
function Set-DrmmSite {

    Updates a new site in the authenticated user's account.

    .PARAMETER SiteUid
    Provide site uid which will be used to update proxy settings.

    .PARAMETER SiteName
    Provide sitename.

    .PRAMETER SiteDescription
    Provide site description.

    .PARAMETER SiteNotes
    Provide site notes.
    .PARAMETER OnDemand
    Will mark site as a on demand site

    .PARAMETER SplashtopAutoInstall
    Will switch on autoinstall spashtop.


    # Function Parameters
    Param (







    # Declare Variables
    $apiMethod = 'POST'
    $updateSiteRequest = @{}

    # Create update site request
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('siteDescription')) {$updateSiteRequest.Add('description',$siteDescription)}
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('siteNotes')) {$updateSiteRequest.Add('notes',$siteNotes)}
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('onDemand')) {$updateSiteRequest.Add('onDemand',$onDemand)}
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('splashtopAutoInstall')) {$updateSiteRequest.Add('splashtopAutoInstall',$True)}

    # Convert to JSON
    $Body = $updateSiteRequest | ConvertTo-Json

    # Create Site and return results
    return New-ApiRequest -apiMethod $apiMethod -apiRequest "/v2/site/$siteUid" -apiRequestBody $Body | ConvertFrom-Json
