
    The DnsServerRecursion DSC resource manages recursion settings on a Microsoft
    Domain Name System (DNS) server.
    The DnsServerRecursion DSC resource manages recursion settings on a Microsoft
    Domain Name System (DNS) server. Recursion occurs when a DNS server queries
    other DNS servers on behalf of a requesting client, and then sends the answer
    back to the client.
    The property SecureResponse that can be set by the cmdlet Set-DnsServerRecursion
    changes the same value as EnablePollutionProtection in the resource DnsServerCache
    does. Use the property EnablePollutionProtection in the resource DnsServerCache
    to enforce pollution protection.
    Key - System.String
    The host name of the Domain Name System (DNS) server, or use 'localhost'
    for the current node.
    Write - Nullable[System.Boolean]
    Specifies whether the server enables recursion.
.PARAMETER AdditionalTimeout
    Write - Nullable[System.UInt32]
    Specifies the time interval, in seconds, that a DNS server waits as it uses
    recursion to get resource records from a remote DNS server. Valid values are
    in the range of 1 second to 15 seconds. See recommendation in the documentation
    of https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dnsserver/set-dnsserverrecursion.
.PARAMETER RetryInterval
    Write - Nullable[System.UInt32]
    Specifies elapsed seconds before a DNS server retries a recursive lookup.
    Valid values are in the range of 1 second to 15 seconds. The
    recommendation is that in general this value should not be change. However,
    under a few circumstances it can be considered changing the value. For
    example, if a DNS server contacts a remote DNS server over a slow link and
    retries the lookup before it gets a response, it could help to raise the
    retry interval to be slightly longer than the observed response time.
    See recommendation in the documentation of https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dnsserver/set-dnsserverrecursion.
    Write - Nullable[System.UInt32]
    Specifies the number of seconds that a DNS server waits before it stops
    trying to contact a remote server. The valid value is in the range of 1
    second to 15 seconds. Recommendation is to increase this value when
    recursion occurs over a slow link. See recommendation in the documentation
    of https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dnsserver/set-dnsserverrecursion.