
function Invoke-DSPamCheckout {
        Creates a checkout request.
        Creates a checkout request for the provided PAM credential. Also decrypt and return the password
        if approval is not required or if approved ID is the same as the asking user's ID.
        Please check the sample script provided with the module.

    PARAM (
        [guid]$PamCredentialID = $(throw 'You must provide a valid ID.'),
    BEGIN {
        Write-Verbose '[Invoke-DSPamCheckout] Beginning...'

        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Global:DSSessionToken)) {
            throw 'Session does not seem authenticated, call New-DSSession.'
        #1. Fetch PAM cred (api/pam/credentials/$id)
        $PamCredential = ($res = Get-DSPamCredential $PamCredentialID).isSuccess ? ($res.Body) : $(throw 'Failed while fetching credentials. Please make sure the ID you provided is a valid PAM account ID and try again.')

        #2. Checkout
        $RequestParams = @{
            URI    = "$Script:DSBaseURI/api/pam/checkouts"
            Method = 'POST'
            Body   = @{credentialID = $PamCredentialID; duration = 240 }

        if ($PamCredential.checkoutApprovalMode -eq 2) {
            $RequestParams.Body += @{approverID = $ApproverID }

        if ($PamCredential.checkoutReasonMode -in @(2, 3)) {
            $RequestParams.Body += @{reason = $Reason }
        $RequestParams.Body = ConvertTo-Json $RequestParams.Body

        try {
            $CheckoutRes = Invoke-DS @RequestParams
            if (!$CheckoutRes.isSuccess) {
                throw $CheckoutRes.ErrorMessage
        catch {
            if ($_.Exception.Message -eq 'The credential is already checked out.') {
                Write-Error "The credential '$($PamCredential.label)' is already checked out."
            } else {
                Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

        if ($CheckoutRes.Body.Status -eq 4) {
            Write-Verbose '[Invoke-DSPamCheckout] The checkout is already completed since this credential does not require an approval.'

            #3. Get Password
            $EncryptedPassword = ($res = Get-DSPamPassword $PamCredentialID).isSuccess ? ($res.Body) : ($res.ErrorMessage ? $(throw $res.ErrorMessage): $(throw 'Failed while fetching password. See logs for information.'))

            #4. Decrypt password
            $DecryptedPassword = Decrypt-String $Global:DSSessionKey $EncryptedPassword

            #5. Return checkout info and decrypted password
            $CheckoutRes.Body = @{CheckoutInfo = [pscustomobject]$CheckoutRes.Body; Password = $DecryptedPassword}
        return $CheckoutRes
    END {
        $res.isSuccess ? (Write-Verbose '[Invoke-DSPamCheckout] Completed successfully!') : (Write-Verbose '[Invoke-DSPamCheckout] Ended with errors...')