
[System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]$rng = [System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider]::Create()

function Get-SecureRandom {

        Gets a cryptographically secure random number.
        The Get-SecureRandom cmdlet gets a randomly selected number using System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider.
        Get-SecureRandom behaves similarly Get-Random, except that it doesn't accept a user-provided seed, choose items from a list, or produce anything other than 32-bit integers.
    .PARAMETER Maximum
        The maximum value for the generated random number. This must be stricty greater than Minimum.
    .PARAMETER Minimum
        The minimum value for the generated random number. This must be strictly less than Maximum.
        Get-SecureRandom -Maximum 100 -Minimum 1
        Author: Alex Godofsky
        Contact: https://github.com/AlexGodofsky
        Version: 1.0
        Last Updated: 20160621
        Last Updated By: Alex Godofsky
        Last Update Notes:
        - Created

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)]
        [System.Int32]$Maximum = [System.Int32]::MaxValue,

        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
        [System.Int32]$Minimum = 0


        if ($Maximum -le $Minimum) {

            Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "The Minimum value ({$Minimum}) cannot be greater than or equal to the Maximum value ({$Maximum})."

        } # end if

        [System.UInt64]$delta = $Maximum - $Minimum + 1
        [System.UInt64]$upper = $delta * [System.Math]::Floor(([System.UInt32]::MaxValue + 1) / $delta)
        $bytes = New-Object Byte[] 4
        [System.UInt32]$value = 0

        do { # this loop avoids a bias when the range of values doesn't cleanly divide 2<<32

            $value = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($bytes, 0)

        } while ($value -gt $upper) # end do while loop

        return [System.Int32](($value % $delta) + $Minimum)

    } # end PROCESS block

} # end function Get-SecureRandom

function Invoke-DiceRoll {

        Simulates a dice roll and returns a number based on the result of rolling the desired number of dice.
        Simulates a dice roll and returns a number based on the result of rolling the desired number of dice.
        The default dice count is 5, which was driven by the Diceware Passphrase minimum word length recommendation. See the help for the 'New-DicewarePassword' cmdlet/function for more information.
    .PARAMETER DiceCounty
        The number of dice to roll
        Invoke-DiceRoll -DiceCount 8
        Author: Kevin Kirkpatrick
        Contact: https://github.com/vScripter
        Version: 1.1
        Last Updated: 20160621
        Last Updated By: Alex Godofsky
        Last Update Notes:
        - Uses a cryptographic RNG instead of Get-Random

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateRange(1, 8)]
        [System.Int32]$DiceCount = 5

    BEGIN {

        #Requires -Version 3

    } # end BEGIN block


        $i = 0

        Write-Verbose -Message "[Invoke-DiceRoll] Rolling dice; generating a {$DiceCount} digit random number."
        try {

            $numberResult = $null

            for (; $i -lt $DiceCount; $i++) {

                $number = $null
                $number = "$(Get-SecureRandom -Minimum 1 -Maximum 6)"
                $numberResult += $number

            } # end for loop


        } catch {

            Write-Warning -Message "[Invoke-DiceRoll][ERROR]Error generating random number. $_ "

        } # end try/catch

    } # end PROCESS block

    END {

        Write-Verbose -Message "[Invoke-DiceRoll] Processing Complete"

    } # end END block

} # end function Invoke-DiceRoll

function New-DicewarePassword {

        This function will generate/return a Diceware Password.
        This function will generate/return a Diceware Password.
        Diceware involves, literally, rolling dice and matching the resulting numbers to a list containing 7,776 English words, each identified by a five-digit number.
        For more information on what the 'Diceware Passphrase' concept is, see the following link: http://world.std.com/~reinhold/diceware.html
        This function was inspired by the concepts and methods of creating Diceware Passphrases. That said, this function cannot guarantee 100% unique unique results for a few reasons:
            1. I had to substite out the double-quote charater (") associated with number/entry 66634 with double-colons (::); I had issues returning a single, double-quote charater, based on how PowerShell handles quoations
            2. Since a computer is handling the 'digital' dice rolls, one could argue that a bug in some system code, or at some other low level of computation, a computer (potentially) follows a discoverable algorithm...that's as far as I'll go, on that.
        Overall, this should still be a good tool to generate more complex, and easy to remember, passwords than you may have previously used.
        There are several 'Security Levels' that you can choose from, which equates to the total number of words utilized. In the Diceware FAQ, it states that "Six words may be breakable by an organization with a very large budget, such as a large country's
        security agency. Seven words and longer are unbreakable with any known technology, but may be within the range of large organizations by around 2030. Eight words should be completely secure through 2050."
        Some additional good resources/articles:
    .PARAMETER FetchType
        Specify if you want to import the file from the web or from a local file path
        URI of web-hosted file
        Full path to file location
    .PARAMETER SecurityLevel
        Desired Security Level.
        Average = 5 words
        High = 6 words
        Extreme = 7 words
        UnHackable = 8 words
        New-DicewarePassword -Verbose
        This assumes a URI has been hard coded into the function and will attempt to pull the .CSV Diceware word list from a web-hosted file
        New-DicewarePassword -FetchType Web -URI 'https://server01/dicewarewordlist.csv'
        New-DicewarePassword -FetchType Local -Path C:\dicewarewordlist.csv
        Author: Kevin Kirkpatrick
        Contact: https://github.com/vScripter
        Version: 1.1
        Last Updated: 20170511
        Last Updated By: K. Kirkpatrick
        Last Update Notes:
        - Updated to read from local .JSON file, by default

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('Local', 'Web')]
        [System.String]$FetchType = 'Local',

        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Web')]
        [ValidateScript({ (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI).StatusCode -eq 200 })]
        [System.String]$URI = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22332521/DicewareWordList.csv',

        [Parameter(Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'Local')]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path -PathType Leaf })]
        [System.String]$Path = "$PSScriptRoot\Inputs\dicewareWordList.json",

        [Parameter(Position = 3)]
        [ValidateSet('Average', 'High', 'Extreme', 'UnHackable')]
        [System.String]$SecurityLevel = 'Average'

    BEGIN {

        #Requires -Version 3

        if ($FetchList -eq 'Web') {

            Write-Verbose -Message "[New-DicewarePassword] Calling REST 'Get' method from URI {$URI}. I will then import and store the Diceware Word List"
            try {

                $wordList = $null
                $wordList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Csv -ErrorAction Stop

            } catch {

                Write-Warning -Message "[New-DicewarePassword][ERROR] Importing and storing Diceware Word List from URI {$URI}. $_ "

            } # end try/catch

        } elseif ($FetchType -eq 'Local') {

            Write-Verbose -Message "[New-DicewarePassword] Importing and storing Diceware Word List from Path {$Path}"
            try {

                $wordList = $null
                $wordList = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -ErrorAction 'Stop' | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction 'Stop'

            } catch {

                Write-Warning -Message "[New-DicewarePassword][ERROR] Importing and storing Diceware Word List from Path {$Path}. $_ "

            } # end try/catch

        } # end if/elseif

        Write-Verbose -Message "[New-DicewarePassword] Security level of {$SecurityLevel} has been selected. Translating dice roll count."
        try {

            $diceRollCount = switch ($SecurityLevel) {
                Average { 5 }
                High { 6 }
                Extreme { 7 }
                UnHackable { 8 }
            } # end switch

            Write-Verbose -Message "[New-DicewarePassword] Dice will be rolled {$diceRollCount} time/s"

        } catch {

            Write-Warning -Message "[New-DicewarePassword][ERROR] Unable to translate dice roll count. $_ "

        } # end try/catch

    } # end BEGIN block


        Write-Verbose -Message "[New-DicewarePassword] Generating a {$diceRollCount} word Diceware Password based on Security Preference {$($SecurityLevel)}."
        try {

            $i = 0
            $result1 = $null
            $result2 = $null

            for (; $i -lt $diceRollCount; $i++) {

                $word     = $null
                $diceRoll = $null

                $diceRoll = Invoke-DiceRoll -ErrorAction Stop
                $word     = ($wordList | Where-Object { $_.Number -eq $diceRoll }).Word

                $result1 += " $word"
                $result2 += $word

            } # end for loop

            [PSCustomObject] @{
                PassWord       = $result2.Trim()
                SpacedPassWord = $result1.Trim()

        } catch {

            Write-Warning -Message "[New-DicewarePassword][ERROR] Could not generate Diceware Password. $_ "

        } # end try/catch

    } # end PROCESS block

    END {

        Write-Verbose -Message "[New-DicewarePassword] Processing Complete"

    } # end END block

} # end function New-DicewarePassword

Export-ModuleMember -Function *