
    A PowerShell module that connects to the Datto RMM API.

    This module contains all the Datto RMM v2 REST API controllers that can used in PowerShell to perform the followiing operations:
    account-controller : Operations on account
    alerts-controller : Operations on alerts
    audit-controller : Operations on audit data
    device-controller : Operations on devices
    job-controller : Operations on jobs
    sites-controller : Operations on sites
    system-controller : AEM API System operations
    user-controller : Operations on users
    See https://merlot-api.centrastage.net/api/swagger-ui.html#/ to see full list of operations.
    Copyright (c) Datto. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
    See https://github.com/aaronengels/DattoRMM/blob/master/LICENSE.md for license information.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    Provide your Datto RMM platform URL
    .PARAMETER apiKey
    Provide your API Key
    .PARAMETER apiSecretKey
    Provide your API Secret Key

# Root Module Parameters
  [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$False)]
  [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory=$False)]

  [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory=$False)]

# Import functions
$Functions = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\functions\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) 
foreach ($Import in @($Functions)){
    . $Import.fullname
    throw "Could not import function $($Import.fullname): $_"

# Set API parameters
If ($apiUrl -and $apiKey -and $apiSecretKey) {
    Set-DrmmApiParameters -Url $apiUrl -Key $apiKey -SecretKey $apiSecretKey