
function Get-DSVaultsModern{

            [ValidateSet("Name", "Description")]
            [string]$SortField = '',
            [int]$PageNumber = 1,
            <# TODO: in an ideal world, when more than 25 records are requested, we would take care of the paging in this module.
            Asking for a data set in a manner that would impact the whole system negatively should be at least be frowned upon,
            but ideally the server would not even allow it. #>

            [int]$PageSize = 25
        BEGIN {
            Write-Verbose '[Get-DSVaultsModern] begin...'
            $URI = "$Script:DSBaseURI/api/v3/vaults"

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Global:DSSessionToken))
                throw "Session does not seem authenticated, call New-DSSession."
        PROCESS {
                $nvCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([string]::Empty) 
                $nvCollection.Add('PageSize', $PageSize)
                $nvCollection.Add('PageNumber', $PageNumber)
                if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SortField))
                    $nvCollection.Add('SortField', $SortField)
                    #the ternary operator appeared in PS 6... keep retro compatible for now
                    #$nvCollection.Add('SortOrder', $Descending ? -1 : 1)
                    if ($Descending){
                        $nvCollection.Add('SortOrder', -1)
                $uriBuilder = [System.UriBuilder]::new($URI)
                $uriBuilder.Query = $nvCollection.ToString()

                $params = @{
                    Uri         = $uriBuilder.ToString()
                    Method      = 'GET'

                Write-Verbose "[Get-DSVaultsModern] about to call with $($params.Uri)"

                [ServerResponse] $response = Invoke-DS @params

                if ($response.isSuccess)
                    Write-Verbose "[Get-DSVaultsModern] returned $($ vaults, indicating that there are $($response.Body.totalCount) in total"
                If ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $DebugPreference) {
                        Write-Debug "[Response] $($response.Body)"

                return $response
                $exc = $_.Exception
                If ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $DebugPreference) {
                        Write-Debug "[Exception] $exc"
        END {
           If ($?) {
              Write-Verbose '[Get-DSVaultsModern] Completed Successfully.'
            } else {
                Write-Verbose '[Get-DSVaultsModern] ended with errors...'