
    A PowerShell module that connects to the Datto DBPool API.
    This module contains functions that can used in PowerShell to perform the following operations for the Datto Internal DBPool v2 API:
    parent-controller : Operations on Parent Containers
    container-controller : Operations on your database containers
    user-controller : Operations on users
    Check https://dbpool.datto.net/api/docs/ to see full list of operations.
    Copyright (c) Kent Sapp. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
    See https://github.com/cksapp/DattoDBPool_Module/blob/main/LICENSE for license information.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    Provide the Datto DBPool API URL
    .PARAMETER apiKey
    Provide your API Key

# Root Module Parameters
        Position = 0, 

        Position = 1, 

# Functions Directory Path
$functionsPath = Join-Path -path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "functions" -AdditionalChildPath "*.ps1"

# Import functions
$Functions = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $functionsPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) 
foreach ($Import in @($Functions)){
    . $Import.fullname
    throw "Could not import function $($Import.fullname): $_"

# Set API parameters
If ($apiUrl -and $apiKey) {
    Set-DdbpApiParameters -Url $apiUrl -apiKey $apiKey