
function Get-DSServerInfo-old {



This endpoint does not require authentication.


    BEGIN {
        Write-Verbose '[Get-DSServerInfo] Beginning...'

        #We can call the api repeatedly, even after we've established the session. We must close the existing session only if we change the URI
        if ((Get-Variable DSBaseURI -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and ($Script:DSBaseURI -ne $BaseURI)) {
            if ($Global:DSSessionToken) {
                throw 'Session already established, Close it before switching servers.'

        #only time we use baseURI as provided, we will set variable only upon success
        $URI = "$BaseURI/api/server-information"

        try {
            $response = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI -Method 'GET' -SessionVariable Global:WebSession

            if (Test-Json $response.Content) {
                $jsonContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-JSon
                #If query successful and reached a valid DVLS instance, response's content converted to JSON should only contain 'data' and 'result' fields.
                $isDVLSInstance = @(Compare-Object $jsonContent.PSObject.Properties.Name @('data', 'result')).Length -eq 0

                if ($isDVLSInstance) {
                    Write-Verbose "[Get-DSServerInfo] Got response from ""$($"""
                    If ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $DebugPreference) {
                        Write-Debug "[Response.Data] $($jsonContent)"
                    $publickey_mod = $
                    $publickey_exp = $
                    $session_Key = New-CryptographicKey
                    $safeSessionKey = Encrypt-RSA -publickey_mod $publickey_mod -publickey_exp $publickey_exp -session_Key $session_Key

                    [System.Version]$instanceVersion = $

                    Set-Variable -Name DSBaseURI -Value $BaseURI -Scope Script

                    Set-Variable -Name DSKeyExp -Value $publickey_exp -Scope Global
                    Set-Variable -Name DSKeyMod -Value $publickey_mod -Scope Global
                    Set-Variable -Name DSSessionKey -Value $session_Key -Scope Global
                    Set-Variable -Name DSSafeSessionKey -Value $safeSessionKey -Scope Global
                    Set-Variable -Name DSInstanceVersion -Value $instanceVersion -Scope Global
                    Set-Variable -Name DSInstanceName -Value $ -Scope Global

                    $res = [ServerResponse]::new(($response.StatusCode -eq 200), $response, $jsonContent, $null, '', $response.StatusCode)
                    return $res
                else {
                    throw 'There was a problem reaching your DVLS instance. Please check your DVLS instance URL and try again.'
            else {
                throw 'There was a problem reaching your DVLS instance. Please check your DVLS instance URL and try again.'
        catch {
            #$exc = $_.Exception
            #If ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $DebugPreference) {
            # Write-Debug "[Exception] $exc"

            Write-Error 'There was a problem reaching your DVLS instance. Please check your DVLS instance URL and try again.'
            throw $_.Exception.Message

    END {
        If ($res.isSuccess) {
            Write-Verbose '[Get-DSServerInfo] Completed Successfully!'
        else {
            Write-Verbose '[Get-DSServerInfo] Ended with errors...'