
function Select-AnalysisServicesDeploymentExeVersion {
    Selects a version of Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment.exe to use
    Selects a version of Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment.exe to use
    .PARAMETER PreferredVersion
    The preferred version of Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment.exe to attempte to find.
    Valid values for -PreferredVersion are:
    * latest: Latest SQL Server version found on agent
    * 150: SQL Server 2019
    * 140: SQL Server 2017
    * 130: SQL Server 2016
    * 120: SQL Server 2014
    Select-AnalysisServicesDeploymentExeVersion -PreferredVersion 140;
    Returns a string containing the version found, if the preferred version could not be found.
    Written by (c) Dr. John Tunnicliffe, 2019
    This PowerShell script is released under the MIT license

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('150', '140', '130', '120', '110', 'latest')]
        [string] $PreferredVersion

    try {
        [string]$ExeName = "Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment.exe";
        $specificVersion = $PreferredVersion -and $PreferredVersion -ne 'latest'
        $versions = '150', '140', '130', '120', '110' | Where-Object { $_ -ne $PreferredVersion }

        # Look for a specific version of Microsoft SQL Server SSAS deployment tool
        if ($specificVersion) {
            if ((Get-AnalysisServicesDeploymentExePath -Version $PreferredVersion)) {
                return $PreferredVersion

            Write-Information "Version '$PreferredVersion' not found. Looking for alternative version."

        # Look for latest or a previous version.
        foreach ($version in $versions) {
            if ((Get-AnalysisServicesDeploymentExePath -Version $version)) {
                # Warn falling back.
                if ($specificVersion) {
                    Write-Information "$ExeName version '$PreferredVersion' not found. Using version '$version'."

                return $version;

        # Warn that Microsoft SQL Server SSAS deployment tool was not found.
        if ($specificVersion) {
            Write-Information "$ExeName version '$PreferredVersion' not found.";
        else {
            Write-Warning ("$ExeName not found on the build agent server.");
    catch {
        Write-Error "Select-AnalysisServicesDeploymentExeVersion failed with error $Error";