    throw "File or folder does not exist"
                if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ) {
                    throw "The Path argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed."
                return $true

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ParameterSetName = 'Content')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Content')]
        $IncludeComments = $false
    $result = @()
    $Tokens      = $null
    $ParseErrors = $null

    # Retrieve information about the resources in the Microsoft365DSC
    # Module for schema and property type validation.
    $DSCResources = Get-DSCResource -Module 'Microsoft365DSC'

    # Use the AST to parse the DSC configuration
    if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path))
        $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile((Resolve-Path $Path), [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$ParseErrors)
        $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Content, [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$ParseErrors)
    # Look up the Configuration definition ("")
    $Config = $AST.Find({$Args[0].GetType().Name -eq 'ConfigurationDefinitionAst'}, $False)

    # Drill down
    # Body.ScriptBlock is the part after "Configuration <InstanceName> {"
    # EndBlock is the actual code within that Configuration block
    # Find the first DynamicKeywordStatement that has a word "Node" in it, find all "NamedBlockAst" elements, these are the DSC resource definitions
    $resourceInstances = $Config.Body.ScriptBlock.EndBlock.Statements.Find({$Args[0].GetType().Name -eq 'DynamicKeywordStatementAst' -and $Args[0].CommandElements[0].StringConstantType -eq 'BareWord' -and $Args[0].CommandElements[0].Value -eq 'Node'}, $False).commandElements[2].ScriptBlock.Find({$Args[0].GetType().Name -eq 'NamedBlockAst'}, $False).Statements

    # Get the name of the configuration.
    $configurationName = $Config.InstanceName.Value

    $totalCount = 1
    foreach ($resource in $resourceInstances)
        $currentResourceInfo = @{}

        # CommandElements
        # 0 - Resource Type
        # 1 - Resource Instance Name
        # 2 - Key/Pair Value list of parameters.
        $resourceType         = $resource.CommandElements[0].Value
        $resourceInstanceName = $resource.CommandElements[1].Value

        $percent = ($totalCount / ($resourceInstances.Count) * 100)
        Write-Progress -Status "[$totalCount/$($resourceInstances.Count)] $resourceType - $resourceInstanceName" `
                       -PercentComplete $percent `
                       -Activity "Parsing Resources"
        $currentResourceInfo.Add("ResourceName", $resourceType)
        $currentResourceInfo.Add("ResourceInstanceName", $resourceInstanceName)

        # Get a reference to the current resource.
        $currentResource = $DSCResources | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $resourceType}

        # Loop through all the key/pair value
        foreach ($keyValuePair in $resource.CommandElements[2].KeyValuePairs)
            $isVariable = $false
            $key        = $keyValuePair.Item1.Value

            if ($null -ne $keyValuePair.Item2.PipelineElements)
                if ($null -eq $keyValuePair.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.Value)
                    $value = $keyValuePair.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.ToString()

                    if ($value.StartsWith('$'))
                        $isVariable = $true
                    $value = $keyValuePair.Item2.PipelineElements.Expression.Value

            # Retrieve the current property's type based on the resource's schema.
            $currentPropertyInResourceSchema = $currentResource.Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $key }
            $valueType = $currentPropertyInResourceSchema.PropertyType

            # If the value type is null, then the parameter doesn't exist
            # in the resource's schema and we throw a warning
            $propertyFound = $true
            if ($null -eq $valueType)
                $propertyFound = $false
                Write-Warning "Defined property {$key} was not found in resource {$resourceType}"

            if ($propertyFound)
                # If the current property is not a CIMInstance
                if (-not $valueType.StartsWith('[MSFT_') -and `
                    $valueType -ne '[string]' -and `
                    $valueType -ne '[string[]]')
                    # Try to parse the value based on the retrieved type.
                    $scriptBlock = @"
                                    `$typeStaticMethods = $valueType | gm -static
                                    if (`$typeStaticMethods.Name.Contains('TryParse'))
                                        $valueType::TryParse(`$value, [ref]`$value) | Out-Null

                    Invoke-Expression -Command $scriptBlock | Out-Null
                elseif ($valueType -eq '[String]' -or $isVariable -or $valueType -eq '[string[]]')
                    $value = $value
                    $value = ConvertFrom-CIMInstanceToHashtable -ChildObject $keyValuePair.Item2
                $currentResourceInfo.Add($key, $value) | Out-Null
        $result += $currentResourceInfo
    Write-Progress -Completed `
                   -Activity "Parsing Resources"

    if ($IncludeComments)
        $result = Update-DSCResultWithMetadata -Tokens $Tokens `
                                               -ParsedObject $result

    return [Array]$result

function ConvertFrom-DSCObject

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $ChildLevel = 0

    $results = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New()
    $ParametersToSkip = @('ResourceInstanceName', 'ResourceName', 'CIMInstance')
    $childSpacer = ""
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ChildLevel; $i++)
        $childSpacer += " "
    foreach ($entry in $DSCResources)
        $longuestParameter = [int]($entry.Keys | Measure-Object -Maximum -Property Length).Maximum

        if ($entry.'CIMInstance')
            [void]$results.AppendLine($childSpacer + $entry.CIMInstance)
            [void]$results.AppendLine($childSpacer + $entry.ResourceName + " `"$($entry.ResourceInstanceName)`"")

        foreach ($property in $entry.Keys)
            if ($property -notin $ParametersToSkip)
                $additionalSpaces = " "
                for ($i = $property.Length; $i -lt $longuestParameter; $i++)
                    $additionalSpaces += " "

                if ($property -eq 'Credential')
                    [void]$results.AppendLine("$childSpacer $property$additionalSpaces= $($entry.$property)")
                            [void]$results.AppendLine("$childSpacer $property$additionalSpaces= `"$($entry.$property.Replace('"', '`"'))`"")
                            [void]$results.AppendLine("$childSpacer $property$additionalSpaces= $($entry.$property)")
                            [void]$results.AppendLine("$childSpacer $property$additionalSpaces= `$$($entry.$property)")
                            if ($entry.$property.Length -gt 0)
                                $objectToTest = $entry.$property
                                if ($null -ne $objectToTest -and $objectToTest.Keys.Length -gt 0)
                                    if ($objectToTest.'CIMInstance')
                                        $subResult = ConvertFrom-DSCObject -DSCResources $entry.$property -ChildLevel ($ChildLevel + 2)
                                        [void]$results.AppendLine("$childSpacer $property$additionalSpaces= @(")
                                        [void]$results.AppendLine("$childSpacer )")
                                            [void]$results.Append("$childSpacer $property$additionalSpaces= @(")
                                            $tempArrayContent = ""
                                            foreach ($item in $entry.$property)
                                                $tempArrayContent += "`"$($item.Replace('"', '`"'))`","
                                            $tempArrayContent = $tempArrayContent.Remove($tempArrayContent.Length-1, 1)
                                            [void]$results.Append($tempArrayContent + ")`r`n")
                                            [void]$results.Append("$childSpacer $property$additionalSpaces= @(")
                                            $tempArrayContent = ""
                                            foreach ($item in $entry.$property)
                                                $tempArrayContent += "$item,"
                                            $tempArrayContent = $tempArrayContent.Remove($tempArrayContent.Length-1, 1)
                                            [void]$results.Append($tempArrayContent + ")`r`n")

    return $results.ToString()