
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\dev.core.utils.psm1" -DisableNameChecking;

$TunnelAppFolder = "$Home\AppData\Local\DevPowerShell\dev.core.tunnel";
$TunnelPackagesFolder = "${TunnelAppFolder}\packages";
$TunnelAppVersion = "1.0.0";

# Private functions

function Install-TunnelApp
    param ();

    $TunnelAppPath = "$TunnelPackagesFolder\HttpTunnel.${TunnelAppVersion}";
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $TunnelAppPath -PathType Container))
        Write-Verbose "Installing http tunnel $TunnelAppVersion...";

        $DownloadLink = "${TunnelAppVersion}.nupkg";

        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadLink -Method Get -OutFile "$TunnelPackagesFolder\HttpTunnel.${TunnelAppVersion}.zip";

        Expand-Archive -Path "$TunnelPackagesFolder\HttpTunnel.${TunnelAppVersion}.zip" -DestinationPath "$TunnelPackagesFolder\HttpTunnel.${TunnelAppVersion}";

  "Forward": {
    "TunnelHost": "localhost",
    "TunnelPort": 6000,
    "Apps": [F
        "Port": 6001,
        "Path": "/F"
    "UrlReplaceRules": [
        "Name": "Replace :6001/B to :7001/B",
        "Pattern": "https://localhost:6001/B",
        "Replacement": "https://localhost:7001/B"
  "Backward": {
    "TunnelPort": 6000,
    "Apps": [

        "Port": 6001,
        "Path": "/B"
    "UrlReplaceRules": [
        "Name": "Replace :6001/F to :7001/F",
        "Pattern": "https://localhost:6001/F",
        "Replacement": "https://localhost:7001/F"

function New-TunnelSetting

    $setting = [PSCustomObject]@{
        TunnelPort = $TunnelPort;
        Apps = @();
        UrlReplaceRules = @();

    $setting.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Tunnel.Setting");

    return $setting;

# Public functions

function New-TunnelForwardSetting

    $setting = New-TunnelSetting -TunnelPort $TunnelPort;
    $setting | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TunnelHost" -Value $TunnelHost | Out-Null;
    $setting.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Tunnel.ForwardSetting");

    return $setting;

function New-TunnelBackwardSetting

    $setting = New-TunnelSetting -TunnelPort $TunnelPort;
    $setting.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Tunnel.BackwardSetting");

    return $setting;

function Add-TunnelApp
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][PSTypeName("Tunnel.Setting")]$Setting,

    # Normalize the path to "/", "/Path", "/The/Path" format.
    if (!$Path)
        $Path = "/";
    elseif (!$Path.StartsWith("/"))
        $Path = "/" + $Path;

    if ($Path -ne "/")
        $Path = $Path.TrimEnd("/");

    $setting.Apps += [PSCustomObject]@{ Port = $Port; Path = $Path };

    return $setting;

function Add-TunnelReplaceRule
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][PSTypeName("Tunnel.Setting")]$Setting,

    $setting.UrlReplaceRules += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Name; Pattern = $Pattern; Replacement = $Replacement };

    return $setting;

function Start-Tunnel

    if (!$ForwardSettings -and !$BackwardSettings)
        throw "Neither ForwardSettings nor BackwardSettings is specified";

    $ExecutionGuid = New-Guid;
    $ExecutionPath = "$Path\$ExecutionGuid";
    $ExecutionAppPath = "$Path\$ExecutionGuid\app";
    $ExecutionDataPath = "$Path\$ExecutionGuid\data";
    $TunnelAppPath = "$TunnelPackagesFolder\HttpTunnel.${TunnelAppVersion}";

    New-Item -Path $ExecutionAppPath -ItemType Container -Force | Out-Null;
    New-Item -Path $ExecutionDataPath -ItemType Container -Force | Out-Null;

    # Copy execution file under.
    Copy-Item -Path "$TunnelAppPath\lib\net5.0\*.*" -Destination $ExecutionAppPath;

    # Generate appsettings.json file
    $mode = @()
    if ($BackwardSettings) { $mode += "backward" };
    if ($ForwardSettings) { $mode += "forward" };

    $ShouldPauseOnStart = if ($PauseOnStart) { $true } else { $false };
    $Settings = [PSCustomObject]@{
        "PauseOnStart" = $ShouldPauseOnStart;
        "mode" = ($mode -join ",");
        "Forward" = $ForwardSettings;
        "BackwardSettings" = $BackwardSettings;

    $appSettingsJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Settings -Depth 32;
    Set-Content -Path "$ExecutionAppPath\appsettings.json" -Value $appSettingsJson;

    $cmd = "${env:SystemRoot}\System32\cmd.exe";

    Write-Host "Execution Path: $ExecutionAppPath";
    Start-Process -FilePath $cmd -ArgumentList @("/c", "dotnet.exe", "$ExecutionAppPath\httptunnel.dll") -WorkingDirectory $ExecutionAppPath;

# Module Initialization

New-DirectoryIfNotExist -Path $TunnelPackagesFolder | Out-Null;


<# Test script
$ForwardSettings = New-TunnelForwardSetting -TunnelHost -TunnelPort 444 `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/sts" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/dsapi" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/actions" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/DWEngineV2B2" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/ecp" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/swss" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/search" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/TaskEnrichment" `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/userknowledgebase" `
    | Add-TunnelReplaceRule -Name ExchangelabsToLocalhost -Pattern "https://exchangelabs\.live-int\.com" -Replacement "https://localhost" `
    | Add-TunnelReplaceRule -Name 443To444 -Pattern "https://([\w\d\.\-_]+)(:443)?/" -Replacement "https://`$1:444/";
$BackwardSettings = New-TunnelBackwardSetting -TunnelPort 444 `
    | Add-TunnelApp -Port 444 -Path "/WeveNovaB2" `
    | Add-TunnelReplaceRule -Name LocalhostToExchangelabs -Pattern "https://localhost" -Replacement "";
Run-Tunnel -ForwardSettings $ForwardSettings

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-TunnelForwardSetting;
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-TunnelBackwardSetting;
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-TunnelApp;
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-TunnelReplaceRule
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-Tunnel;