
$FolderNameWorkspace = "Workspace"
$FolderNameClusters = "Clusters"
$FolderNameJobs = "Jobs"
$FolderNameSecurity = "Security"
$FolderNameSecrets = "Secrets"

$NameIDSeparator = "__"
$ExistingClusterNameTag = "existing_cluster_name"

$ExportFormatToFileTypeMapping = @{
    "SOURCE" = "_DYNAMIC_"
    "HTML" = ".html"
    "JUPYTER" = ".ipynb"
    "DBC" = ".dbc"

$LanguageToFileTypeMapping = @{
    "PYTHON" = ".py"
    "SQL" = ".sql"
    "SCALA" = ".scala"
    "R" = ".r"

$ClusterPropertiesToKeep = @(       

Function Export-DatabricksEnvironment
            Exports the selected items of the Databricks workspace to a local path from where it can be imported again to a different Databricks workspace using Import-DatabricksEnvironment.
            Exports the selected items of the Databricks workspace to a local path from where it can be imported again to a different Databricks workspace using Import-DatabricksEnvironment.
            .PARAMETER LocalPath
            The local path where the export should be stored.
            .PARAMETER Artifacts
            A list of objects that you want to export. The default is 'All' but you can also specify a list of artifacts like 'Clusters,Jobs,Secrets'
            .PARAMETER CleanLocalPath
            The switch that can be used to clean the lcoal path before exporting the new content.
            .PARAMETER WorkspaceRootPath
            The path of your workspace folder structure from which you want to start to recursivly export the files and folders in case you do not want to export all notebooks.
            .PARAMETER WorkspaceExportFormat
            The format in which the workspace items (=notebooks) should be exported. The default is 'DBC' which is also highly recommended if they are imported to another Databricks workspace again!
            Export-DatabricksEnvironment -LocalPath 'C:\MyExport\' -CleanLocalPath

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $LocalPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] [ValidateSet("All", "Workspace", "Clusters", "Jobs", "Security", "Secrets")] $Artifacts = @("All"),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $CleanLocalPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $WorkspaceRootPath = "/",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] [ValidateSet("SOURCE", "HTML", "JUPYTER", "DBC")] $WorkspaceExportFormat = "DBC",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $ExportJobClusters
    if($Artifacts -ne @("Workspace"))
        Write-Warning "This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and still UNDER DEVELOPMENT!"
    $LocalPath = $LocalPath.Trim("\")
    #region CleanLocalPath
    Write-Verbose "Checking if Folder '$LocalPath' exists ..."
    if((Test-Path $LocalPath) -and $CleanLocalPath)
        Write-Verbose "Local folder '$LocalPath' exists and -CleanLocalPath is specified - deleting folder..."
        Remove-Item -Path $LocalPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-Verbose "Creating local folder '$LocalPath' ..."
    $x = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalPath

    #region Export Workspace Items
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Workspace")
        $LocalWorkspacePath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameWorkspace"
        if(-not (Test-Path $LocalWorkspacePath))
            Write-Verbose "Creating local folder '$LocalWorkspacePath' ..."
            $x = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalWorkspacePath
        if($WorkspaceExportFormat -ne "SOURCE")
            $globalExtension = $ExportFormatToFileTypeMapping[$WorkspaceExportFormat]
        $rootFolders = Get-DatabricksWorkspaceItem -Path $WorkspaceRootPath -ChildItems
        foreach($rootFolder in $rootFolders)
            $objectType = $rootFolder.object_type
            $itemPath = $rootFolder.path
            if($objectType -eq "NOTEBOOK")
                Write-Information "NOTEBOOK found at $itemPath - Exporting item ..."
                $item = Get-DatabricksWorkspaceItem -Path $itemPath
                    $extension = $globalExtension
                    $extension = $LanguageToFileTypeMapping[$item.language]
                Export-DatabricksWorkspaceItem -LocalPath $($LocalWorkspacePath + $itemPath.Replace("/", "\") + $extension) -Path $itemPath -Format $WorkspaceExportFormat -CreateFolder
            elseif($objectType -eq "DIRECTORY")
                Write-Information "DIRECTORY found at $itemPath - Starting new iteration for WorkspaceItems only ..."
                $x = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $LocalWorkspacePath -ChildPath $itemPath)
                Export-DatabricksEnvironment -LocalPath $LocalPath -WorkspaceRootPath $itemPath -WorkspaceExportFormat $WorkspaceExportFormat -Artifacts Workspace
            elseif($objectType -eq "LIBRARY")
                Write-Warning "LIBRARY found at $itemPath - Exporting Libraries is currently not supported!"
                throw "Workspace item Object Type $objectType under path $itemPath is not supported!"
    #region Clusters
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Clusters")
        $LocalClustersPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameClusters"
        if(-not (Test-Path $LocalClustersPath))
            Write-Verbose "Creating local folder '$LocalClustersPath' ..."
            $x = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalClustersPath
        $clusters = Get-DatabricksCluster
        if(-not $ExportJobClusters)
            $clusters = $clusters | Where-Object { $_.cluster_source -ne "JOB" }
        foreach($cluster in $clusters)
            Write-Information "Exporting cluster $($cluster.cluster_name) (ID: $($cluster.cluster_id)) ..."
            $clusterObject = @{}
            foreach($clusterProperty in $ClusterPropertiesToKeep)
                    $clusterObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $clusterProperty -Value $$clusterProperty).Value
            $clusterObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $($LocalClustersPath + "\" + $cluster.cluster_name + $NameIDSeparator + $cluster.cluster_id + ".json")
    #region Jobs
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Jobs")
        $LocalJobsPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameJobs"
        if(-not (Test-Path $LocalJobsPath))
            Write-Verbose "Creating local folder '$LocalJobsPath' ..."
            $x = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalJobsPath
        $jobs = Get-DatabricksJob
        foreach($job in $jobs)
            Write-Information "Exporting job $($ (ID: $($job.job_id)) ..."
                # we need to add the name of the existing cluster so we can map it again to the right cluster in the new environment
                $jobCluster = Get-DatabricksCluster -ClusterID $job.settings.existing_cluster_id
                Add-Member -InputObject $job.settings -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ExistingClusterNameTag -Value $jobCluster.cluster_name
            $job.settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $($LocalJobsPath + "\" + $ + $NameIDSeparator + $job.job_id + ".json")
    #region Security
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Security")
        $LocalSecurityPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameSecurity"
        if(-not (Test-Path $LocalSecurityPath))
            Write-Verbose "Creating local folder '$LocalSecurityPath' ..."
            $x = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalSecurityPath
        $groups = Get-DatabricksGroup
        foreach($group in $groups)
            Write-Information "Exporting group $group ..."
            $members = Get-DatabricksGroupMember -GroupName $group
            $members | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $($LocalSecurityPath + "\" + $group + ".json")
    #region Secrets
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Secrets")
        Write-Warning "It is not possible to extract secret values via the Databricks REST API.`nThis export only exports the names of SecretScopes and their Secrets but not the values!"
        $LocalSecretsPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameSecrets"
        if(-not (Test-Path $LocalSecretsPath))
            Write-Verbose "Creating local folder '$LocalSecretsPath' ..."
            $x = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalSecretsPath
        $secretScopes = Get-DatabricksSecretScope
        foreach($secretScope in $secretScopes)
            Write-Information "Exporting secret scope $($ ..."
            $secrets = @()
            Get-DatabricksSecret -ScopeName $ | ForEach-Object { $secrets += $_ }
            $acls = Get-DatabricksSecretScopeACL -ScopeName $
            $managePrincipals = @()
            $acls | Where-Object { $_.permission -eq "MANAGE" } | ForEach-Object { $managePrincipals += $_ }
            $managePrincipals += '{"principal": "users", "permission": "MANAGE"}' | ConvertFrom-Json # add default principal
            $output = @{
                "scope" = $
                "backend_type" = $secretScope.backend_type
                "initial_manage_principal" = $managePrincipals[0].principal
                "secrets" = $secrets
                "acls" = $acls
            $output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $($LocalSecretsPath + "\" + $ + ".json")

Function Import-DatabricksEnvironment
            Imports Databricks content which was created using Export-DatabricksEnvironment from a local path into the Databricks service.
            Imports Databricks content which was created using Export-DatabricksEnvironment from a local path into the Databricks service.
            .PARAMETER LocalPath
            The local path where the export is located.
            .PARAMETER Artifacts
            A list of objects that you want to export. The default is 'All' but you can also specify a list of artifacts like 'Clusters,Jobs,Secrets'
            .PARAMETER OverwriteExistingWorkspaceItems
            A switch that can be used to overwrite existing workspace items (=notebooks) during the import..
            .PARAMETER UpdateExistingClusters
            A swicht that can be used to force an update of existing clusters. By default existing clusters will not be changed/updated!
            .PARAMETER UpdateExistingJobs
            A switch that can be used to force an update of existing Jobs. By default existing jobs will not be changed/updated!
            .PARAMETER PromptForMissingSecrets
            A switch that can be used to prompt the user when a secret is missing in the target and no new values have been specified within the export using the properties "new_string_value" or "new_bytes_value".
            .PARAMETER UpdateExistingSecrets
            A switch that can be used to force an update of an existing secret's value. The new secret is specified in the JSON by adding one of the following new properties: "new_strign_value" or "new_bytes_value".
            Export-DatabricksEnvironment -LocalPath 'C:\MyExport\' -CleanLocalPath

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetname = "AllArtifacts")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $LocalPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] [ValidateSet("All", "Workspace", "Clusters", "Jobs", "Security", "Secrets")] $Artifacts = @("All"),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $OverwriteExistingWorkspaceItems,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UpdateExistingClusters,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UpdateExistingJobs,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $PromptForMissingSecrets,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UpdateExistingSecrets

    if($Artifacts -ne @("Workspace"))
        Write-Warning "This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and still UNDER DEVELOPMENT!"
    $LocalPath = $LocalPath.Trim("\")
    #region Export Workspace Items
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Workspace")
        if($LocalPath -like "*\$FolderNameWorkspace*")
            $LocalWorkspacePath = $LocalPath    
            $LocalWorkspacePath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameWorkspace"
        $LocalWorkspaceImportRootPath = $LocalWorkspacePath.Substring(0, $LocalWorkspacePath.IndexOf("\$FolderNameWorkspace")) + "\$FolderNameWorkspace"
        Write-Information "Importing Workspace content from $LocalWorkspacePath ..."
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $LocalWorkspaceImportRootPath))
            Write-Warning "The export does not contain any Workspaces - step is skipped!"
            $workspaceItems = Get-ChildItem $LocalWorkspacePath
            foreach($workspaceItem in $workspaceItems)
                $dbPath = $workspaceItem.FullName.Replace($LocalWorkspaceImportRootPath, "").Replace("\", "/")

                if($workspaceItem -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
                    if($workspaceItem.BaseName -eq 'users')
                        Write-Warning "The folder '/users' is protected and cannot be created during imported!"
                        $x = Import-DatabricksEnvironment -LocalPath $workspaceItem.FullName -Artifacts Workspace -OverwriteExistingWorkspaceItems:$OverwriteExistingWorkspaceItems -UpdateExistingClusters:$UpdateExistingClusters -UpdateExistingJobs:$UpdateExistingJobs
                        Write-Information "Importing Workspace item $($workspaceItem.Name) ..."
                        $x = Add-DatabricksWorkspaceDirectory -Path $dbPath -ErrorAction Ignore
                        $x = Import-DatabricksEnvironment -LocalPath $workspaceItem.FullName -Artifacts Workspace -OverwriteExistingWorkspaceItems:$OverwriteExistingWorkspaceItems -UpdateExistingClusters:$UpdateExistingClusters -UpdateExistingJobs:$UpdateExistingJobs
                elseif($workspaceItem -is [System.IO.FileInfo])
                    $dbPathItem = $dbPath.Replace($workspaceItem.Extension, "")
                    $importParams = @{}
                    $language = $LanguageToFileTypeMapping.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value -ieq $workspaceItem.Extension }
                    if($language) { $importParams.Add("Language", $language.Key) }
                    $format = $ExportFormatToFileTypeMapping.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value -ieq $workspaceItem.Extension }
                    if($format) { $importParams.Add("Format", $format.Key) }
                    if((Get-DatabricksWorkspaceItem -Path $dbPathItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and $OverwriteExistingWorkspaceItems) 
                        Write-Verbose "Removing existing item $dbPathItem ..."
                        Remove-DatabricksWorkspaceItem -Path $dbPathItem -Recursive $false
                        #$importParams.Add("Overwrite", $true) # cannot be used with DBC
                    $importParams.Add("Path", $dbPathItem)
                    $importParams.Add("LocalPath", $workspaceItem.FullName)
                    $x = Import-DatabricksWorkspaceItem @importParams
    #region Clusters
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Clusters")
        $LocalClustersPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameClusters"
        Write-Information "Importing Clusters from $LocalClustersPath ..."
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $LocalClustersPath))
            Write-Warning "The export does not contain any Clusters - step is skipped!"
            $existingClusters = Get-DatabricksCluster
            $clusterDefinitions = Get-ChildItem $LocalClustersPath
            foreach($clusterDefinition in $clusterDefinitions)
                Write-Information "Reading Cluster from $($clusterDefinition.Name) ..."
                $clusterObject = Get-Content $clusterDefinition.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
                if($clusterObject.cluster_name -cnotin $existingClusters.cluster_name)
                    Write-Information " Adding new Cluster '$($clusterObject.cluster_name)' ..."
                    $x = Add-DatabricksCluster -ClusterObject $clusterObject
                        $x = Update-DatabricksCluster -ClusterObject $clusterObject
                        Write-Information " Cluster '$($clusterObject.cluster_name)' already exists. Use parameter -UpdateExistingClusters to udpate existing clusters!"
    #region Jobs
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Jobs")
        $LocalJobsPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameJobs"
        Write-Information "Importing Jobs from $LocalJobsPath ..."
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $LocalJobsPath))
            Write-Warning "The export does not contain any Jobs - step is skipped!"
            $existingJobs = Get-DatabricksJob
            $existingClusters = Get-DatabricksCluster
            $jobDefinitions = Get-ChildItem $LocalJobsPath
            foreach($jobDefinition in $jobDefinitions)
                Write-Information "Reading Job from $($jobDefinition.Name) ..."
                $jobSettings = Get-Content $jobDefinition.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
                if($ExistingClusterNameTag -in $jobSettings.psobject.Properties.Name)
                    $jobCluster = $existingClusters | Where-Object { $_.cluster_name -eq $jobSettings.psobject.Properties[$ExistingClusterNameTag].Value }
                    $jobSettings.existing_cluster_id = $jobCluster[0].cluster_id
                if($ -cnotin $
                    Write-Information " Adding new Job '$($' ..."
                    $x = Add-DatabricksJob -JobSettings $jobSettings
                        $x = Update-DatabricksJob -NewSettingsbject $jobSettings
                        Write-Information " Job '$($' already exists. Use parameter -UpdateExistingJobs to udpate existing jobs!"
    #region Security
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Security")
        $LocalSecurityPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameSecurity"
        Write-Information "Importing Security from $LocalSecurityPath ..."
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $LocalSecurityPath))
            Write-Warning "The export does not contain any Security-Information - step is skipped!"
            $groupDefinitions = Get-ChildItem $LocalSecurityPath
            Write-Information "Creating empty security groups ..."
            $groupDefinitions.BaseName | Where-Object { $_ -ne "admins" } | Add-DatabricksGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            foreach($groupDefinition in $groupDefinitions)
                Write-Information "Adding members to group $($groupDefinition.BaseName) ..."
                $groupMembers = Get-Content $groupDefinition.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
                $groupMembers | Add-DatabricksGroupMember -ParentGroupName $groupDefinition.BaseName
    #region Secrets
    if($Artifacts -contains "All" -or $Artifacts -ccontains "Secrets")
        $LocalSecretsPath = "$LocalPath\$FolderNameSecrets"
        Write-Information "Importing Secrets from $LocalSecretsPath ..."

        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $LocalSecretsPath))
            Write-Warning "The export does not contain any Secrets - step is skipped!"
            $secretScopeDefinitions = Get-ChildItem $LocalSecretsPath
            $existingScopes = Get-DatabricksSecretScope
            foreach($secretScopeDefinition in $secretScopeDefinitions)
                $secretScope = Get-Content $secretScopeDefinition.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
                Write-Information "Adding secret scope $($secretScope.scope) ..."
                if($secretScope.backend_type -eq 'DATABRICKS')
                    if($secretScope.scope -in $
                        Write-Information "Secret scope $($secretScope.scope) already exists!"
                        Add-DatabricksSecretScope -ScopeName $secretScope.scope -InitialManagePrincipal $secretScope.initial_manage_principal -ErrorAction Continue
                    $secretScope.acls | Add-DatabricksSecretScopeACL -ScopeName $secretScope.scope
                    $currentSecrets = Get-DatabricksSecret -ScopeName $secretScope.scope
                    foreach($secret in $secretScope.secrets)
                        $isMissingInTarget = $secret.key -cnotin $currentSecrets.key
                        $newValueProvided = -not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($secret.new_string_value) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($secret.new_bytes_value))
                                Write-Information "A new Secret '$($secret.key)' is added"
                                $secret | Add-DatabricksSecret -ScopeName $secretScope.scope
                                    Write-Host "Please enter a value for secret '$($secret.key)': "
                                    $newSecretValue = Read-Host -Prompt "$($secret.key)"
                                    Add-DatabricksSecret -ScopeName $secretScope.scope -SecretName $secret.key -StringValue $newSecretValue
                                    Write-Warning "The secret '$($secret.key)' of scope $($secretScope.scope) is missing in the target - please add it manually or use parameter -PromptForMissingSecrets"
                                    Write-Information "Secret '$($secret.key)' is updated uing the provided value in the JSON file."
                                    $secret | Add-DatabricksSecret -ScopeName $secretScope.scope
                                    Write-Information "Secret '$($secret.key)' already exists. Use -UpdateExistingSecrets to update its value with the one specified in the JSON."
                                Write-Information "Secret '$($secret.key)' already exists and no update was requested."
                    Write-Warning "Currently only secret scopes stored in Databricks are supported!`nSkipping secret scope $($secretScopeDefinition.Name) ..."