
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
ErrorPathDoesNotExist=Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist.
ErrorMissingNodeData=Cannot find node data.
WorkspacePathDoesNotExist=The workspace path does not exist.
ImportNodeData=Importing node data from: {0}
FoundNodeData=Found node data: {0}
HasEncryptionCertificate=Found node encryption certificate '{0}': {1}.
NoEncryptionCertificate=An encryption certificate does not exist for: {0}
ModuleRestoreError=Failed to restore module '{0}'. {1}
ModuleDoesNotExist=Module does not exist.
CreatingFromTemplate=Creating configuration script from template
ConfigurationAlreadyExists=Configuration already exists
WritingWorkspaceSettings=Writting workspace settings
HttpNotSupported=HTTP endpoints can not be used. Please specify an endpoint configured for TLS.