
Function Deploy-DellBiosDriver {



        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Override')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='SupressandReboot')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName='SupressandReboot')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='SupressandReboot')]




        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Syntax')]




# Functions for all requests

Function Urls {
    $global:Headers = @{
        "accept"="application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
    $global:Region = "&country=us&language=en&region=us"
    $global:SeriesURL = ""

# Urls

Function Request {


    $global:modelResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $global:ModelsURL -Headers $global:headers -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'


Function Category {
    $global:SeriesRegionURL = $global:SeriesURL + $global:ModelCategory + $global:Region 

Function SeriesResponse{
    $global:seriesResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $global:SeriesRegionURL -Headers $global:headers -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

Function ModelUrl{
    $global:ModelsURL = $global:SeriesURL + $global:ModelCategory +'/' + "$_" + $global:Region

Function CaptureArray{
    $global:ValueAfter = ($global:valueBefore) -replace ('-', ' ')
    $global:ModelArray += $global:ValueAfter

Function GetDriver{
        $global:matchedModel = $global:ModelArray | ?{$_ -match (Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").Model}
        $global:ModelHyphen = ($global:matchedModel).replace(" ","-")
        $global:ModelUpper = $global:ModelHyphen.ToUpper()
        $global:DellDriverURL = ''+ $global:ModelHyphen #+'&oscode=WT64A'
        $global:DriverFile = ((Invoke-RestMethod $global:DellDriverURL -Headers $global:headers -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue').DriverListData | ?{$_.CatName -match "BIOS"}) | Sort-Object ReleaseDateValue -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Select DriverName, DellVer, @{Name='DriverFile'; Expression = {$_.FileFrmtInfo.HttpFileLocation}}, @{Name='FileName'; Expression = {$_.FileFrmtInfo.FileName}}


Function DownloadPath {

    if($null -ne $FolderPath){

        if(!(Test-path $FolderPath)){
            New-Item $FolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
      $global:DownPath = "$($FolderPath)\$($global:ModelUpper)-BIOS-$($global:driverver).exe"  

      $global:DownPath = "$Env:Temp\$($global:ModelUpper)-BIOS-$($global:driverver).exe"



Function Download {

    $uri = New-Object "System.Uri" "$($global:DriverFile.DriverFile)"

    $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($uri)
    $request.set_Timeout(15000) #15 second timeout
    $response = $request.GetResponse()
    $totalLength = [System.Math]::Floor($response.get_ContentLength()/1024)
    $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
    $targetStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $($global:DownPath), Create
    $buffer = new-object byte[] 10KB
    $count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length)
    $downloadedBytes = $count

    while ($count -gt 0)
                                        $targetStream.Write($buffer, 0, $count)
                                        $count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length)
                                        $downloadedBytes = $downloadedBytes + $count
                                        Write-Progress -Id 1 -activity " Downloading file $newFile" -status " Downloaded ($([System.Math]::Floor($downloadedBytes/1024))K of $($totalLength)K): " -PercentComplete ((([System.Math]::Floor($downloadedBytes/1024)) / $totalLength)  * 100)





Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity " " -Completed


Function Warning{

Write-Warning "
Sorry, but we seem to be having trouble finding a driver for your $((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model)
If you have not tried using the [-IncludeLegacy] parameter, please do so. If you have and are still running into this error
Please try running { Deploy-DellBiosDriver -IncludeLegacy } to see if a match can be found. Otherwise, Your model may not
currently be supported.



Function SupressUI{
            $global:s = '/s'
            $global:s = $null


Function AutoReboot{
            $global:ar = '/r'
            $global:ar = $null


Function BiosPassword{

        if($null -ne $BiosPassword){
            $global:bp = "/p=$($BiosPassword)" 
            $global:bp = $null

Function LogFile{  
        if($null -ne $LogFile){
            $global:lf = "/l=$($LogFile)"
            $global:lf = $null

Function ErrorCorrection{
    $global:BiosCheckProc = (Start-Process "$global:DownPath" -argumentlist "/s","$global:bp","/l=$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" -PassThru).ID
    $global:BiosProcStart = 0

            While(!(Get-Process -ID $global:BiosCheckProc).HasExited -and $global:BiosProcStart -lt 15){
                If((Get-Process -ID $global:BiosCheckProc).HasExited){
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                    While(!(Get-Process -ID $global:BiosCheckProc).HasExited){
                    (Get-Process -ID $global:BiosCheckProc).CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null


Function DriverVersion{

    $global:driverver = (($global:DriverFile.DellVer) -split(',')).Trim() | Select -First 1


Function InstallProcess {

    $global:Answer = $null




                    $error1 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: Unsupported System ID Found.').Matches.Value
                    $error2 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: Invalid Password').Matches.Value
                    $error3 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: Unable to prepare the BIOS update payload').Matches.Value
                    $error4 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: New BIOS is the same as the current BIOS.').Matches.Value

            if($null -ne $error1){
                    return "$error1"
            elseif($null -ne $error2){
                return "$error2"
            elseif($null -ne $error3){
                return "$error3"
                    Remove-Item "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" -force
                    Start-Process $global:DownPath -argumentlist "/s","/r","$global:bp","$global:lf","/f"


        } #<-- End of 'True' ForceInstallWhenFound Switch Statement



Switch($global:DriverFile.DellVer -match (Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_BIOS").SMBIOSBIOSVersion){


Switch($ForceInstallSame){   #<-- Start of 'ForceInstallSame' Switch


    $global:Answer = 'y'

}   #<-- End of 'True' ForceInstallSame Switch


While("y","n" -notcontains $global:Answer){



$global:Answer = Read-Host "matches Bios version of driver installed.
Do you still want to download and install it, anyways? (y/n)"

}      #<-- End of Answer 'While' Statement

    } #<-- End of 'False' ForceInstallSame Switch

}   #<-- End of 'ForceInstallSame' Switch




                    $error1 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: Invalid Password').Matches.Value 
                    $error2 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: Unsupported System ID Found.').Matches.Value
            if($null -ne $error2){
                    return "$error2"
            elseif($null -ne $error1){
                return "$error1"
                Remove-Item "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" -force
                Start-Process "$global:DownPath" -argumentlist "$global:s","$global:ar","$global:bp","$global:lf","/f"

} #<-- End of 'y' in Switch Statement



} #<-- End of 'n' in Switch Statement

}   #<-- End of 'Answer' Switch Statement

                }  #<-- End of 'True' SMBIOSBIOSVersion Switch Statement


While("y","n" -notcontains $Answer){



$Answer = Read-Host "for your system and seems to be newer than the installed version.
Would you like to download and install it? (y/n)"

}   #<-- End of Answer 'While' Statement



                    $error1 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: Invalid Password').Matches.Value 
                    $error2 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'Error: Unsupported System ID Found.').Matches.Value
                    $error3 = (Get-Content "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" | Select-String -pattern 'New BIOS is the same as the current BIOS').Matches.Value
            if($null -ne $error2){
                    return "$error2"
            elseif($null -ne $error1){
                return "$error1"
            elseif($null -ne $error3){
                return "$error3"
            Remove-Item "$ENV:Temp\BiosLog-ErrorChecking.txt" -force
            Start-Process "$global:DownPath" -argumentlist "$global:s","$global:ar","$global:bp","$global:lf"




                } #<-- End of 'False' SMBIOSBIOSVersion Switch Statement

            } # End of SMBIOSVersion Switch

        } #<-- End of 'False' ForceInstallWhenFound Switch Statement

    } # End of ForceInstallWhenFound' Switch statement

} #End of 'InstallProcess' Function

    Deploy-DellBiosDriver [-FolderPath <Object>] [-BiosPassword <Object>] [-LogFile <Object>]
    Deploy-DellBiosDriver [-OverrideAndInstall] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-BiosPassword <Object>] [-LogFile <Object>]
    Deploy-DellBiosDriver [-SupressUI] [-AutoReboot] [-ForceInstallSame] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-BiosPassword <Object>] [-LogFile <Object>]
    Example: Deploy-DellBiosDriver -OverrideAndInstall -FolderPath "C:\SomePath" -BiosPassword "abc123" -LogFile "C:\SomePath\SomeLogFile.txt"
    -- If [-SupressUI] is selected, [-AutoReboot] is Mandatory due to .exe operation that powershell has no control over
    -- [-BiosPassword <Object>] & [-LogFile <Object>] are written in plain text strings within single quotes like such'
+" '"+'SomeStringhere'+"' "+'
    -- [-OverrideAndInstall] is used for overriding all options and finding the BIOS that matches the current system,
        checking for errors as well as possible, then forcing the install and reboot
    -- If using on the current system, you may opt to force the install, or choose optional parameters or default without parameters
       by just running Deploy-DellBiosDriver by itself which will grab the bios for the current system and run the GUI for manual mode


    If ((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model -match "Optiplex"){     #<-- If statement for 'system is an OptiPlex'
    $global:ModelArray = @()


    $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_desktop/esuprt_desktop_optiplex"


    ($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern 'esuprt_desktop_optiplex_.*?000' -AllMatches).Matches.Value | %{    #<-- Search Dell for all optiplex series lines

    $global:valueBefore = (($global:modelResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('optiplex-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","")


    $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_desktop/esuprt_desktop_optiplex/esuprt_desktop_optiplex_legacy"



    (($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('optiplex-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","") | %{
    $global:valueBefore = $_




    } # End of 'If' Statement for Optiplex

    If ((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model -match "Latitude"){     #<-- If statement for 'system is a Latitude'
    $global:ModelArray = @()


    $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_latitude"


    ($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern 'esuprt_laptop_latitude_.*?000' -AllMatches).Matches.Value | %{    #<-- Search Dell for all optiplex series lines

    $global:valueBefore = (($global:modelResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('latitude-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","")

        $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_latitude/esuprt_laptop_latitude_legacy"



        (($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('latitude-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","") | %{
        If ($_ -notmatch 'cport|cdock'){
            $global:valueBefore = $_





    } # End of 'If' Statement for Latitude

    If ((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model -match "XPS"){     #<-- If statement for 'system is an XPS'
    $global:ModelArray = @()


    $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_xps"


    ($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern 'esuprt_laptop_xps_\d.*?\d' -AllMatches).Matches.Value | %{    #<-- Search Dell for all optiplex series lines

    $global:valueBefore = (($global:modelResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('xps-.*?laptop')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","")

    $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_xps/esuprt_laptop_xps_legacy"



    (($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('xps-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","") | %{
        $global:valueBefore = $_





                    } # End of 'If' Statement for XPS

If((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model -notmatch 'Optiplex|Latitude|XPS'){



} # End of Function 'Install-DellBiosDriver'


Function Find-DellBiosDriver{


        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set0')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set1')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set0')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set2')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set0')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set3')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set0')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set4')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='List')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set0')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Set0')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Syntax')]





# Functions for all requests

Function Urls {
    $global:Headers = @{
        "accept"="application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
    $global:Region = "&country=us&language=en&region=us"
    $global:SeriesURL = ""

# Urls

Function Request {


    $global:modelResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $global:ModelsURL -Headers $global:headers -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'


Function Category {
    $global:SeriesRegionURL = $global:SeriesURL + $global:ModelCategory + $global:Region 

Function SeriesResponse{
    $global:seriesResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $global:SeriesRegionURL -Headers $global:headers -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

Function ModelUrl{
    $global:ModelsURL = $global:SeriesURL + $global:ModelCategory +'/' + "$_" + $global:Region

Function CaptureArray{
    $global:ValueAfter = ($global:valueBefore) -replace ('-', ' ')
    $global:ModelArray += $global:ValueAfter

Function GetDriver{
        $global:ModelHyphen = ($_) -replace (' ','-')
        $global:ModelUpper = $global:ModelHyphen.ToUpper()
        $global:DellDriverURL = ''+ $global:ModelHyphen #+'&oscode=WT64A'
        $global:DriverFile = ((Invoke-RestMethod $global:DellDriverURL -Headers $global:headers -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue').DriverListData | ?{$_.CatName -match "BIOS"}) | Sort-Object ReleaseDateValue -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Select DriverName, DellVer, @{Name='DriverFile'; Expression = {$_.FileFrmtInfo.HttpFileLocation}}, @{Name='FileName'; Expression = {$_.FileFrmtInfo.FileName}}


Function GetDriverMatched{
    $global:matchedModel = $global:ModelArray | ?{$_ -match (Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").Model}
    $global:ModelHyphen = ($global:matchedModel) -replace (' ','-')
    $global:ModelUpper = $global:ModelHyphen.ToUpper()
    $global:DellDriverURL = ''+ $global:ModelHyphen #+'&oscode=WT64A'
    $global:DriverFile = ((Invoke-RestMethod $global:DellDriverURL -Headers $global:headers -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue').DriverListData | ?{$_.CatName -match "BIOS"}) | Sort-Object ReleaseDateValue -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Select DriverName, DellVer, @{Name='DriverFile'; Expression = {$_.FileFrmtInfo.HttpFileLocation}}, @{Name='FileName'; Expression = {$_.FileFrmtInfo.FileName}}


Function DownloadPath {

    $DefaultPath = 'C:\Dell-BIOS-Downloads'

    if($null -ne $FolderPath){

        if(!(Test-path $FolderPath)){
            New-Item $FolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
      $global:DownPath = "$($FolderPath)\$($global:ModelUpper)-BIOS-$($global:driverver).exe"  
      $global:Path = $FolderPath
        if(!(Test-path $DefaultPath)){
            New-Item $DefaultPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
      $global:DownPath = "$DefaultPath\$($global:ModelUpper)-BIOS-$($global:driverver).exe"

      $global:Path = $DefaultPath


Function DriverVersion{

    $global:driverver = (($global:DriverFile.DellVer) -split(',')).Trim() | Select -First 1


Function Download {

    $uri = New-Object "System.Uri" "$($global:DriverFile.DriverFile)"

    $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($uri)
    $request.set_Timeout(15000) #15 second timeout
    $response = $request.GetResponse()
    $totalLength = [System.Math]::Floor($response.get_ContentLength()/1024)
    $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
    $targetStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $($global:DownPath), Create
    $buffer = new-object byte[] 10KB
    $count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length)
    $downloadedBytes = $count

    while ($count -gt 0)

    $targetStream.Write($buffer, 0, $count)

    $count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length)

    $downloadedBytes = $downloadedBytes + $count

    Write-Progress -Id 1 -activity " "  -Status " Downloading ($([System.Math]::Floor($downloadedBytes/1024))K of $($totalLength)K): "  -PercentComplete ((([System.Math]::Floor($downloadedBytes/1024)) / $totalLength)  * 100)






Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity " " -Completed


Function Optiplex{

    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing Optiplex Models..." -Status " "
    $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_desktop/esuprt_desktop_optiplex"
    ($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern 'esuprt_desktop_optiplex_.*?000' -AllMatches).Matches.Value | %{    #<-- Search Dell for all optiplex series lines
    $global:valueBefore = (($global:modelResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('optiplex-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","")

    $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_desktop/esuprt_desktop_optiplex/esuprt_desktop_optiplex_legacy"



    (($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('optiplex-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","") | %{
    $global:valueBefore = $_


    } #<-- End of 'Optiplex Function'

    Function Latitude{

        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing Latitude Models..." -Status " "
        $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_latitude"
        ($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern 'esuprt_laptop_latitude_.*?000' -AllMatches).Matches.Value | %{    #<-- Search Dell for all optiplex series lines
        $global:valueBefore = (($global:modelResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('latitude-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","")


        $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_latitude/esuprt_laptop_latitude_legacy"



        (($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('latitude-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","") | %{
        If ($_ -notmatch 'cport|cdock'){
            $global:valueBefore = $_


        }#<-- End of 'Latitude' Function

        Function XPS{
            Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing XPS Models..." -Status " "
            $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_xps"
            ($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern 'esuprt_laptop_xps_\d.*?\d' -AllMatches).Matches.Value | %{    #<-- Search Dell for all optiplex series lines
            $global:valueBefore = (($global:modelResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('xps-.*?laptop')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","")

            $global:ModelCategory = "esuprt_laptop/esuprt_laptop_xps/esuprt_laptop_xps_legacy"



            (($global:seriesResponse | Select-String -Pattern "('xps-.*?')" -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Select-Object -Unique) -replace ("'","") | %{
                $global:valueBefore = $_

            }#<-- End of 'XPS' Function

Function All{



    Find-DellBiosDriver [-GUI] [-Optiplex] [-Latitude] [-XPS] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-IncludeLegacy]
    Find-DellBiosDriver [-MatchComputer] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-IncludeLegacy]
    Find-DellBiosDriver [-GUI] [-XPS] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-IncludeLegacy]
    Find-DellBiosDriver [-GUI] [-Latitude] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-IncludeLegacy]
    Find-DellBiosDriver [-GUI] [-Optiplex] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-IncludeLegacy]
    Find-DellBiosDriver [-MatchComputer] [-FolderPath <Object>] [-IncludeLegacy]
    Find-DellBiosDriver [-Optiplex] [-Latitude] [-XPS] [-ListOnly] [-IncludeLegacy]
    Find-DellBiosDriver [-Syntax]
    Example: Find-DellBiosDriver -GUI -FolderPath "C:\DellBIOS" -IncludeLegacy
    -- [-GUI] is Optional to display GUI interface for selected options
    -- Currently supported Model Series (Optiplex, Latitude, XPS)
    -- If Model is not on list, add [-IncludeLegacy] as parameter to see if it may be a legacy model
    -- [-FolderPath <Object>] is written in plain text strings within single quotes like such'
+" '"+'C:\SomeFolderPath'+"' "+'
    -- If [-GUI] is not specified, you may choose the numbers in the list like such '
+"'"+'1,2,3'+"'"+' or '+"'"+'1 2 3'+"'"+' or '+"'"+'1..25'+"'"+'


            $global:ModelArray = $Null
            $global:ModelArray = @()


                Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed
                Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed
                Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed
            If(!$Optiplex -and !$Latitude -and !$XPS){
                Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed
            $NumberArray = @()

            $global:ModelArray | %{

                $number = "$($global:ModelArray.IndexOf($_)) - $($_)"
                $NumberArray += $number

            return $NumberArray




                    If ((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model -match "Optiplex"){


                    If ((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model -match "Latitude"){
                    If ((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model -match "XPS"){
                        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " Downloading > $(($global:matchedModel).ToUpper()) BIOS" -Status " "
                        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " Downloading > $(($global:matchedModel).ToUpper()) BIOS" -Completed

                        return "
                        Driver has been downloaded to:


Return Write-Warning "
Sorry, but we seem to be having trouble finding a driver for your $((Get-CimInstance -Classname "Win32_ComputerSystem").model)
If you have not tried using the [-IncludeLegacy] parameter, please do so. If you have and are still running into this error
Please try running { Find-DellBiosDriver -IncludeLegacy -ListOnly } to see if a match can be found.


                        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed
                        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed
                        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed
                    If(!$Optiplex -and !$Latitude -and !$XPS){
                        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Processing" -Completed



Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

$form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form

$label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$label.Top = 10
$label.Left = 85
$label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,20)
$label.Text = 'Please select a model:'

$okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$okButton.Top = $($label.Bottom + 20)
$okButton.Left = 65
$okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$okButton.Text = 'OK'
$okButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
$form.AcceptButton = $okButton

$cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$cancelButton.Top = $($label.Bottom + 20)
$cancelButton.Left = $($okButton.Right + 20)
$cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$cancelButton.Text = 'Cancel'
$cancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::CANCEL
$form.CancelButton = $cancelButton

$listBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
$listbox.ItemHeight = 20
$listBox.SelectionMode = 'MultiExtended'
$listBox.Top = $($okButton.Bottom + 20)
$listBox.Left = 3
$listBox.Width = 300
$listBox.Height = 500

$global:ModelArray | %{

    [void] $listBox.Items.Add("$_")


$form.AutoSize = 'True'
$form.Text = 'Select a Computer'
$form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'

$form.Topmost = $true

$result = $form.ShowDialog()

if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK)
    $global:X = $null
    $global:X = $listBox.SelectedItems

    $global:X | %{
        Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " Downloading $($global:X.Indexof($_)+1) of $($global:X.Count) > $(($_).ToUpper()) BIOS" -Status " "

            Write-Output "Could not download $(($_).ToUpper()) BIOS - $($global:DriverFile.DriverFile)"



return "
All files have been downloaded to $($global:Path)


if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::CANCEL)

                            $NumberArray = $Null
                            $NumberArray = @()

                            $global:ModelArray | %{

                                $number = "$($global:ModelArray.IndexOf($_)) - $($_)"
                                $NumberArray += $number



                    $ModelsSelected = @()
                    $Selection = Read-Host -Prompt '
Please Choose the number of the model(s) you would like to download.
("Comma or Space" Seperated if choosing multiple. You may also do a single range as such 0..25)


                    if($Selection -match '(\d+\.\.\d+)'){
                        $Numbers = ($Selection).split('..')
                        $NumberRange = $Numbers[0]..$Numbers[1]
                        If($NumberRange.Count -gt 1){

                            Write-Output "
Downloading ( $($NumberRange.Count) ) BIOS Drivers

                            Write-Output "
Downloading ( 1 ) BIOS Driver

                        $NumberRange | %{
                            $ModelsSelected += $global:ModelArray[$_]
                                $ModelsSelected | %{
                                Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " Downloading $($ModelsSelected.Indexof($_)+1) of $($ModelsSelected.Count) > $(($_).ToUpper()) BIOS" -Status " "
                                        Write-Output "Could not download $($global:DriverFile.DriverName)"
                                return "
All files have been downloaded to $($global:Path)

                    $Selection -split '\W' | %{
                        $ModelsSelected += $global:ModelArray[$_]

                            $ModelsSelected | %{
                            Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " Downloading $($ModelsSelected.Indexof($_)+1) of $($ModelsSelected.Count) > $(($_).ToUpper()) BIOS" -Status " "
                                    Write-Output "Could not download $($global:DriverFile.DriverName)"

                            return "
All files have been downloaded to $($global:Path)

} # End of 'Get-DellBiosDriver' Switch Statement