
function Confirm-PathIsValid {
      Tests whether a filepath is valid or not.
      Performs different tests depending on whether you are testing a file for the ability to read
      (InputFilePath) or write (OutputFilePath)
    .PARAMETER OutputFilePath
      The path to an output file you want to test
    .PARAMETER InputFilePath
      The path to an input file you want to test
      Returns true if the path is valid and false if it is not

    param (
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputFilePath') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OutputFilePath')) {
      Write-Error "You can only provide either an InputFilePath or an OutputFilePath."
    # Some of the tests are the same - we can use the same variable name
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputFilePath')) {
      $OutputFilePath = $InputFilePath
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputFilePath')) {
      if (-not $(Test-Path -Path $InputFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {
        Write-Error "The file $($InputFilePath) does not exist."
        return $false
    else {
      if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFilePath -PathType Leaf) {
        if (-not $(Read-Confirmation "$($OutputFilePath) already exists. Do you want to continue? (Y/N)")) {
          return $false
    $ParentPath = $(Split-Path -Path $OutputFilePath -Parent)
    if ($ParentPath -ne "") {
      if (-not $(Test-Path -PathType Container $ParentPath)) {
        Write-Error "The path '$($OutputFilePath)' does not appear to be valid."
        return $false
    if (Test-Path $(Split-Path -Path $OutputFilePath -Leaf) -PathType Container) {
      Write-Error "You must provide a filename as part of the path. It looks like you only provided a folder in $($OutputFilePath)!"
      return $false
    return $true