
# Line break for readability in AppVeyor console
Write-Host -Object ''

# Make sure we're using the Master branch and that it's not a pull request
# Environmental Variables Guide:
#Import-Module posh-git
Write-Host "Branch is $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH"

if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -ne 'master') {
  Write-Warning -Message "Skipping git publish for branch $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH"
elseif ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -gt 0) {
  Write-Warning -Message "Skipping version increment and publish for pull request #$env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER"
else {
  # git tag
  try {
    # Set up a path to the git.exe cmd, import posh-git to give us control over git, and then push changes to GitHub
    # Note that "update version" is included in the appveyor.yml file's "skip a build" regex to avoid a loop
    #$env:Path += ";$env:ProgramFiles\Git\cmd"
    #Import-Module posh-git -ErrorAction Stop
    #git checkout master
    #git add --all
    #git status
    #git commit -s -m "Update version to $Version"
    $tag = "$Version-{branch}"
    git tag "$tag"
    #git push origin $tag
    Write-Host "Origin tagged $tag"
    #Write-Host "$moduleName $Version published to GitHub." -ForegroundColor Cyan
  catch {
    # Sad panda; it broke
    Write-Warning "Publishing update $newVersion to GitHub failed."
    throw $_