
using module ..\..\Classes\Template.psm1
using module ..\..\Classes\Device.psm1

function Set-AssignedIdentity($BaseUri, $Type, $Headers, $TemplateId, $TargetIds) {
    $Payload = '{
        "TemplateId" : 13,
        "BaseEntityIds" : []

    $TemplateUrl = $BaseUri + "/api/TemplateService/Actions/TemplateService.GetAssignedIdentities"
    $Payload = $Payload|ConvertFrom-Json
    $Payload.TemplateId = $TemplateId
    $Payload.BaseEntityIds = @()
    $Payload.BaseEntityIds = $TargetIds
    $AssignedIdentitiesPayload = $Payload|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6
    $AssignedIdentitiesResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $TemplateUrl -Method Post -Body $AssignedIdentitiesPayload -ContentType $Type -Headers $Headers
    if ( $AssignedIdentitiesResponse.StatusCode -eq 200) {
        $AssignIdentitiesInfo = $AssignedIdentitiesResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $AssignIdentitiesInfo = $AssignIdentitiesInfo |ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6
        Write-Verbose $AssignIdentitiesInfo
    else {
        Write-Warning "unable to get assigned identities"

function Invoke-OMETemplateDeploy {
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    Deploy template to device in OpenManage Enterprise
    This will attempt to reboot the server to apply the template. iDRAC and EventFilter attributes should not cause a reboot but proceed with caution.
    As of OME 3.4 only one template can be associated to a device. However, you can deploy a template to multiple devices.
    Object of type Template returned from Get-OMETemplate function
    Array of type Device returned from Get-OMEDevice function
.PARAMETER ForceHostReboot
    Forcefully reboot the host OS if the graceful reboot fails. *This will NOT prevent a reboot of the host, just a forced reboot.
    A soft reboot will be initiated upon template deploy.
.PARAMETER NetworkBootShareType
    Share type ("NFS", "CIFS")
.PARAMETER NetworkBootShareIpAddress
    IP Address of the share server
.PARAMETER NetworkBootIsoPath
    Full path to the ISO
.PARAMETER NetworkBootIsoTimeout
    Lifecycle Controller timeout setting (Default=1) Hour
.PARAMETER NetworkBootShareName
    Share name (CIFS Only)
.PARAMETER NetworkBootShareUser
    Share user (CIFS Only)
.PARAMETER NetworkBootShareWorkGroup
    Share workgroup (CIFS Only)
.PARAMETER NetworkBootSharePassword
    Share password (CIFS Only)
    Wait for job to complete
    Time, in seconds, to wait for the job to complete
    "TestTemplate" | Get-OMETemplate | Invoke-OMETemplateDeploy -Devices $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) -Wait
    Deploy template
    "TestTemplate" | Get-OMETemplate | Invoke-OMETemplateDeploy -Devices $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) -NetworkBootShareType "NFS" -NetworkBootShareIpAddress "" -NetworkBootIsoPath "/mnt/data/iso/CentOS7-Unattended.iso" -Wait -Verbose
    Deploy template and boot to network ISO over NFS
    "TestTemplate" | Get-OMETemplate | Invoke-OMETemplateDeploy -Devices $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) -NetworkBootShareType "CIFS" -NetworkBootShareIpAddress "" -NetworkBootIsoPath "/Share/ISO/CentOS7-Unattended.iso" -NetworkBootShareUser "Administrator" -NetworkBootSharePassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -NetworkBootShareName "Share" -Wait -Verbose
    Deploy template and boot to network ISO over CIFS

    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Template] $Template,

    [Device[]] $Devices,


    [ValidateSet("CIFS", "NFS")]



    [String]$NetworkBootIsoTimeout = 1,






    [int]$WaitTime = 3600

Begin {}
Process {
    if (!$(Confirm-IsAuthenticated)){
    Try {
        if ($SessionAuth.IgnoreCertificateWarning) { Set-CertPolicy }
        $BaseUri = "https://$($SessionAuth.Host)"
        $Type        = "application/json"
        $Headers     = @{}

        $Headers."X-Auth-Token" = $SessionAuth.Token

        $TemplateDeployUrl = $BaseUri + "/api/TemplateService/Actions/TemplateService.Deploy"
        # Functionality removed in OME 3.3+ waiting for it to be reimplemented
        $TemplateDeployPayload = '{
            "Id": 11,
            "TargetIds": [5514],
            "Attributes": [],
            "Options": {
                "ShutdownType": 0,
                "TimeToWaitBeforeShutdown": 300,
                "EndHostPowerState": 1
            "NetworkBootIsoModel": {
                "BootToNetwork": false,
                "ShareType": "CIFS",
                "IsoPath": "bootToIsoPath.iso",
                "IsoTimeout": 1,
                "ShareDetail": {
                    "IpAddress": "",
                    "ShareName": "",
                    "WorkGroup": "workGroup",
                    "User": "bootToIsoUsername",
                    "Password": "bootToIsoPassword"
            "Schedule": {
                "RunNow": true,
                "RunLater": false

        $TemplateDeployPayload = $TemplateDeployPayload | ConvertFrom-Json
        $TemplateDeployPayload.Id = $Template.Id
        # The ShutdownType is set to force by default
        if ($ForceHostReboot) {
            $TemplateDeployPayload.Options.ShutdownType = 0
        } else {
            $TemplateDeployPayload.Options.ShutdownType = 1
        # Functionality removed in OME 3.3+ waiting for it to be reimplemented
        if ($NetworkBootShareType -ne "") {
            # Manually throw exceptions when required parameters are empty since this is an optional subset of parameters
            if (!$NetworkBootShareIpAddress) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "NetworkBootShareIpAddress" }
            if (!$NetworkBootIsoPath) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "NetworkBootIsoPath" }
            if ($NetworkBootShareType -eq "CIFS"){
                if (!$NetworkBootShareName) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "NetworkBootShareName" }
                if (!$NetworkBootShareUser) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "NetworkBootShareUser" }
                if (!$NetworkBootSharePassword) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "NetworkBootSharePassword" }
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.BootToNetwork = $true
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.ShareType = $NetworkBootShareType
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.IsoPath = $NetworkBootIsoPath
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.IsoTimeout = $NetworkBootIsoTimeout
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.ShareDetail.IpAddress = $NetworkBootShareIpAddress
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.ShareDetail.ShareName = $NetworkBootShareName
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.ShareDetail.User = $NetworkBootShareUser
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.ShareDetail.WorkGroup = $NetworkBootShareWorkGroup
            $NetworkBootSharePasswordText = (New-Object PSCredential "user", $NetworkBootSharePassword).GetNetworkCredential().Password
            $TemplateDeployPayload.NetworkBootIsoModel.ShareDetail.Password = $NetworkBootSharePasswordText
        # Build TargetIds array from Devices
        $DeviceIds = @()
        foreach ($Device in $Devices) {
            $DeviceIds += $Device.Id
        $TemplateDeployPayload.TargetIds = $DeviceIds
        $TemplateDeployPayload = $TemplateDeployPayload |ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6
        #Write-Verbose $TemplateDeployPayload
        # Associate Identity Pool to Template
        #$AssignIdentityResponse = Set-IdentitiesToTarget $IpAddress $Type $Headers $IdentityPoolId $TemplateId

        $DeployTemplateResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $TemplateDeployUrl -Method Post -Body $TemplateDeployPayload -ContentType $Type -Headers $Headers
        if ($DeployTemplateResponse.StatusCode -eq 200) {
            $DeployTemplateContent = $DeployTemplateResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
            $JobId = $DeployTemplateContent
            if ($JobId -ne 0) {
                Write-Verbose "Created job $($JobId) to deploy template..."
                if ($Wait) {
                    $JobStatus = $($JobId | Wait-OnJob -WaitTime $WaitTime)
                    return $JobStatus
                } else {
                    return $JobId
                if ($Template.HasIdentityAttributes) {
                    # Reserve virtual identities
                    Write-Verbose "Checking assigned identities........."
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
                    Set-AssignedIdentity -BaseUri $BaseUri -Type $Type -Headers $Headers -TemplateId $Template.Id -TargetIds $DeviceIds
            } else {
                Write-Warning "Failed to deploy template. Only 1 template can be associated to a device at a time. Check Audit Log and Configuration > Profiles"
        } else {
            Write-Error "Failed to deploy template"
        return $DeployResponse
    Catch {
        Resolve-Error $_

End {}
