
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

function ApplyLineBreaks ([string[]]$text)
    $listMarks = '*+-'
    $headerMarks = '=_+*#~-'
    $codeMarker = HtmlEncode 'PS>'
    $blanks = 0; # tracks consecutive blank lines in input
    $breaks = 0; # tracks breaks emitted in output
    $lineBreak = Get-HtmlLineBreak
    $text | % {
        if ($_ -match '^\s*$') {
            if ($blanks++ -eq 0) { EmitBreaksTo 2; $breaks = 2 } # add just one in HTML
        else {
            $blanks = 0
            # Output of Get-Help will have a 4-char lead-in on every line
            if ($_ -match '^\s{4}(?:\s{4}|\t)') {
                Get-HtmlPre $_
                $breaks = 1 # <pre> counts as a break!
            elseif ($_ -match "^\s*[$headerMarks]{4}|[$headerMarks]{4}\s*$") {
                EmitBreaksTo 1
                Get-HtmlBold $_
                $breaks = 1
            elseif ($_ -match "^\s{5,}|^\s*[$listMarks]|^\s*$codeMarker") {
                # Lines starting with leading space just get a <br/>, no <pre>.
                # That 5 above is 4 (what PS always adds) plus 1 additional, real space.
                # Works for 1, 2, or 3 real spaces; at 4 the pre-formatted block above kicks in instead.
                EmitBreaksTo 1
                $breaks = 0
            else  {
                   $breaks = 0

function CorrectParamIndents([string[]]$text)

    $state = $SEEK_NEW_PARAM_LINE 
    $text | % {
        if ($_ -match '^(\s*-)(.+)') {
            $state = $SEEK_FIRST_DESC_LINE
            $Matches[1] + (Get-HtmlBold $Matches[2]) # add some highlight to parameter name and type
        elseif ($state -ne $SEEK_NEW_PARAM_LINE -and $_ -match '^\s*Required\?') { # Constant after description
            $state = $SEEK_NEW_PARAM_LINE 
            $_ # be sure to emit it, too!
        elseif ($state -ne $SEEK_NEW_PARAM_LINE -and $_ -match '^\s*(.*)') {
            if ($state -eq $SEEK_FIRST_DESC_LINE) {
                $state = $SEEK_FIRST_PROPERTY_LINE
                # Want some leading space on FIRST description line to get a line break.
                # Here we start with 4 to match everything else Get-Help provided, then add 2.
                (' '*6)+$Matches[1]
            else { $Matches[1] } # remove the leading spaces here so it becomes regular, wrapped text in HTML
        else { $_ }

function EmitBreaksTo([int]$count)
    $lineBreak = Get-HtmlLineBreak
    while ($breaks++ -lt $count) { $lineBreak }