
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

function Init-Variables()
    $script:fileCount        = 0
    $script:functionCount    = 0
    $script:moduleCount      = 0
    $script:namespaceCount   = 0
    $script:noModulesFlagged = $false
    $script:itemList         = @()
    $script:failedCount      = 0

    $script:PAGE_HOME        = "home"
    $script:PAGE_CONTENTS    = "contents"
    $script:PAGE_MODULE      = "module"
    $script:PAGE_FUNCTION    = "function"

    $script:CSS_ERR_MSG        = "errMsg"
    $script:CSS_PS_CMD         = "pscmd"
    $script:CSS_PS_DOC_SECTION = "PowerShellDoc"

    $script:CMDLET_TYPES       ='Function','Filter','Cmdlet'

    $script:namespace_overview_filename = "namespace_overview.html"
    $script:module_overview_filename    = "module_overview.html"
    $script:default_template            = "$PSScriptRoot\..\Templates\psdoc_template.html"

    $script:moduleRoot = Get-UserPsModulePath

    # Get the name of *this* module because it requires special handling.
    if ($script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -match "\\([^\\]*)\\\w*.psm1")
    { $script:thisModule = $Matches[1] }
    else { $script:thisModule = "" }

    $script:msdnIndex = Get-CmdletDocLinks

    $script:template = Get-Template $default_template

# Get just the user path out of the env var containing both the user path
# and the system path, by searching for the user name component of a path,
# optionally followed by a dollar sign (indicating home folder share).
function Get-UserPsModulePath()
    $env:PSModulePath.split(";") | ? { $_ -match "\\$($env:USERNAME)\`$?\\" }

function Get-Template([string]$defaultTemplate)
    $templateName = $TemplateName
    if (!$templateName) {
        $templateName = $defaultTemplate
    Get-Content $templateName -ErrorAction Stop

function Init-ModuleProperties()
    $allModuleProperties =
        Get-Module |
        Get-Member |
        ? { $_.MemberType -eq "Property" } |
        % { $_.Name }
    # Hmmm... should work without Out-String but causes $matches to be empty!
    $tstring = $template | Out-String
    $script:modulePropertiesInTemplate = @()
    $allModuleProperties | % {
        $property = $_
        if ($tstring -match "\{module.($property)\}") {
            $script:modulePropertiesInTemplate += $matches[1] } 
    if ($script:modulePropertiesInTemplate.count -eq 0) {
        $script:modulePropertiesInTemplate = $null
# This essentially serves as a boolean indicating presence of any.
# $script:modulePropertiesInTemplate =
# $template | Select-String ( $moduleProperties | % { "{module.$_}"} )