
# Docker Compose version v2.0.0
Register-Completer docker_compose {
    COMPGEN build SubCommand 'Build or rebuild services'
    COMPGEN convert SubCommand 'Converts the compose file to platform''s canonical format'
    COMPGEN cp SubCommand 'Copy files/folders between a service container and the local filesystem'
    COMPGEN create SubCommand 'Creates containers for a service.'
    COMPGEN down SubCommand 'Stop and remove containers, networks'
    COMPGEN events SubCommand 'Receive real time events from containers.'
    COMPGEN exec SubCommand 'Execute a command in a running container.'
    COMPGEN images SubCommand 'List images used by the created containers'
    COMPGEN kill SubCommand 'Force stop service containers.'
    COMPGEN logs SubCommand 'View output from containers'
    COMPGEN ls SubCommand 'List running compose projects'
    COMPGEN pause SubCommand 'pause services'
    COMPGEN port SubCommand 'Print the public port for a port binding.'
    COMPGEN ps SubCommand 'List containers'
    COMPGEN pull SubCommand 'Pull service images'
    COMPGEN push SubCommand 'Push service images'
    COMPGEN restart SubCommand 'Restart containers'
    COMPGEN rm SubCommand 'Removes stopped service containers'
    COMPGEN run SubCommand 'Run a one-off command on a service.'
    COMPGEN start SubCommand 'Start services'
    COMPGEN stop SubCommand 'Stop services'
    COMPGEN top SubCommand 'Display the running processes'
    COMPGEN unpause SubCommand 'unpause services'
    COMPGEN up SubCommand 'Create and start containers'
    COMPGEN version SubCommand 'Show the Docker Compose version information'

Register-Completer docker_compose -Option {
    COMPGEN --ansi string 'Control when to print ANSI control characters ("never"|"always"|"auto")'
    COMPGEN --compatibility Switch 'Run compose in backward compatibility mode'
    COMPGEN --env-file string 'Specify an alternate environment file.'
    COMPGEN '-f' stringArray 'Compose configuration files'
    COMPGEN --file stringArray 'Compose configuration files'
    COMPGEN --no-ansi Switch 'Do not print ANSI control characters (DEPRECATED)'
    COMPGEN --profile stringArray 'Specify a profile to enable'
    COMPGEN --project-directory string 'Specify an alternate working directory
(default: the path of the Compose file)'

    COMPGEN '-p' string 'Project name'
    COMPGEN --project-name string 'Project name'
    COMPGEN --verbose Switch 'Show more output'
    COMPGEN --workdir string 'DEPRECATED! USE --project-directory INSTEAD.
Specify an alternate working directory
(default: the path of the Compose file)'


Register-Completer docker_compose_build -Option {
    COMPGEN --build-arg stringArray 'Set build-time variables for services.'
    COMPGEN --compress Switch 'Compress the build context using gzip. DEPRECATED'
    COMPGEN --force-rm Switch 'Always remove intermediate containers. DEPRECATED'
    COMPGEN '-m' string 'Set memory limit for the build container. Not supported on buildkit yet.'
    COMPGEN --memory string 'Set memory limit for the build container. Not supported on buildkit yet.'
    COMPGEN --no-cache Switch 'Do not use cache when building the image'
    COMPGEN --no-rm Switch 'Do not remove intermediate containers after a successful build. DEPRECATED'
    COMPGEN --parallel Switch 'Build images in parallel. DEPRECATED'
    COMPGEN --progress string 'Set type of progress output ("auto", "plain", "noTty")'
    COMPGEN --pull Switch 'Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image.'
    COMPGEN '-q' Switch 'Don''t print anything to STDOUT'
    COMPGEN --quiet Switch 'Don''t print anything to STDOUT'

Register-Completer docker_compose_convert -Option {
    COMPGEN --format string 'Format the output. Values: [yaml | json]'
    COMPGEN --hash string 'Print the service config hash, one per line.'
    COMPGEN --no-interpolate Switch 'Don''t interpolate environment variables.'
    COMPGEN '-o' string 'Save to file (default to stdout)'
    COMPGEN --output string 'Save to file (default to stdout)'
    COMPGEN --profiles Switch 'Print the profile names, one per line.'
    COMPGEN '-q' Switch 'Only validate the configuration, don''t print anything.'
    COMPGEN --quiet Switch 'Only validate the configuration, don''t print anything.'
    COMPGEN --resolve-image-digests Switch 'Pin image tags to digests.'
    COMPGEN --services Switch 'Print the service names, one per line.'
    COMPGEN --volumes Switch 'Print the volume names, one per line.'

Register-Completer docker_compose_cp -Option {
    COMPGEN --all Switch 'Copy to all the containers of the service.'
    COMPGEN '-a' Switch 'Archive mode (copy all uid/gid information)'
    COMPGEN --archive Switch 'Archive mode (copy all uid/gid information)'
    COMPGEN '-L' Switch 'Always follow symbol link in SRC_PATH'
    COMPGEN --follow-link Switch 'Always follow symbol link in SRC_PATH'
    COMPGEN --index int 'Index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service [default: 1].'

Register-Completer docker_compose_create -Option {
    COMPGEN --build Switch 'Build images before starting containers.'
    COMPGEN --force-recreate Switch 'Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven''t changed.'
    COMPGEN --no-build Switch 'Don''t build an image, even if it''s missing.'
    COMPGEN --no-recreate Switch 'If containers already exist, don''t recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate.'

Register-Completer docker_compose_down -Option {
    COMPGEN --remove-orphans Switch 'Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.'
    COMPGEN --rmi string 'Remove images used by services. "local" remove only images that don''t have a custom tag ("local"|"all")'
    COMPGEN '-t' int 'Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds'
    COMPGEN --timeout int 'Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds'
    COMPGEN '-v' Switch ' Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.'
    COMPGEN --volumes Switch ' Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.'

Register-Completer docker_compose_events -Option {
    COMPGEN --json Switch 'Output events as a stream of json objects'

Register-Completer docker_compose_exec -Option {
    COMPGEN '-d' Switch 'Detached mode: Run command in the background.'
    COMPGEN --detach Switch 'Detached mode: Run command in the background.'
    COMPGEN '-e' stringArray 'Set environment variables'
    COMPGEN --env stringArray 'Set environment variables'
    COMPGEN --index int 'index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service [default: 1].'
    COMPGEN '-T' Switch 'Disable pseudo-TTY allocation. By default `docker compose exec` allocates a TTY.'
    COMPGEN --no-TTY Switch 'Disable pseudo-TTY allocation. By default `docker compose exec` allocates a TTY.'
    COMPGEN --privileged Switch 'Give extended privileges to the process.'
    COMPGEN '-u' string 'Run the command as this user.'
    COMPGEN --user string 'Run the command as this user.'
    COMPGEN '-w' string 'Path to workdir directory for this command.'
    COMPGEN --workdir string 'Path to workdir directory for this command.'

Register-Completer docker_compose_images -Option {
    COMPGEN '-q' Switch 'Only display IDs'
    COMPGEN --quiet Switch 'Only display IDs'

Register-Completer docker_compose_kill -Option {
    COMPGEN '-s' string 'SIGNAL to send to the container.'
    COMPGEN --signal string 'SIGNAL to send to the container.'

Register-Completer docker_compose_logs -Option {
    COMPGEN '-f' Switch 'Follow log output.'
    COMPGEN --follow Switch 'Follow log output.'
    COMPGEN --no-color Switch 'Produce monochrome output.'
    COMPGEN --no-log-prefix Switch 'Don''t print prefix in logs.'
    COMPGEN --since string 'Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)'
    COMPGEN --tail string 'Number of lines to show from the end of the logs for each container.'
    COMPGEN '-t' Switch 'Show timestamps.'
    COMPGEN --timestamps Switch 'Show timestamps.'
    COMPGEN --until string 'Show logs before a timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)'

Register-Completer docker_compose_ls -Option {
    COMPGEN '-a' Switch 'Show all stopped Compose projects'
    COMPGEN --all Switch 'Show all stopped Compose projects'
    COMPGEN --filter filter 'Filter output based on conditions provided.'
    COMPGEN --format string 'Format the output. Values: [pretty | json].'
    COMPGEN '-q' Switch 'Only display IDs.'
    COMPGEN --quiet Switch 'Only display IDs.'

Register-Completer docker_compose_port -Option {
    COMPGEN --index int 'index of the container if service has multiple replicas'
    COMPGEN --protocol string 'tcp or udp'

Register-Completer docker_compose_ps -Option {
    COMPGEN '-a' Switch 'Show all stopped containers (including those created by the run command)'
    COMPGEN --all Switch 'Show all stopped containers (including those created by the run command)'
    COMPGEN --filter string 'Filter services by a property. Deprecated, use --status instead'
    COMPGEN --format string 'Format the output. Values: [pretty | json]'
    COMPGEN '-q' Switch 'Only display IDs'
    COMPGEN --quiet Switch 'Only display IDs'
    COMPGEN --services Switch 'Display services'
    COMPGEN --status string 'Filter services by status. Values: [paused | restarting | removing | running | dead | created | exited]'

Register-Completer docker_compose_pull -Option {
    COMPGEN --ignore-pull-failures Switch 'Pull what it can and ignores images with pull failures'
    COMPGEN --include-deps Switch 'Also pull services declared as dependencies'
    COMPGEN --no-parallel Switch 'DEPRECATED disable parallel pulling.'
    COMPGEN --parallel Switch 'DEPRECATED pull multiple images in parallel.'
    COMPGEN '-q' Switch 'Pull without printing progress information'
    COMPGEN --quiet Switch 'Pull without printing progress information'

Register-Completer docker_compose_push -Option {
    COMPGEN --ignore-push-failures Switch 'Push what it can and ignores images with push failures'

Register-Completer docker_compose_restart -Option {
    COMPGEN '-t' int 'Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds'
    COMPGEN --timeout int 'Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds'

Register-Completer docker_compose_rm -Option {
    COMPGEN '-a' Switch 'Deprecated - no effect'
    COMPGEN --all Switch 'Deprecated - no effect'
    COMPGEN '-f' Switch 'Don''t ask to confirm removal'
    COMPGEN --force Switch 'Don''t ask to confirm removal'
    COMPGEN '-s' Switch 'Stop the containers, if required, before removing'
    COMPGEN --stop Switch 'Stop the containers, if required, before removing'
    COMPGEN '-v' Switch 'Remove any anonymous volumes attached to containers'
    COMPGEN --volumes Switch 'Remove any anonymous volumes attached to containers'

Register-Completer docker_compose_run -Option {
    COMPGEN '-d' Switch 'Run container in background and print container ID'
    COMPGEN --detach Switch 'Run container in background and print container ID'
    COMPGEN --entrypoint string 'Override the entrypoint of the image'
    COMPGEN '-e' stringArray 'Set environment variables'
    COMPGEN --env stringArray 'Set environment variables'
    COMPGEN '-l' stringArray 'Add or override a label'
    COMPGEN --label stringArray 'Add or override a label'
    COMPGEN --name string ' Assign a name to the container'
    COMPGEN '-T' Switch 'Disable pseudo-noTty allocation. By default docker compose run allocates a TTY'
    COMPGEN --no-TTY Switch 'Disable pseudo-noTty allocation. By default docker compose run allocates a TTY'
    COMPGEN --no-deps Switch 'Don''t start linked services.'
    COMPGEN '-p' stringArray 'Publish a container''s port(s) to the host.'
    COMPGEN --publish stringArray 'Publish a container''s port(s) to the host.'
    COMPGEN --rm Switch 'Automatically remove the container when it exits'
    COMPGEN --service-ports Switch 'Run command with the service''s ports enabled and mapped to the host.'
    COMPGEN --use-aliases Switch 'Use the service''s network useAliases in the network(s) the container connects to.'
    COMPGEN '-u' string 'Run as specified username or uid'
    COMPGEN --user string 'Run as specified username or uid'
    COMPGEN '-v' stringArray 'Bind mount a volume.'
    COMPGEN --volume stringArray 'Bind mount a volume.'
    COMPGEN '-w' string 'Working directory inside the container'
    COMPGEN --workdir string 'Working directory inside the container'

Register-Completer docker_compose_stop -Option {
    COMPGEN '-t' int 'Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds'
    COMPGEN --timeout int 'Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds'

Register-Completer docker_compose_up -Option {
    COMPGEN --abort-on-container-exit Switch 'Stops all containers if any container was stopped. Incompatible with -d'
    COMPGEN --always-recreate-deps Switch 'Recreate dependent containers. Incompatible with --no-recreate.'
    COMPGEN --attach stringArray 'Attach to service output.'
    COMPGEN --attach-dependencies Switch 'Attach to dependent containers.'
    COMPGEN --build Switch 'Build images before starting containers.'
    COMPGEN '-d' Switch 'Detached mode: Run containers in the background'
    COMPGEN --detach Switch 'Detached mode: Run containers in the background'
    COMPGEN '-e' stringArray 'Environment variables'
    COMPGEN --environment stringArray 'Environment variables'
    COMPGEN --exit-code-from string 'Return the exit code of the selected service container. Implies --abort-on-container-exit'
    COMPGEN --force-recreate Switch 'Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven''t changed.'
    COMPGEN --no-build Switch 'Don''t build an image, even if it''s missing.'
    COMPGEN --no-color Switch 'Produce monochrome output.'
    COMPGEN --no-deps Switch 'Don''t start linked services.'
    COMPGEN --no-log-prefix Switch 'Don''t print prefix in logs.'
    COMPGEN --no-recreate Switch 'If containers already exist, don''t recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate.'
    COMPGEN --no-start Switch 'Don''t start the services after creating them.'
    COMPGEN --quiet-pull Switch 'Pull without printing progress information.'
    COMPGEN --remove-orphans Switch 'Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.'
    COMPGEN '-V' Switch 'Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previous containers.'
    COMPGEN --renew-anon-volumes Switch 'Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previous containers.'
    COMPGEN --scale stringArray 'Scale SERVICE to NUM instances. Overrides the `scale` setting in the Compose file if present.'
    COMPGEN '-t' int 'Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running.'
    COMPGEN --timeout int 'Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running.'

Register-Completer docker_compose_version -Option {
    COMPGEN '-f' string 'Format the output. Values: [pretty | json]. (Default: pretty)'
    COMPGEN --format string 'Format the output. Values: [pretty | json]. (Default: pretty)'
    COMPGEN --short Switch 'Shows only Compose''s version number.'