
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\dev.core.utils.psm1" -DisableNameChecking;

# Public Methods

  Invoke ODATA method with required parameters.
  The HTTP method.
  The reuqest uri.
  The body to post.
  The extra headers to sent along with the request.
.PARAMETER RawResponse
  Return the raw response instead of Odata values.

function Invoke-ODataMethod {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][Uri]$Uri,
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod]$Method = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod]::Get,
    $RequestHeaders = @{};

    if ($Body)
        $RequestHeaders["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
        # Convert the body to JSON string before sending the request.
        if (!($Body -is [string]))
            $Body = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Compress;

        Write-Verbose "Request Body:"
        Write-Verbose $Body;
        Write-Verbose "";

    $RequestHeaders = Merge-HashTable -Table $RequestHeaders -With $Headers;
    if ($RequestHeaders)
        Write-Verbose "Request Headers:"
        foreach ($Header in $RequestHeaders.Keys)
            Write-Verbose "$Header : $($RequestHeaders[$Header])";
        Write-Verbose "";

        if ($UserAgent)
           $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $RequestHeaders -Body $Body -UserAgent $UserAgent;
           $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $RequestHeaders -Body $Body;
    catch [System.Net.WebException]
        [System.Net.WebException]$exception = $_.Exception;

        $responseContent = Read-ResponseContent -Response $_.Exception.Response;
        $errorDetail = [PsCustomObject]@{
            Error = $_;
            Exception = $exception;
            Response = $exception.Response;
            ResponseBody = $responseContent;

        Write-Output $errorDetail;

    if ($RawResponse) 
        Write-Output $Response;
        # Response could be $null if the server returns 204 NoContent status code.
        if ($Response)
            if ($Response."@odata.context" -is [string])
                Write-Verbose $Response."@odata.context";

            if ($null -ne $Response.value)
                # When odata returns multiple items, the items will be encapsulated in value property.
                foreach ($item in $Response.value) 
                    Write-Output $item;
                # When odata returns single item, the response itself will the item.
                Write-Output $Response;

            # Automatically fetch next page.
            if ($Response."@odata.nextLink" -is [string]) {
                $NextPageUri = $Response."@odata.nextLink";

                Invoke-ODataMethod -Method $Method -Uri $NextPageUri -Headers $RequestHeaders -Body $Body -UserAgent $UserAgent;

function Read-ResponseContent 
    param ([System.Net.HttpWebResponse]$Response);

    $Stream = $Response.GetResponseStream();
    if (!$Stream.CanRead) {
        Write-Warning "Skip reading the resopnse stream because it cannot be read.";
    elseif (!$Stream.CanSeek) {
        Write-Warning "Skip reading the resopnse stream because it cannot be seeked.";
        $Stream.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null;
        $StreamReader = New-Object -TypeName -ArgumentList $Stream;
        return $StreamReader.ReadToEnd();

Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-ODataMethod;
Export-ModuleMember -Function Read-ResponseContent;