
function GET_SwitchShowInfo {
        Get switch and port status.
        Use this command to display switch, blade, and port status information. Output may vary depending on the switch model.
        Need infos to be added
        Brocade® Fabric OS® Command Reference Manual, 9.2.x
        GET_BasicSwitchInfos -FOS_MainInformation $yourvarobject

    param (
    begin {

        Write-Debug -Message "Start Func GET_SwitchShowInfo |$(Get-Date)`n "

        <#----- Array for information of the switchports ----#>
        <#----- Array for information of the used switchports ----#>
        $FOS_usedPorts =@()

        $FOS_InfoCount = $FOS_MainInformation.count
        Write-Debug -Message "Number of Lines: $FOS_InfoCount "
        0..$FOS_InfoCount |ForEach-Object {
            # Pull only the effective ZoneCFG back into ZoneList
            if($FOS_MainInformation[$_] -match '^Index'){
                if($FOS_MainInformation[$_] -match '^\s+frames'){break}
                $FOS_SWShowTemp = $FOS_MainInformation |Select-Object -Skip $_
                $FOS_SwShowArry_temp = $FOS_SWShowTemp |Select-Object -Skip 2   
    process {

        Write-Debug -Message "Process Func GET_SwitchShowInfo |$(Get-Date)`n "

        foreach($FOS_linebyLine in $FOS_SwShowArry_temp){

            <# Only collect data up to the next section, marked by frames #>
            if($FOS_linebyLine -match '^\s+frames'){break}
            # Build the Portsection of switchshow
            if($FOS_linebyLine -match '^\s+\d+'){   # (\d+\.\d\w|\d+)
                $FOS_SWsh = "" | Select-Object Index,Port,Address,Media,Speed,State,Proto,PortConnect
                <# Port index is a number between 0 and the maximum number of supported ports on the platform. The port index identifies the port number relative to the switch. #>
                $FOS_SWsh.Index = ($FOS_linebyLine |Select-String -Pattern '^\s+(\d+)' -AllMatches).Matches.Groups.Value[1]
                <# Port number; 0-15, 0-31, or 0-63. #>
                $FOS_SWsh.Port = ($FOS_linebyLine |Select-String -Pattern '^\s+\d+\s+(\d+)' -AllMatches).Matches.Groups.Value[1]
                <# The 24-bit Address Identifier. #>
                $FOS_SWsh.Address = ($FOS_linebyLine |Select-String -Pattern '(\d+[a-z]+\d+|\d+)' -AllMatches).Matches.Value[3]
                <# Media types means module types #>
                $FOS_SWsh.Media = ($FOS_linebyLine |Select-String -Pattern '\s+(id|--|cu)\s+' -AllMatches).Matches.Groups.Value[1]
                <# The speed of the port. #>
                $FOS_SWsh.Speed = ($FOS_linebyLine |Select-String -Pattern '\s+(id|--|cu)\s+(N\d+|\d+G|AN|UN)' -AllMatches).Matches.Groups.Value[2]
                <# Port state information #>
                $FOS_SWsh.State = ($FOS_linebyLine |Select-String -Pattern '(\w+_\w+|\w+)\s+(FC)' -AllMatches).Matches.Groups.Value[1]
                <# Protocol support by GbE port. #>
                $FOS_SWsh.Proto = ($FOS_linebyLine |Select-String -Pattern '(\w+_\w+|\w+)\s+(FC)' -AllMatches).Matches.Groups.Value[2]
                <# WWPN or other Infos #>
                $FOS_SWsh.PortConnect = $FOS_linebyLine.Substring(50).Trim() <# in some environments it may be necessary to switch from 50 to 48, especially when using the egde as default browser #>
                $FOS_SwBasicPortDetails += $FOS_SWsh

            # if the Portnumber is not empty and there is a SFP pluged in, push the Port in the FOS_usedPorts array
            if(($FOS_SWsh.Port -ne "") -and ($FOS_SWsh.Media -eq "id")){$FOS_usedPorts += $FOS_SWsh.Port}

    end {

        <# returns the hashtable for further processing, not mandatory but the safe way #>
        Write-Debug -Message "End Func GET_SwitchShowInfo |$(Get-Date)`n "

        Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date) return:`n $FOS_SwBasicPortDetails `n "
        Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date) return:`n $FOS_usedPorts `n "
        return $FOS_SwBasicPortDetails, $FOS_usedPorts