
using module ..\..\Classes\Group.psm1
using module ..\..\Classes\Device.psm1

function Get-ApplicableComponent($BaseUri, $Headers, $ContentType, $DupReportPayload, $JobName, $UpdateSchedule, $UpdateScheduleCron, $ResetiDRAC, $ClearJobQueue) {
    $componentMap = @{"ComponentCurrentVersion" = "Current Ver";
        "ComponentUpdateAction"                 = "Action";
        "ComponentVersion"                      = "Avail Ver";
        "ComponentCriticality"                  = "Criticality";
        "ComponentRebootRequired"               = "Reboot Req";
        "ComponentName"                         = "Name"

    $RetDupPayload = $null

    $DupUpdatePayload = '{
        "Id": 0,
        "JobName": "Firmware Update Task",
        "JobDescription": "Update firmware using DUP file",
        "Schedule": "startnow",
        "State": "Enabled",
        "CreatedBy": "admin",
        "JobType": {
            "Id": 5,
            "Name": "Update_Task"
        "Targets" : [],
        "Params": [
                "Key": "operationName",
                "Value": "INSTALL_FIRMWARE"
                "Key": "complianceUpdate",
                "Value": "false"
                "Key": "stagingValue",
                "Value": "false"
                "Key": "signVerify",
                "Value": "true"
                "Key": "clearJobQueue",
                "Value": "false"
                "Key": "firmwareReset",
                "Value": "false"
 | ConvertFrom-Json

    $FileToken = ($DupReportPayload | ConvertFrom-Json).SingleUpdateReportFileToken

    $StageUpdate = $true
    $Schedule = "startNow"
    if ($UpdateSchedule -eq "RebootNow") {
        $StageUpdate = $false
    } elseif ($UpdateSchedule -eq "ScheduleLater") {
        $StageUpdate = $false
        $Schedule = $UpdateScheduleCron
    } elseif ($UpdateSchedule -eq "StageForNextReboot") {
        $StageUpdate = $true
    $DupUpdatePayload.Schedule = $Schedule
    $ParamsHashValMap = @{
        "stagingValue" = if ($StageUpdate) { "true" } else { "false"}
        "clearJobQueue" = if ($ClearJobQueue) { "true" } else { "false"}
        "firmwareReset" = if ($ResetiDRAC) { "true" } else { "false"}

    for ($i = 0; $i -le $DupUpdatePayload.'Params'.Length; $i++) {
        if ($ParamsHashValMap.Keys -Contains ($DupUpdatePayload.'Params'[$i].'Key')) {
            $value = $DupUpdatePayload.'Params'[$i].'Key'
            $DupUpdatePayload.'Params'[$i].'Value' = $ParamsHashValMap.$value

    $DupReportUrl = $BaseUri + "/api/UpdateService/Actions/UpdateService.GetSingleDupReport"
    try {
        $DupResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DupReportUrl -Headers $Headers -ContentType $ContentType -Body $DupReportPayload -Method Post -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue       
        if ($DupResponse.StatusCode -eq 200) {
            $DupResponseInfo = $DupResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
            if ($DupResponse.Length -gt 0) {
                if ($DupResponseInfo.Length -gt 0) {
                    $TargetArray = @()                    
                    $OutputArray = @()
                    foreach ($Device in $DupResponseInfo) {
                        foreach ($Component in $Device.DeviceReport.Components) {
                            $tempHash = @{}
                            $tempHash."Device" = $Device.DeviceReport.DeviceServiceTag
                            $tempHash."IpAddress" = $Device.DeviceReport.DeviceIpAddress
                            ## This is a custom object - convert to a hash
                            $dupHash = @{}
                            $Component | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object { $dupHash.Add($_.Name, $Component.($_.Name)) }
                            foreach ($key in $dupHash.keys) {
                                if ($componentMap.Keys -Contains $key) {
                                    $tempHash[$ComponentMap.$key] = $dupHash.$key                            

                            ## For the current component if the available version is > current version
                            ## then add it to the list of targets
                            if ($tempHash."Avail Ver" -gt $tempHash."Current Ver") {
                                $TargetTempHash = @{}
                                $TargetTempHash."Id" = $Device.DeviceId
                                $TargetTempHash."Data" = [string]($Component.ComponentSourceName) + "=" + [string]($FileToken)
                                $TargetTempHash."TargetType" = @{}
                                $TargetTempHash."TargetType"."Id" = [uint64]$Device.DeviceReport.DeviceTypeId
                                $TargetTempHash."TargetType"."Name" = $Device.DeviceReport.DeviceTypeName
                                $OutputArray += , $tempHash
                                $TargetArray += , $TargetTempHash
                            else {
                                Write-Verbose "Skipping component $($tempHash."Name") - No upgrade available"
                    $DupUpdatePayload."Targets" = $TargetArray                   
                    $RetDupPayload = $DupUpdatePayload 
                else {
                    Write-Warning "No applicable devices found for updating...Exiting"
            else {
                Write-Warning "No applicable devices or components found"
    catch {
        Write-Warning "DUP file may not apply to device/group id. Please validate parameters and retry"
        #Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__
    if ($UpdateSchedule -eq "Preview") {
        return $OutputArray.Foreach( { [PSCustomObject]$_ })
    } else {
        return $RetDupPayload

function Push-DupToOME($BaseUri, $Headers, $DupFile) {
    if ($SessionAuth.IgnoreCertificateWarning) { Set-CertPolicy }
    $FileToken = $null
    $UploadActionUri = $BaseUri + "/api/UpdateService/Actions/UpdateService.UploadFile"
    Write-Verbose "Uploading $($DupFile) to $($BaseUri). This action may take some time to complete."
    $UploadResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $UploadActionUri -Method Post -InFile $DupFile -ContentType "application/octet-stream" -Headers $Headers
    if ($UploadResponse.StatusCode -eq 200) {
        ## Successfully uploaded the DUP file . Get the file token
        ## returned by OME on upload of the DUP file
        ## The file token is returned as an array of decimals that maps to ascii text values
        $FileToken = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($UploadResponse.Content)
        Write-Verbose "Successfully uploaded $($DupFile)"
    else {
        Write-Warning "Unable to upload $($DupFile) to $($BaseUri)..."
    return $FileToken

function Set-DupApplicabilityPayload($FileTokenInfo, $ParamHash) {
    $BlankArray = @()
    $DupReportPayload = @{"SingleUpdateReportBaseline" = $BlankArray;
        "SingleUpdateReportGroup"                      = $BlankArray;
        "SingleUpdateReportTargets"                    = $BlankArray;
        "SingleUpdateReportFileToken"                  = "";
    $DupReportPayload.SingleUpdateReportFileToken = $FileTokenInfo
    if ($ParamHash.GroupId) {
        $DupReportPayload.SingleUpdateReportGroup += $ParamHash.GroupId
        $DupReportPayload.SingleUpdateReportTargets = $BlankArray
    else {
        $DupReportPayload.SingleUpdateReportGroup = $BlankArray
        $DupReportPayload.SingleUpdateReportTargets += $ParamHash.DeviceId
    return $DupReportPayload | ConvertTo-Json

function Update-OMEFirmwareDUP {
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    Update firmware via DUP (EXE) on devices in OpenManage Enterprise
    This will upload a DUP (EXE) file and submit a Job that updates firmware on a set of devices.
    If you encounter the error "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" close and reopen the PowerShell console. Not sure what is causing this.
    Name of the firmware update job
    Array of type Device returned from Get-OMEDevice function. Used to determine what devices to update.
    Array of type Group returned from Get-OMEGroup function. Used to determine what groups to update.
    This option will restart the iDRAC. Occurs immediately, regardless if StageForNextReboot is set
.PARAMETER ClearJobQueue
    This option clears any active or pending jobs. Occurs immediately, regardless if StageForNextReboot is set
.PARAMETER UpdateSchedule
    Determines when the updates will be performed. (Default="Preview", "RebootNow", "ScheduleLater", "StageForNextReboot")
.PARAMETER UpdateScheduleCron
    Cron string to schedule updates at a later time. Uses UTC time. Used with -UpdateSchedule "ScheduleLater"
    Wait for job to complete
    Time, in seconds, to wait for the job to complete
    "C86C0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice | Update-OMEFirmwareDUP -UpdateSchedule "Preview" -DupFile "C:\Temp\Network_Firmware_DK4G2_WN64_20.0.17_A00.EXE"
    Display device compliance report for device. No updates are installed by default.
    "C86C0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice | Update-OMEFirmwareDUP -UpdateSchedule "RebootNow" -DupFile "C:\Temp\Network_Firmware_DK4G2_WN64_20.0.17_A00.EXE" -Wait
    Update firmware immediately and wait to job to complete ***Warning: This will force a reboot of all servers
    "C86C0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice | Update-OMEFirmwareDUP -UpdateSchedule "StageForNextReboot" -DupFile "C:\Temp\Network_Firmware_DK4G2_WN64_20.0.17_A00.EXE"
    Update firmware on next reboot
    "C86C0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice | Update-OMEFirmwareDUP -UpdateSchedule "ScheduleLater" -UpdateScheduleCron "0 0 0 1 11 ?" -DupFile "C:\Temp\Network_Firmware_DK4G2_WN64_20.0.17_A00.EXE"
    Update firmware on 11/1/2020 12:00AM UTC
    "C86C0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice | Update-OMEFirmwareDUP -UpdateSchedule "StageForNextReboot" -ClearJobQueue -DupFile "C:\Temp\Network_Firmware_DK4G2_WN64_20.0.17_A00.EXE"
    Update firmware on next reboot and clear job queue before update
    "TestGroup" | Get-OMEGroup | Update-OMEFirmwareDUP -UpdateSchedule "RebootNow" -DupFile "C:\Temp\Network_Firmware_DK4G2_WN64_20.0.17_A00.EXE"
    Update firmware on all devices in group immediately ***Warning: This will force a reboot of all servers

    [String]$Name = "Update Firmware With DUP $((Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss'))",

    [ValidateScript( {
            if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) {
                throw "File or folder does not exist" 
            if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ) {
                throw "The Path argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed."
            return $true

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline)]

    [ValidateSet("Preview", "RebootNow", "ScheduleLater", "StageForNextReboot")]
    [String]$UpdateSchedule = "Preview",





    [int]$WaitTime = 3600

Begin {}
Process {
    if (!$(Confirm-IsAuthenticated)){
    Try {
        if ($SessionAuth.IgnoreCertificateWarning) { Set-CertPolicy }
        $BaseUri = "https://$($SessionAuth.Host)"
        $ContentType  = "application/json"
        $Headers = @{}
        $Headers."X-Auth-Token" = $SessionAuth.Token

        ## Validate that the DUP is non empty and upload to OME
        $DupFileLength = (Get-Item $DupFile).Length 
        Write-Verbose "Successfully parsed $($DupFile) - Size: $($DupFileLength) bytes"
        if ($DupFileLength -gt 0) {
            ## Upload the DUP file and get the file token for it from OME
            $FileTokenInfo = Push-DupToOME -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -DupFile $DupFile
            if ($FileTokenInfo) {
                if ($Group) {
                    $DupReportPayload = Set-DupApplicabilityPayload -FileTokenInfo $FileTokenInfo -ParamHash @{"GroupId" = $Group.Id }
                else {
                    $DupReportPayload = Set-DupApplicabilityPayload -FileTokenInfo $FileTokenInfo -ParamHash @{"DeviceId" = $Device.Id }
                Write-Verbose "Determining if any devices and components are applicable for $($DupFile)"
                $DupUpdatePayload = Get-ApplicableComponent -BaseUri $BaseUri -Headers $Headers -ContentType $ContentType -DupReportPayload $DupReportPayload -JobName $Name -UpdateSchedule $UpdateSchedule -UpdateScheduleCron $UpdateScheduleCron -ResetiDRAC $ResetiDRAC.IsPresent -ClearJobQueue $ClearJobQueue.IsPresent 
                if ($UpdateSchedule -eq "Preview") { # Only show report, do not perform any updates
                    return $DupUpdatePayload
                } else { # Submit update job
                    if ($DupUpdatePayload -and ($DupUpdatePayload."Targets".Length -gt 0)) {
                        $JobBody = $DupUpdatePayload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6
                        $JobSvcUrl = $BaseUri + "/api/JobService/Jobs"
                        Write-Verbose $JobBody
                        $JobResp = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $JobSvcUrl -Method Post -Body $JobBody -Headers $Headers -ContentType $ContentType
                        if ($JobResp.StatusCode -eq 201) {
                            $JobInfo = $JobResp.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
                            $JobId = $JobInfo.Id
                            Write-Verbose "Created job $($JobId) to update firmware..."
                            if ($Wait) {
                                $JobStatus = $($JobId | Wait-OnJob -WaitTime $WaitTime)
                                return $JobStatus
                            } else {
                                return $JobId
                        else {
                            Write-Warning "Unable to create job for firmware update .. Exiting"
                else {
                    Write-Warning "No updateable components found ... Skipping update"
            else {
                Write-Warning "No file token returned ... "
        else {
            Write-Warning "Dup file $($DupFile) is an empty file ... "
    Catch {
        Resolve-Error $_

End {}
