
function Search-Wmi
        Searches the WMI repository
        Searches the help metadata that is built into the WMI repository
        to find WMI classes to fit a particular need. The search can
        look for:
            - Information by class name
            - Keywords in the description text
            - Keywords in property names or descriptions
            - Keywords in method names or descriptions
        # Get all class information from root\cimv2 namespace
        Search-Wmi -ForName *registry* -Namespace root\default
        # Save Everything in Root Default
        Search-Wmi -Namespace root\default | Export-Clixml .\root.default.clixml

    # The name of the class you'd like to search for. By default, *
    [String]$ForName = "*",

    # If provided, will search for specific text in a class description
    # If provided, will look for specific property names on a wmi class
    # If set, will return properties that can write
    # If provided, will look for specific method names on a wmi class
    # The namespace you'd like to search in, by default root\CIMv2
    [string]$Namespace = "root\cimv2",
    # If set, will only return wmi types that can be created
    # If set, will only return WMI types that can be deleted
    # If set, will only return WMI types that can be updated
    # The name of the computer to get WMI information from
    # The credential used to connect to the computer
    # If set, will search recursively
    # If set, will only search for WMI event classes
    process {
        Get-WmiObject $ForName -Namespace $namespace -Recurse:$Recurse -Amended -List | 
            Select-Object @{
                        Write-Progress "Getting WMI Data" " $($_.Name)"
                }, @{
                }, @{
                        try {
                        } catch {
                }, @{
                        try {
                        } catch {
                }, @{
                        try {
                        } catch {
                }, @{
                        try {
                        } catch {
                        try {
                        } catch {
                        try {
                        } catch {
                        try {
                        } catch {
                    Expression = { 
                        try {
                            $_.Qualifiers.Item("Privileges").Value -join ','                                        
                        } catch {
                        $_.Properties | 
                            Select-Object @{
                            }, @{
                            }, @{
                            }, @{
                            }, @{
                                    try {
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = { 
                                    try {
                                        $v = $_.Qualifiers.Item("CimType").Value
                                        if ($v -like "ref:*") {
                                        } else {
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = { 
                                    try {
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = { 
                                    try {
                                        $_.Qualifiers.Item("Privileges").Value -join ','                                        
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = { 
                                    try {
                                    } catch {

                }, @{
                        $_.Methods | 
                            Select-Object @{
                            }, @{
                            }, @{
                                Expression = { 
                                    try {
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = { 
                                    try {
                                        $_.Qualifiers.Item("Privileges").Value -join ','                                        
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = {
                                    try {
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = {
                                    try {
                                    } catch {
                            }, @{
                                Expression = {
                                    try {
                                    } catch {
                }, @{
                    Expression = { $_.Derivation -contains '__Event' } 
                }, @{
                    Expression = { $_.Derivation -contains '__SystemClass' } 
                }, @{
                    Expression = { 
                        try {
                        } catch {
                Where-Object {
                    if ($OnlyIfItCanBeCreated) {
                        $stillOk = $_.CanCreate
                        if (-not $stillOk) { return } 
                    if ($OnlyIfItCanBeDeleted) {
                        $stillOk = $_.CanDelete
                        if (-not $stillOk) { return } 
                    if ($OnlyIfItCanBeUpdated) {
                        $stillOk = $_.CanUpdate
                        if (-not $stillOk) { return }
                    if ($ForAPropertyLike) {
                        $stillOk = $_.Properties | 
                                Where-Object { 
                                    ($_.PropertyName -like $ForAPropertyLike -or
                                    $_.Description -like $ForAPropertyLike) -and 
                                    (((-not $OnlyIfThePropertyCanWrite) -or 
                                    ($OnlyIfThePropertyCanWrite -and $_.CanWrite)))
                        if (-not $stillOk ) { return }
                    if ($ForAMethodLike) {
                        $stillOk = $_.Methods | 
                            Where-Object  {
                                $_.MethodName -like $ForAMethodLike -or
                                $_.Description -like $ForAMethodLike
                        if (-not $stillOk) { return }
                    if ($OnlySearchForAnEvent) {
                        $stillOk = $_.IsEvent
                        if (-not $stillOk) { return }
                    if ($ForTextInDescription) {
                        $stillOk = $_.Description -like "*$ForTextInDescription*"
                        if (-not $stillOk) { return } 
                    return $true                
                } | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Progress "Getting WMI Data" "Complete" -Completed