
Set-Variable SourceSubfoldersMap -Option ReadOnly -Value @{COD = 'codeunit'; PAG = 'page'; QUE = 'query'; REP = 'report'; TAB = 'table'; XML = 'xmlport'; MEN = 'menusuite'}
Set-Variable AppsInstructionContents -Option ReadOnly -Value "## Instructions`r`nIn this folder you should store the object text files for your modification"
Set-Variable ScriptsInstructionContents -Option ReadOnly -Value "## Instructions`r`nIn this folder you should store the scripts for CI/CD and pipelines specification in .yaml files"
Set-Variable TestsInstructionContents -Option ReadOnly -Value "## Instructions`r`nIn this folder you should store your test codeunits"
Set-Variable ReadmeContents -Option ReadOnly -Value @"
# IT integro project
## Introduction
TODO: Briefly describe the project and the functionality it provides
## Getting Started
TODO: Update the steps according to the project
If you wan to start develop a new feature please follow instruction below:
1. Create a (viertual machine with NAV <version>/container from image <baseImage>).
2. Clone this repository locally.
3. Update your objects on the (virtual machine/container) with the objects from repo - master branch.
4. Create new branch with feature name. The new branch should start from commit <firstCommitID>.
5. Switch to the new branch. Export all objects from the database which should be related to the new feature (use Modified).
6. Start developement on the new feature branch.
## Build and Test
TODO: Describe and show how to build your code and run the tests.
## Contribute
TODO: Explain how other users and developers can contribute to make your code better.

Set-Variable RootDirectories -Option ReadOnly -Value @('Apps','Tests','Scripts')

.(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'TextFilesHandling/Join-ObjectsTxtFile.ps1')
.(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'TextFilesHandling/Split-ObjectsTxtFile.ps1')
.(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'ProjectTemplate/New-ProjectFromTemplate.ps1')