
function Get-PasswordNumber {
Calculates the number of possible passwords
Calculates the number of possible passwords based
on the input so you will know the actual number before
you proceed to create your dictionary file.
.PARAMETER Characters
Specifies the letters that need to be included.
Parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the numbers that need to be included.
Parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the Symbols that need to be included.
Parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER MinCharacters
Specifies the minimum characters of the generated passwords.
Parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER MaxCharacters
Specifies the maximum characters of the generated passwords.
Parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER IncludeCapital
Specifies whether or not to include upper case letters along with
the lower case letters.
.PARAMETER CapitalOnly
Specifies whether or not all lower case letters to be converted to
upper case letters.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-PasswordNumber.
System.String. Get-PasswordNumber returns the number of password that
can be created.
C:\PS> Get-PasswordNumber -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1,2,3" -Symbols "$,*,&" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5
There are 66420 possible passwords
C:\PS> Get-PasswordNumber -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1,2,3" -Symbols "$,*,&" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5 -IncludeCapital
There are 271440 possible passwords
C:\PS> Get-PasswordNumber -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1,2,3" -Symbols "$,*,&" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5 -CapitalOnly
There are 66420 possible passwords
C:\PS> Get-PasswordNumber -Characters alphabet -Numbers "1,2,3" -Symbols "$,*,&" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5
There are 34636800 possible passwords


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$Characters,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$Numbers,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$Symbols,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Uint32]$MinCharacters,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Uint32]$MaxCharacters,

    if ($MinCharacters -eq "0"){
        throw "MinCharacters value cannot zero."

    if ($Characters -eq "alphabet"){
        $Characters = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z"

    if ($CapitalOnly -eq $True){
        $Characters = $Characters.ToUpper()

    if ($IncludeCapital -eq $True){
        $CharactersCapital = $Characters.ToUpper()
        $Characters = $Characters + $CharactersCapital

    $AllCharacters = $Characters + $Numbers + $Symbols
    $pool = $AllCharacters -split ','
    $pool = $pool | Select-Object -Unique
    [Uint32]$n = $pool.count

    switch ($MinCharacters){
        {$_ -eq $MaxCharacters}{
            [Uint32]$n = $pool.count
            [Uint32]$r = $_
            [Double]$TotalPossibilities = [math]::Pow($n,$r)
            Write-Output "There are $TotalPossibilities possible passwords"
        {$_ -gt $MaxCharacters}{
            throw "MinCharacters value cannot be greater than MaxCharacters value"
        {$_ -lt $MaxCharacters}{
            [int]$TotalPossibilities = 0

            for ($i = $MinCharacters;$i -le $MaxCharacters; $i++){
                [Uint32]$n = $pool.count
                [Uint32]$r = $i
                [Double]$TempPossibilities = [math]::Pow($n,$r)
                [Double]$TotalPossibilities = $TotalPossibilities + $TempPossibilities

            Write-Output "There are $TotalPossibilities possible passwords"
New-Alias -Name gpn -Value Get-PasswordNumber

Function Get-Password {

        [Uint32]$CurrentIndex = 0,
        [String]$TemporaryText = "",

    $MaximumIndex = $FullSet.Count - 1
    $FullSet[$CurrentIndex] |
        ForEach-Object {
            [Array]$Password = "$($TemporaryText)$($Comma)$($_)".Trim($Comma)

            If ($CurrentIndex -lt $MaximumIndex) {
                $Password = Get-Password $FullSet -CurrentIndex ($CurrentIndex + 1) -TemporaryText $Password -OutFile $OutFile

            Add-Content -Path $OutFile -Value $Password

function Get-DictionaryFile {
Calculates, creates and saves the possbile passwords
Calculates the number of possible passwords based
on the input. After the calculations has been completed
it will need your confirmation to proceed with the creation
of the possible passwords. If you access it will create the
passwords and save them in a dictionary file.
.PARAMETER Characters
Specifies the letters that need to be included.
Parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the numbers that need to be included.
Parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the Symbols that need to be included.
Parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER MinCharacters
Specifies the minimum characters of the generated passwords.
Parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER MaxCharacters
Specifies the maximum characters of the generated passwords.
Parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER IncludeCapital
Specifies whether or not to include upper case letters along with
the lower case letters.
.PARAMETER CapitalOnly
Specifies whether or not all lower case letters to be converted to
upper case letters.
Specifies the path and file that generated passwords will be saved.
(Default: $HOME\DictionaryFiles\DictionaryFile.txt)
None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-PasswordNumber.
System.String. Get-PasswordNumber returns the generated password to
the specified file.
C:\PS> Get-DictionaryFile -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1" -Symbols "$" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5
There are 3900 possible passwords
Are you sure you want to create the dictionary file (y or n): y
WARNING: Folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles' does not exist.
Creating Folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
Folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles' created.
File 'DictionaryFile.txt' does not exist in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Creating File 'DictionaryFile.txt' in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
File 'DictionaryFile.txt' created in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Generating passwords...
Dictionary File creation COMPLETED!!!
C:\PS> Get-DictionaryFile -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1" -Symbols "$" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5
There are 3900 possible passwords
Are you sure you want to create the dictionary file (y or n): n
C:\PS> Get-DictionaryFile -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1" -Symbols "$" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5 -Path C:\Scripts_Output\MyFile.txt
There are 3900 possible passwords
Are you sure you want to create the dictionary file (y or n): y
File 'MyFile.txt' does not exist in folder 'C:\Scripts_Output'.
Creating File 'MyFile.txt' in folder 'C:\Scripts_Output'...
File 'MyFile.txt' created in folder 'C:\Scripts_Output'.
Generating passwords...
Dictionary File creation COMPLETED!!!
C:\PS> Get-DictionaryFile -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1" -Symbols "$" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5 -IncludeCapital
There are 37440 possible passwords
Are you sure you want to create the dictionary file (y or n): y
WARNING: File 'DictionaryFile.txt' already exists in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
WARNING: Removing File 'DictionaryFile.txt' from folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
File 'DictionaryFile.txt' removed from folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Creating new DictionaryFile.txt file in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
New 'DictionaryFile.txt' file created in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Generating passwords...
Dictionary File creation COMPLETED!!!
C:\PS> Get-DictionaryFile -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1" -Symbols "$" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5 -CapitalOnly
There are 3900 possible passwords
Are you sure you want to create the dictionary file (y or n): y
WARNING: File 'DictionaryFile.txt' already exists in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
WARNING: Removing File 'DictionaryFile.txt' from folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
File 'DictionaryFile.txt' removed from folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Creating new DictionaryFile.txt file in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
New 'DictionaryFile.txt' file created in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Generating passwords...
Dictionary File creation COMPLETED!!!
C:\PS> Get-DictionaryFile -Characters "a,b,c" -Numbers "1" -Symbols "$" -MinCharacters 2 -MaxCharacters 5
There are 34636800 possible passwords
Are you sure you want to create the dictionary file (y or n): y
WARNING: Folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles' does not exist.
Creating Folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
Folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles' created.
File 'DictionaryFile.txt' does not exist in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Creating File 'DictionaryFile.txt' in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'...
File 'DictionaryFile.txt' created in folder 'C:\Users\stephanos.constantin\DictionaryFiles'.
Generating passwords...
Dictionary File creation COMPLETED!!!


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$Characters,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$Numbers,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$Symbols,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Uint32]$MinCharacters,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Uint32]$MaxCharacters,
        [String]$Path = "$HOME\DictionaryFiles\DictionaryFile.txt")

    $PasswordSpecs = @{
        Characters = $Characters
        Numbers = $Numbers
        Symbols = $Symbols
        MinCharacters = $MinCharacters
        MaxCharacters = $MaxCharacters
        IncludeCapital = $IncludeCapital
        CapitalOnly = $CapitalOnly}

    Get-PasswordNumber @PasswordSpecs

    do{$UserConfirmation = Read-Host -Prompt 'Are you sure you want to create the dictionary file (y or n)'
        If (($UserConfirmation -ieq "n") -or ($UserConfirmation -ieq "y")){
            $UserInput = "Correct"
            $UserInput = "Wrong"
            $Warning = "You have entered a wrong answer.Please enter y [YES] or n [NO]"
            Write-Warning $Warning
    while ($UserInput -eq "Wrong")

    if ($UserConfirmation -ieq "n"){Break}

    $Directory = Split-Path $Path
    $File = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Path)

    if ($Characters -eq "alphabet"){
        $Characters = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z"

    if ($CapitalOnly -eq $True){
        $Characters = $Characters.ToUpper()

    if ($IncludeCapital -eq $True){
        $CharactersCapital = $Characters.ToUpper()
        $Characters = $Characters + $CharactersCapital

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Directory -PathType Container)){
        Write-Warning "Folder '$Directory' does not exist."
        Write-Output "Creating Folder '$Directory'..."
        New-Item -Path $Directory -ItemType Directory -Force |
        Write-Output "Folder '$Directory' created."

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf)){
        Write-Output "File '$File' does not exist in folder '$Directory'."
        Write-Output "Creating File '$File' in folder '$Directory'..."
        New-Item -Path $Directory -Name $File -ItemType File -Force |
        Write-Output "File '$File' created in folder '$Directory'."
        Write-Warning "File '$File' already exists in folder '$Directory'."
        Write-Warning "Removing File '$File' from folder '$Directory'..."
        Remove-Item -Path "$Path" -Force | Out-Null
        Write-Output "File '$File' removed from folder '$Directory'."
        Write-Output "Creating new $File file in folder '$Directory'..."
        New-Item -Path $Directory -Name $File -ItemType File -Force |
        Write-Output "New '$File' file created in folder '$Directory'."

    $AllCharacters = $Characters + $Numbers + $Symbols
    $pool = $AllCharacters -split ','
    [Array]$pool = $pool |
        Select-Object -Unique

    Write-Output "Generating passwords..."

    for ($i = $MinCharacters; $i -le $MaxCharacters; $i++){
        $Passwords = @()

        for ($p = 1;$p -le $i;$p++){
            [Object[]]$Passwords += ,$pool

        Get-Password $Passwords -OutFile "$Path"

    Write-Output "Dictionary File creation COMPLETED!!!"
New-Alias -Name gdf -Value Get-DictionaryFile