
function Read-Confirmation() {
    Prompts a user with a yes or no question
    Prompts a user with a yes or no question. The question text should include something telling the user
    to type y/Y/Yes/yes or N/n/No/no
  .PARAMETER QuestionText
    The text which you want to display to the user
    Returns true if the user enters yes and false if the user enters no

  param (

  do {
      $Confirmation = (Read-Host $QuestionText).ToUpper()
  } while ($Confirmation -ne 'YES' -and $Confirmation -ne 'Y' -and $Confirmation -ne 'N' -and $Confirmation -ne 'NO')

  if ($Confirmation -ne 'YES' -and $Confirmation -ne 'Y') {
      return $false

  return $true

function Get-PromptGroupCreationPayload {
      Prompts the user for each field required to create the group
      Prompts for each field required to create a new SupportAssist Enterprise user group and then
      generates a correctly formatted HashTable based on it.
      A HashTable containing all the data required to generate the group

    $UserDataDictionary = @{
      Name = Read-Host "Group Name "
      Description = Read-Host "Description "
      ContactOptIn = Read-Confirmation "Do you want to be contacted regarding this group? This will also opt you into dispatches. (y/n)"
      MyAccountId = [int]$(Read-Host "Account ID (only numbers) ")
      CustomerDetails = $null
    if ($UserDataDictionary.ContactOptIn) {
      $UserDataDictionary['DispatchOptIn'] = $true
      $CustomerDetails = @{}
      $Timezones = Get-Timezone
      if ($Timezones.length -lt 1) {
        return @{}
      function _PromptForContactDetails {
        param (
          [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
          [string] $PromptText
        $DataDictionary = @{
          FirstName = Read-Host "$($PromptText) Contact First Name"
          LastName = Read-Host "$($PromptText) Contact Last Name"
          Email = Read-Host "$($PromptText) Contact Email"
          Phone = Read-Host "$($PromptText) Contact Phone"
          AlternatePhone = Read-Host "$($PromptText) Contact Alternate Phone"
        return $DataDictionary
      # Primary Contact
      $CustomerDetails['PrimaryContact'] = _PromptForContactDetails 'Primary'
      $CustomerDetails['PrimaryContact']['ContactMethod'] = 'phone'
      $CustomerDetails['PrimaryContact']['TimeFrame'] = Read-Host "Primary Contact time frame in the format: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. WARNING: There is no input validation on this. You must match caps and spacing"
      foreach ($Timezone in $Timezones) {
        Write-Verbose "Name: $($Timezone.Name) Id: $($Timezone.Id)"
      $CustomerDetails['PrimaryContact']['TimeZone'] = Read-Host "Primary contact timezone. Input timezone ID. (Make sure to match exactly)"
      # Secondary Contact
      $CustomerDetails['SecondaryContact'] = _PromptForContactDetails 'Secondary'
      $CustomerDetails['SecondaryContact']['ContactMethod'] = 'phone'
      $CustomerDetails['SecondaryContact']['TimeFrame'] = Read-Host "Secondary Contact time frame in the format: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. WARNING: There is no input validation on this. You must match caps and spacing"
      foreach ($Timezone in $Timezones) {
        Write-Verbose "Name: $($Timezone.Name) Id: $($Timezone.Id)"
      $CustomerDetails['SecondaryContact']['TimeZone'] = Read-Host "Secondary contact timezone. Input timezone ID. (Make sure to match exactly)"
      # Shipping Details Primary Contact
      $CustomerDetails['ShippingDetails'] = @{
        PrimaryContact = _PromptForContactDetails 'Shipping Primary Contact'
        SecondaryContact = _PromptForContactDetails 'Shipping Secondary Contact'
        Country = "US"  # TODO - need to add support for other countries
        State = Read-Host 'State'
        City = Read-Host 'City'
        Zip = Read-Host 'Zip'
        Cnpj = $null
        Ie = $null
        AddressLine1 = Read-Host 'Address Line 1'
        AddressLine2 = Read-Host 'Address Line 2'
        AddressLine3 = Read-Host 'Address Line 3'
        AddressLine4 = Read-Host 'Address Line 4'
        PreferredContactTimeFrame = Read-Host "Shipping contact time frame in the format: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. WARNING: There is no input validation on this. You must match caps and spacing"
        TechnicianRequired = Read-Confirmation 'Is a technician required for dispatches? (y/n): '
        DispatchNotes = Read-Host 'Any dispatch notes you want to add to devices in this group'
      foreach ($Timezone in $Timezones) {
        Write-Verbose "Name: $($Timezone.Name) Id: $($Timezone.Id)"
      $CustomerDetails['ShippingDetails']['PreferredContactTimeZone'] = Read-Host "Shipping contact timezone. Input timezone ID. (Make sure to match exactly)"
      $UserDataDictionary.CustomerDetails = $CustomerDetails
    else {
      $CustomerDetails.DispatchOptIn = $false
    return $UserDataDictionary

function New-OMESupportAssistGroup {
Copyright (c) 2021 Dell EMC Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

   Create an MCM group and add all possible members to the created group
   This script uses the OME REST API to create mcm group, find memebers and add the members to the group.
   JSON string containing group payload. Use -GenerateJson or -ExportExampleJson for examples
 .PARAMETER GenerateJson
    Prompt for values to necessary fields and generate JSON string
 .PARAMETER ExportExampleJson
    Print example JSON string
    $TestSupportAssistGroup = '{
        "MyAccountId": "",
        "Name": "Support Assist Group 1",
        "Description": "Support Assist Group",
        "DispatchOptIn": false,
        "CustomerDetails": null,
        "ContactOptIn": false
    New-OMESupportAssistGroup -AddGroup $TestSupportAssistGroup
    Create new Support Assist group from json stored in variable
    New-OMESupportAssistGroup -AddGroup $(Get-Content "C:\Temp\Group.json" -Raw)
    Create new Support Assist group from file
    New-OMESupportAssistGroup -ExportExampleJson
    Export example json

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline)]



## Script that does the work
Begin {}
Process {
    if (!$(Confirm-IsAuthenticated)){
    # Add version check for SupportAssist commandlets
    if ($SessionAuth.Version -lt [System.Version]"3.5.0") {
        Write-Error "SupportAssist API not supported in version $($SessionAuth.Version) of OpenManage Enterprise"
    Try {
        if ($SessionAuth.IgnoreCertificateWarning) { Set-CertPolicy }
        $BaseUri = "https://$($SessionAuth.Host)"
        $Headers = @{}
        $Headers."X-Auth-Token" = $SessionAuth.Token
        $ContentType = "application/json"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('GenerateJson')) {
            Get-PromptGroupCreationPayload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-String
        } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExportExampleJson')) {
            Get-SupportAssistGroupPayload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-String
        } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AddGroup')) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating new group..."

            $AddGroupUrl = $BaseUri + "/api/SupportAssistService/Actions/SupportAssistService.CreateOrUpdateGroup"

            try {
                ConvertFrom-Json $AddGroup -ErrorAction Stop;
                $validJson = $true;
            } catch {
                $validJson = $false;

            if ($validJson) {
                $GroupPayload = $AddGroup
            } else {
                Write-Error "Provided text is not a valid JSON string or file not found";

            Try {
                Write-Verbose $($GroupPayload | Out-String)
                $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $AddGroupUrl -UseBasicParsing -Headers $Headers -ContentType $ContentType -Method POST -Body $GroupPayload
                if ($Response.StatusCode -eq 202) {
                    Write-Verbose $Response.Content
                    Write-Verbose "Group created successfully."

            Catch {
                Write-Error "There was a problem with the group creation request. This usually means there is a problem with one of the fields."
                Resolve-Error $_
            Write-Verbose "Group creation completed successfully!"

    Catch {
        Resolve-Error $_

End {}
