
# DockerProvider

Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

#region variables

$script:Providername = "DockerProvider"
$script:DockerSources = $null
$script:location_modules = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath $script:ProviderName
$script:location_sources= Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA -ChildPath $script:ProviderName
$script:file_modules = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $script:location_sources -ChildPath "sources.txt"
$script:DockerSearchIndex = "DockerSearchIndex.json"
$script:Installer_Extension = "zip"
$script:dockerURL = ""
$separator = "|#|"
$script:restartRequired = $false
$script:isNanoServerInitialized = $false
$script:isNanoServer = $false
$script:SystemEnvironmentKey = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
$script:pathVar = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath "Docker"
$script:pathDockerD = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath "Docker\dockerd.exe"
$script:wildcardOptions = [System.Management.Automation.WildcardOptions]::CultureInvariant -bor `

$script:NuGetProviderName = "NuGet"
$script:NuGetProvider = $null
$script:nanoserverPackageProvider = "NanoServerPackage"
$script:hotFixID = 'KB3176936'
$script:minOsMajorBuild = 14393
$script:minOSRevision= 206
$script:MetadataFileName = 'metadata.json'
$script:SemVerTypeName = 'Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility.SemanticVersion'
if('Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider.SemanticVersion' -as [Type])
    $script:SemVerTypeName = 'Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider.SemanticVersion'

#endregion variables

#region One-Get Functions

function Find-Package




    $null = Install-NuGetClientBinary -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet

    $options = $request.Options

    foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
        Write-Debug ( "OPTION: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $options[$o]) )

    $AllVersions = $null
        $AllVersions = $options['AllVersions']

    $sources = @()
        $sources = $options['Source']

    if ((-not $names) -or ($names.Count -eq 0))
        $names = @('')

    $allResults = @()
    $allSources = Get-SourceList -Sources $sources

    foreach($currSource in $allSources)
        $location = $currSource.SourceLocation
        $sourceName = $currSource.Name

            $tempResults = @()
            $tempResults += Find-FromUrl -Source $Location `
                                         -SourceName $sourceName `
                                         -Name $names `
                                         -MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion `
                                         -MaximumVersion $MaximumVersion `
                                         -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion `

                $allResults += $tempResults
            Write-Error "Currently only https sources are supported. Please register with https source."

    if((-not $allResults) -or ($allResults.Count -eq 0))

    foreach($result in $allResults)
        $swid = New-SoftwareIdentityFromDockerInfo -DockerInfo $result
        Write-Output $swid

function Download-Package


    DownloadPackageHelper -FastPackageReference $FastPackageReference `
                            -Request $Request `
                            -Location $Location

function Install-Package

    if(-not (Test-AdminPrivilege))
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionName "InvalidOperationException" `
                    -ExceptionMessage "Administrator rights are required to install docker." `
                    -ErrorId "AdminPrivilegesAreRequiredForInstall" `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation

    if(-not (IsNanoServer))
        $osVersion = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\').CurrentBuildNumber
        $osRevision = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\').UBR
        # Ensure that the host is either running a build newer than Windows Server 2016 GA or
        # if running Windows Server 2016 GA that it has a revision greater than 206 (KB3176936)
        if (($osVersion -lt $script:minOsMajorBuild) -or 
        (($osVersion -eq $script:minOsMajorBuild) -and ($osRevision -lt $script:minOsRevision)))
            ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                        -ExceptionName "InvalidOperationException" `
                        -ExceptionMessage "$script:hotFixID or later is required for docker to work" `
                        -ErrorId "RequiredWindowsUpdateNotInstalled" `
                        -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation
        Write-Warning "$script:hotFixID or later is required for docker to work. Please ensure this is installed."

    $options = $request.Options
    $update = $false
    $force = $false

        foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
            Write-Debug ("OPTION: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $request.Options[$o]) )

            Write-Verbose "Updating the docker installation."
            $update = $true

            $force = $true

    if(Test-Path $script:pathDockerD)
        if($update -or $force)
            # Uninstall if another installation exists
        elseif(-not $force)
            $dockerVersion = & "$env:ProgramFiles\Docker\dockerd.exe" --version
            $resultArr = $dockerVersion -split ","
            $version = ($resultArr[0].Trim() -split " ")[2]

            Write-Verbose "Docker $version already exists. Skipping install. Use -force to install anyway."
        # Install WindowsFeature containers
            InstallFeature -Feature Containers
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                        -ExceptionName $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
                        -ExceptionMessage $ErrorMessage `
                        -ErrorId FailedToDownload `
                        -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation


    $splitterArray = @("$separator")
    $resultArray = $fastPackageReference.Split($splitterArray, [System.StringSplitOptions]::None)

    if((-not $resultArray) -or ($resultArray.count -ne 8)){Write-Debug "Fast package reference doesn't have required parts."}

    $source = $resultArray[0]
    $name = $resultArray[1]
    $version = $resultArray[2]
    $description = $resultArray[3]
    $originPath = $resultArray[5]
    $size = $resultArray[6]
    $sha = $resultArray[7]
    $date = $resultArray[4]
    $Location = $script:location_modules

    $destination = GenerateFullPath -Location $Location `
                                    -Name $name `
                                    -Version $Version

    $downloadOutput = DownloadPackageHelper -FastPackageReference $FastPackageReference `
                            -Request $Request `
                            -Location $Location

    if(-not (Test-Path $destination))
        Write-Error "$destination does not exist"
        Write-verbose "Found $destination to install."

    # Install
        Write-Verbose "Trying to unzip : $destination"
        $null = Expand-Archive -Path $destination -DestinationPath $env:ProgramFiles -Force

        # Rename the docker folder to become Docker
        $dummyName = 'dummyName'
        $null = Rename-Item -Path $env:ProgramFiles\docker -NewName $env:ProgramFiles\$dummyName
        $null = Rename-Item -Path $env:ProgramFiles\$dummyName -NewName $env:ProgramFiles\Docker        

        if(Test-Path $script:pathDockerD)
            Write-Verbose "Trying to enable the docker service..."
            $service = get-service -Name Docker -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if(-not $service)
                $command = "$env:ProgramFiles\Docker\dockerd.exe --run-service"

                # Enable experimental and Hyper-V for preview builds, but revisit later.
                if ($version -match 'preview')
                    $command += " --experimental"

                    # Install Hyper-V
                        InstallFeature -Feature Hyper-V
                        Write-Verbose "Failed to install Hyper-V."

                $null = New-Service -Name Docker -BinaryPathName $command
            Write-Error "Unable to expand docker to Program Files."
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionName $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
                    -ExceptionMessage $ErrorMessage `
                    -ErrorId FailedToDownload `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation
        # Clean up
        Write-Verbose "Removing the archive: $destination"
        $null = remove-item $destination -Force

    # Save the install information
    $null = SaveInfo -Source $source

    # Update the path variable
    $null = Update-PathVar

        Write-Warning "A restart is required to enable the one or more features. Please restart your machine."
        $null = Start-Service Docker

    Write-Output $downloadOutput

function Uninstall-Package


    Write-Verbose "Uninstalling container feature from windows"
    UninstallFeature -Feature Containers

    [string[]] $splitterArray = @("$separator")
    [string[]] $resultArray = $fastPackageReference.Split($splitterArray, [System.StringSplitOptions]::None)

    if((-not $resultArray) -or ($resultArray.count -ne 3)){Write-Debug "Fast package reference doesn't have required parts."}

    $name = $resultArray[0]
    $version = $resultArray[1]
    $source = $resultArray[2]

    $dockerSWID = @{
            Name = $name
            version = $version
            Source = $source
            versionScheme = "MultiPartNumeric"
            fastPackageReference = $fastPackageReference

    New-SoftwareIdentity @dockerSWID

#endregion One-Get Functions

#region One-Get Required Functions

function Initialize-Provider
    write-debug "In $($script:Providername) - Initialize-Provider"

function Get-PackageProviderName
    return $script:Providername

function Get-InstalledPackage

    $name = 'Docker'
    $version = ''
    $source = ''

    if(Test-Path $env:ProgramFiles\Docker\$script:MetadataFileName) 
        $metaContent = (Get-Content -Path $env:ProgramFiles\Docker\$script:MetadataFileName)

            $jsonDll = [Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.AssemblyExtensions]::LoadFrom($PSScriptRoot + "\Json.coreclr.dll")
            $jsonParser = $jsonDll.GetTypes() | Where-Object name -match jsonparser
            $metaContentParsed = $jsonParser::FromJson($metaContent)

            $source = if($metaContentParsed.ContainsKey('SourceName')) {$metaContentParsed.SourceName} else {'Unable To Retrieve Source from metadata.json'}
            $version = if($metaContentParsed.ContainsKey('Version')) {$metaContentParsed.Version} else {'Unable To Retrieve Version from metadata.json'}
            $metaContentParsed = (Get-Content -Path $env:ProgramFiles\Docker\$script:MetadataFileName) | ConvertFrom-Json
                $source = if($ -contains 'SourceName') {$metaContentParsed.SourceName} else {'Unable To Retrieve Source from metadata.json'}
                $version = if($ -contains 'Version') {$metaContentParsed.Version} else {'Unable To Retrieve Version from metadata.json'}
    elseif(Test-Path $script:pathDockerD)
        $dockerVersion = & "$env:ProgramFiles\Docker\dockerd.exe" --version
        $resultArr = $dockerVersion -split ","
        $version = ($resultArr[0].Trim() -split " ")[2]
        $source = ' '
        return $null

    $fastPackageReference = $name +
                                    $separator + $version +
                                    $separator + $source

    $dockerSWID = @{
        Name = $name
        version = $version
        Source = $source
        versionScheme = "MultiPartNumeric"
        fastPackageReference = $fastPackageReference

    return New-SoftwareIdentity @dockerSWID

#endregion One-Get Required Functions

#region Helper-Functions

function SaveInfo

    # Create a file
    $metaFileInfo = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $env:ProgramFiles\docker -Name $script:MetadataFileName -Force

    if(-not $metaFileInfo)
        # TODO: Handle File not created scenario

    if(Test-Path $script:pathDockerD)
        $dockerVersion = & "$env:ProgramFiles\Docker\dockerd.exe" --version
        $resultArr = $dockerVersion -split ","
        $version = ($resultArr[0].Trim() -split " ")[2]

        $metaInfo = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
            SourceName = $source
            Version = $version 

        $metaInfo | ConvertTo-Json > $metaFileInfo

function UninstallHelper
    if(-not (Test-AdminPrivilege))
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionName "InvalidOperationException" `
                    -ExceptionMessage "Administrator rights are required to install docker." `
                    -ErrorId "AdminPrivilegesAreRequiredForInstall" `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation

    # Stop docker service
    $dockerService = get-service -Name Docker -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if(-not $dockerService)
        # Docker service is not available
        Write-Warning "Docker Service is not available."

    if(($dockerService.Status -eq "Started") -or ($dockerService.Status -eq "Running"))
        Write-Verbose "Trying to stop docker service"
        $null = stop-service docker

    if(Test-Path $script:pathDockerD)
        Write-Verbose "Unregistering the docker service"
        $null = & "$env:ProgramFiles\Docker\dockerd.exe" --unregister-service
        Write-Verbose "Removing the docker files"
        $null = Get-ChildItem -Path $env:ProgramFiles\Docker -Recurse | Remove-Item -force -Recurse

        if(Test-Path $env:ProgramFiles\Docker) {$null = Remove-Item $env:ProgramFiles\Docker -Force}
        if(Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\Linux Containers") {$null = Remove-Item "$env:ProgramFiles\Linux Containers" -Force -Recurse}
        Write-Warning "Docker is not present under the Program Files. Please check the installation."

    Write-Verbose "Removing the path variable"
    $null = Remove-PathVar

function InstallFeature

            $exists = get-package -providername NanoServerPackage -Name *$Feature* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

                Write-Verbose "$Feature package is already installed. Skipping the install."

            # Find Package
            $package = Find-NanoServerPackage -Name *$Feature* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

            if(-not $package)
                ThrowError -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
                            -ExceptionMessage "Unable to find the $Feature Package from NanoServerPackage Module." `
                            -ErrorId "PackageNotFound" `
                            -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation

            Write-Verbose "Installing $Feature..."
            $null = $package | Install-NanoServerPackage -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            $script:restartRequired = $true
            ThrowError -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
                            -ExceptionMessage "Unable to load the NanoServerPackage Module." `
                            -ErrorId "ModuleNotFound" `
                            -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation
        switch(Get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem | select-object -ExpandProperty Caption ){                
            'Microsoft Windows 10' {
                $exists = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $Feature |
                Select-object -Property *,@{name='Installed';expression={$_.State -eq 'Enabled'}}
            Default {$exists = Get-WindowsFeature -Name $Feature}
        if($exists -and $exists.Installed)
            Write-Verbose "$Feature feature is already installed. Skipping the install."
            Write-Verbose "Installing $Feature..."
            switch(Get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem | select-object -ExpandProperty Caption ){                
                'Microsoft Windows 10' {$null = Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $Feature}
                Default {$null = Install-WindowsFeature $Feature}
            $script:restartRequired = $true            

    Write-Verbose "Installed $Feature"

function UninstallFeature

        switch(Get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem | select-object -ExpandProperty Caption ){
            'Microsoft Windows 10' { $null = Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $Feature }
            Default { $null = Uninstall-WindowsFeature $Feature }

function HandleProvider
    # Get the nanoServerpackage provider is present
    $getnanoServerPackage = Get-PackageProvider -Name $script:nanoserverPackageProvider -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

    # if not download and install
    if(-not $getnanoServerPackage)
        $repositories = Get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        if(-not $repositories){$null = Register-PSRepository -Default}

        $nanoserverPackage = Find-Module -Name $script:nanoserverPackageProvider -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Repository PSGallery
        if(-not $nanoserverPackage)
            ThrowError -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
                        -ExceptionMessage "Unable to find the Containers Package from NanoServerPackage Module." `
                        -ErrorId "PackageNotFound" `
                        -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                        -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation

        # Install the provider
        $null = $nanoserverPackage | Install-Module -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
    # Import the provider
    $importProvider = Import-PackageProvider -Name $script:nanoserverPackageProvider -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    $importModule = Import-module -Name $script:nanoserverPackageProvider -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -PassThru

    return ($importModule -and $importProvider)

function Update-PathVar
    $NameOfPath = "Path"
    # Set the environment variable in the Local Process
    $envVars = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($NameOfPath)
    $envArr = @()
    $envArr = $envVars -split ';'
    $envFlag = $true
    foreach($envItem in $envArr) 
        if($envItem.Trim() -match [regex]::Escape($script:pathVar)) 
            $envFlag = $false
        $null = [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($NameOfPath, $envVars + ";" + $script:pathVar)

    # Set the environment variable in the Machine
    $currPath = (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ItemProperty -Path $script:SystemEnvironmentKey -Name $NameOfPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Path    
    $currArr = @()
    $currArr = $currPath -split ';'
    $currFlag = $true
    foreach($currItem in $currArr)
        if($currItem.Trim() -match [regex]::Escape($script:pathVar)) 
            $currFlag = $true
        $null = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Set-ItemProperty $script:SystemEnvironmentKey -Name $NameOfPath -Value ($currPath + ";" + $script:pathVar)

        # Nanoserver needs a reboot to persist the registry change
            $script:restartRequired = $true

function Remove-PathVar
    $NameOfPath = "Path"

    # Set the environment variable in the Local Process
    $envVars = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($NameOfPath)
    $envArr = @()
    $envArr = $envVars -split ';'
    $envFlag = $false
    foreach($envItem in $envArr) 
        if($envItem.Trim() -match [regex]::Escape($script:pathVar))
            $envFlag = $true
        $newPath = $envVars -replace [regex]::Escape($script:pathVar),$null
        $newPath = $newPath -replace (";;"), ";"
        $null = [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($NameOfPath, $newPath)

    # Set the environment variable in the Machine
    $currPath = (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ItemProperty -Path $script:SystemEnvironmentKey -Name $NameOfPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Path
    $currArr = @()
    $currArr = $currPath -split ';'
    $currFlag = $false
    foreach($currItem in $currArr)
        if($currItem.Trim() -match [regex]::Escape($script:pathVar))
            $currFlag = $true
        $newPath = $envVars -replace [regex]::Escape($script:pathVar),$null
        $newPath = $newPath -replace (";;"), ";"
        $null = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Set-ItemProperty $script:SystemEnvironmentKey -Name $NameOfPath -Value $newPath

function DeSerialize-PSObject
    $filecontent = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Content -Path $Path

function Save-ModuleSources
    # check if exists
    if(-not (Test-Path $script:location_sources))
        $null = mkdir $script:location_sources

    # seralize module
    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Out-File -FilePath $script:file_modules `
                                            -Force `
                                            -InputObject ([System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($script:DockerSources))

function Get-SourceList


    $listOfSources = @()    
    foreach($mySource in $script:DockerSources.Values)
        if((-not $sources) -or
            (($mySource.Name -eq $sources) -or
               ($mySource.SourceLocation -eq $sources)))
            $tempHolder = @{}

            $location = $mySource."SourceLocation"
            $tempHolder.Add("SourceLocation", $location)
            $packageSourceName = $mySource.Name
            $tempHolder.Add("Name", $packageSourceName)
            $listOfSources += $tempHolder

    return $listOfSources

function Resolve-ChannelAlias


    while ($Channels.$Channel.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'alias')
        $Channel = $Channels.$Channel.alias

    return $Channel

function Find-FromUrl






    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name))
        $Name = "*"

    if ([System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name))
        if('docker' -notlike $Name) {return $null}
    elseif('docker' -ne $Name) {return $Null}

    $searchFile = Get-SearchIndex -fwdLink $Location `
                                    -SourceName $SourceName

    [String] $searchFileContent = Get-Content -Path $searchFile

    if(-not $searchFileContent)
        return $null

    $updatedContent = $searchFileContent.Trim(" .-`t`n`r")    
    $contents = $updatedContent | ConvertFrom-Json
    $channels = $contents.channels
    $versions = $contents.versions
    $channelValues = $channels | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
    $searchResults = @()

    # If name is null or whitespace, interpret as *
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name))
        $Name = "*"

    # Set the default channel, allowing $RequireVversion to override when set to a channel name.
    $defaultChannel = 'cs'
    if ($RequiredVersion)
        foreach ($channel in $channelValues)
            if ($RequiredVersion -eq $channel.Name)
                $defaultChannel = $channel.Name
                $RequiredVersion = $null
    $resolvedChannel  = Resolve-ChannelAlias -Channels $channels -Channel $defaultChannel

    # if no versions are mentioned, just provide the default version, i.e.: CS
    if((-not ($MinimumVersion -or $MaximumVersion -or $RequiredVersion -or $AllVersions)))
        $RequiredVersion = $channels.$resolvedChannel.version

    # if a particular version is requested, provide that version only
        if($ -contains $RequiredVersion)
            $obj = Get-ResultObject -JSON $versions -Version $RequiredVersion
            $searchResults += $obj
            return $searchResults
            return $null

    $savedVersion = New-Object $script:SemVerTypeName -ArgumentList '0.0.0'
    # version requirement
    # compare different versions
    foreach($channel in $channelValues)
        if($channel.Name -eq $defaultChannel)
            $dockerName = "Docker"
            $versionName = Resolve-ChannelAlias -Channels $channels -Channel $channel.Name
            $versionValue = $channels.$versionName.version

            $toggle = $false

            # Check if the search string has * in it
            if ([System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name))
                if($dockerName -like $Name)
                    $toggle = $true
                if($dockerName -eq $Name)
                    $toggle = $true

            $thisVersion = New-Object $script:SemVerTypeName -ArgumentList $versionValue

                $convertedMinimumVersion =  New-Object $script:SemVerTypeName -ArgumentList $MinimumVersion
                if($thisVersion -ge $convertedMinimumVersion)
                    $toggle = $true
                    $toggle = $false

                $convertedMaximumVersion =  New-Object $script:SemVerTypeName -ArgumentList $MaximumVersion
                if($thisVersion -le $convertedMaximumVersion)
                    $toggle = $true
                    $toggle = $false

                if($thisVersion -ge $savedVersion) {$savedVersion = $thisVersion}

                    $obj = Get-ResultObject -JSON $versions -Version $versionValue
                    $searchResults += $obj

    if(-not $AllVersions)
        if($savedVersion -eq '0.0.0'){return $null}

        $ver = $savedVersion.ToString()
        $obj = Get-ResultObject -JSON $versions -Version $ver
        $searchResults += $obj

    return $searchResults

function Get-ResultObject


        $description = ""
        if($versions.$ -contains "notes")
            $URL = $versions.$Version.'notes'
                    $description = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL).Content
                    Write-verbose "Bad URL provided for description: $URL"
                $description = $versions.$Version.'notes'

        $obj = $versions.$Version.PSObject.Copy()
        $null = $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version $Version
        $null = $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Name "Docker"
        $null = $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty SourceName $SourceName
        $null = $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Description $description

        return $obj
    return $null

function Get-SearchIndex


    $fullUrl = Resolve-FwdLink $fwdLink
    $searchIndex = $SourceName + "_" + $script:DockerSearchIndex
    $destination = Join-Path $script:location_modules $searchIndex

    if(-not(Test-Path $script:location_modules))
        $null = mkdir $script:location_modules

    if(Test-Path $destination)
        $null = Remove-Item $destination
        $null = DownloadFile -downloadURL $fullUrl `
                    -destination $destination
        $null = DownloadFile -downloadURL $fullUrl `
                    -destination $destination
    return $destination

function Resolve-FwdLink
    $response = Get-HttpResponse -Uri $Uri

    if(-not $response)
        # This is not a forward link. Return the original URI
        return $Uri

    $link = $response.Result.RequestMessage.RequestUri
    $fullUrl = $link.AbsoluteUri
    return $fullUrl

function Get-HttpResponse

    if(-not (IsNanoServer))
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http

    $httpClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
    $response = $httpclient.GetAsync($Uri)

    return $response

function New-SoftwareIdentityFromDockerInfo

    $fastPackageReference = $DockerInfo.SourceName +
                                $separator + $DockerInfo.Name + 
                                $separator + $DockerInfo.Version + 
                                $separator + $DockerInfo.Description  +
                                $separator + $ +
                                $separator + $dockerInfo.url  +
                                $separator + $dockerInfo.size +
                                $separator + $dockerInfo.sha256
    $params = @{
                    FastPackageReference = $fastPackageReference;
                    Name = $DockerInfo.Name;
                    Version = $DockerInfo.Version;
                    Source = $DockerInfo.SourceName;
                    versionScheme  = "MultiPartNumeric";
                    Summary = $DockerInfo.Description;

    New-SoftwareIdentity @params

function Set-ModuleSourcesVariable

    if(Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Test-Path $script:file_modules)
        $script:DockerSources = DeSerialize-PSObject -Path $script:file_modules
        $script:DockerSources = [ordered]@{}
        $defaultModuleSource = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
            Name = "Docker"
            SourceLocation = $script:dockerURL
            Registered= $true
            InstallationPolicy = "Untrusted"

        $script:DockerSources.Add("Docker", $defaultModuleSource)

function Get-DynamicOptions

            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $category -Name "Update" -ExpectedType Switch -IsRequired $false)

function Add-PackageSource



    $Options = $request.Options

    # Add new module source
    $moduleSource = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
            Name = $Name
            SourceLocation = $Location            
            Registered= $true
            InstallationPolicy = if($Trusted) {'Trusted'} else {'Untrusted'}

    #TODO: Check if name already exists
    $script:DockerSources.Add($Name, $moduleSource)


    Write-Output -InputObject (New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource -ModuleSource $moduleSource)

function Remove-PackageSource
    Set-ModuleSourcesVariable -Force

    if(-not $script:DockerSources.Contains($Name))
        Write-Error -Message "Package source $Name not found" `
                        -ErrorId "Package source $Name not found" `
                        -Category InvalidOperation `
                        -TargetObject $Name



function Resolve-PackageSource
    $SourceName = $request.PackageSources
    if(-not $SourceName)
        $SourceName = "*"

    foreach($moduleSourceName in $SourceName)

        $wildcardPattern = New-Object System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern $moduleSourceName,$script:wildcardOptions
        $moduleSourceFound = $false

        $script:DockerSources.GetEnumerator() |  
            Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object {$wildcardPattern.IsMatch($_.Key)} |  
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\ForEach-Object { 
                    $moduleSource = $script:DockerSources[$_.Key] 
                    $packageSource = New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource -ModuleSource $moduleSource 
                    Write-Output -InputObject $packageSource 
                    $moduleSourceFound = $true 

        if(-not $moduleSourceFound)
            $sourceName  = Get-SourceName -Location $moduleSourceName

                $moduleSource = $script:DockerSources[$sourceName]
                $packageSource = New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource -ModuleSource $moduleSource
                Write-Output -InputObject $packageSource

function New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource

    $packageSourceDetails = @{}

    # create a new package source
    $src =  New-PackageSource -Name $ModuleSource.Name `
                              -Location $ModuleSource.SourceLocation `
                              -Trusted $ModuleSource.Trusted `
                              -Registered $ModuleSource.Registered `
                              -Details $packageSourceDetails

    # return the package source object.
    Write-Output -InputObject $src

function Get-SourceName


    foreach($psModuleSource in $script:DockerSources.Values)
        if(($psModuleSource.Name -eq $Location) -or
           ($psModuleSource.SourceLocation -eq $Location))
            return $psModuleSource.Name

function DownloadPackageHelper



    [string[]] $splitterArray = @("$separator")
    [string[]] $resultArray = $fastPackageReference.Split($splitterArray, [System.StringSplitOptions]::None)

    if((-not $resultArray) -or ($resultArray.count -ne 8)){Write-Debug "Fast package reference doesn't have required parts."}

    $source = $resultArray[0]
    $name = $resultArray[1]
    $version = $resultArray[2]
    $description = $resultArray[3]
    $originPath = $resultArray[5]
    $size = $resultArray[6]
    $sha = $resultArray[7]
    $date = $resultArray[4]

    $options = $request.Options

    foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
        Write-Debug ( "OPTION: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $options[$o]) )

    $Force = $false
        $Force = $options['Force']

    if(-not (Test-Path $Location))
            Write-Verbose "Creating: $Location as it doesn't exist."
            mkdir $Location
            $errorMessage = ("Cannot find the path '{0}' because it does not exist" -f $Location)
            ThrowError  -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
                    -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage `
                    -ErrorId "PathNotFound" `
                    -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionObject $Location `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument

    $fullDestinationPath = GenerateFullPath -Location $Location `
                                    -Name $name `
                                    -Version $Version

    if(Test-Path $fullDestinationPath)
            $existingFileItem = get-item $fullDestinationPath
                throw "Cannot remove read-only file $fullDestinationPath. Remove read-only and use -Force again."
                Write-Verbose "$fullDestinationPath already exists. Deleting and downloading again."
                Remove-Item $fullDestinationPath -Force
                DownloadFile -downloadUrl $originPath -destination $fullDestinationPath
            Write-Verbose "$fullDestinationPath already exists. Skipping save. Use -Force to overwrite."
        DownloadFile -downloadUrl $originPath -destination $fullDestinationPath

    $hashCheck = VerifyHashCheck -destination $fullDestinationPath -hash $sha

    if((-not $hashCheck))
        $null = remove-item -Path $fullDestinationPath -Force
        Write-Error -Message "Cannot verify the file SHA256. Deleting the file."                

    Write-Verbose "Hash verified!"

    $savedWindowsPackageItem = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                        SourceName = $source
                        Name = $name
                        Version = $version
                        Description = $description 
                        Date = $date
                        URL = $originPath
                        Size = $size
                        sha256 = $sha

    Write-Output (New-SoftwareIdentityFromDockerInfo $savedWindowsPackageItem)

function GenerateFullPath



    $fileExtension = "." + $script:Installer_Extension
    $Name = $Name.TrimEnd($fileExtension)
    $fileName = $Name + "-" + $Version.ToString().replace('.','-') + $fileExtension
    $fullPath = Join-Path $Location $fileName
    return $fullPath

function DownloadFile

        if(-not (CheckDiskSpace -Destination $destination -URL $downloadURL))

        # Download the file
            Write-Verbose "Downloading $downloadUrl to $destination"
            $startTime = Get-Date
            Write-Verbose "About to download"
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadURL `
                              -OutFile $destination

            Write-Verbose "Finished downloading"
            $endTime = Get-Date
            $difference = New-TimeSpan -Start $startTime -End $endTime
            $downloadTime = "Downloaded in " + $difference.Hours + " hours, " + $difference.Minutes + " minutes, " + $difference.Seconds + " seconds."
            Write-Verbose $downloadTime
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionName $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
                    -ExceptionMessage $_.Exception.Message `
                    -ExceptionObject $downloadURL `
                    -ErrorId FailedToDownload `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation        

function ThrowError
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $exception = New-Object $ExceptionName $ExceptionMessage;
    $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $ErrorId, $ErrorCategory, $ExceptionObject    

function CheckDiskSpace
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $size = 0

        $response = Get-HttpResponse -Uri $URL
        $size = $response.Result.Content.Headers.ContentLength        

    $parent = Split-Path $Destination -Parent
    $Drive = (Get-Item $parent).PSDrive.Name
    $getDriveSpace = get-ciminstance win32_logicaldisk | Where-Object {$_.DeviceID -match $Drive} | % Freespace

    $contentLengthInMB = [math]::Round($size/1mb, 2)
    $driveSpaceInIMB = [math]::Round($getDriveSpace/1mb, 2)

    Write-Verbose "Download size: $($contentLengthInMB)MB"
    Write-Verbose "Free space on the drive: $($driveSpaceInIMB)MB"

    if($size -ge ($getDriveSpace * 0.95))
        Write-Error "Not enough space to save the file"
        return $false

    return $true

function VerifyHashCheck
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose "Verifying Hash of the downloaded file."

    $fileHash = Get-FileHash -Path $Destination `
                                -Algorithm SHA256
    if($ -Contains "Hash")
        $fileSha256 = $fileHash.Hash
        Write-Verbose "Hash for the original file not available."
        return $false

    return ($hash -ieq $fileSha256)

function Test-AdminPrivilege

    $myWindowsPrincipal=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($myWindowsID)
    # Get the security principal for the Administrator role
    # Check to see if we are currently running "as Administrator"
    return ($myWindowsPrincipal.IsInRole($adminRole))

function IsNanoServer
    if ($script:isNanoServerInitialized)
        return $script:isNanoServer
        $operatingSystem = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem
        $systemSKU = $operatingSystem.OperatingSystemSKU
        $script:isNanoServer = ($systemSKU -eq 109) -or ($systemSKU -eq 144) -or ($systemSKU -eq 143)
        $script:isNanoServerInitialized = $true
        return $script:isNanoServer

function Install-NuGetClientBinary
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    $InstallNuGetProviderShouldContinueQuery = "DockerProvider requires NuGet provider. The NuGet provider must be available in '{0}' or '{1}'. You can also install the NuGet provider by running 'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force'. Do you want DockerProvider to install and import the NuGet provider now?"
    $InstallNuGetProviderShouldContinueCaption = "NuGet provider is required to continue"
    $CouldNotInstallNuGetProvider = "NuGet provider is required. Please ensure that NuGet provider is installed."
    $DownloadingNugetProvider = "Installing NuGet provider."

    $bootstrapNuGetProvider = (-not $script:NuGetProvider)

        # Bootstrap the NuGet provider only if it is not available.
        # By default PackageManagement loads the latest version of the NuGet provider.
        $nugetProvider = PackageManagement\Get-PackageProvider -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue |
                            Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $script:NuGetProviderName}
            $script:NuGetProvider = $nugetProvider
            $bootstrapNuGetProvider = $false

            $nugetProvider = PackageManagement\Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue |
                            Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $script:NuGetProviderName}

                $null = PackageManagement\Import-PackageProvider -Name $script:NuGetProviderName -Force                
                $nugetProvider = PackageManagement\Get-PackageProvider -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue |
                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $script:NuGetProviderName}
                    $script:NuGetProvider = $nugetProvider
                    $bootstrapNuGetProvider = $false


    # We should prompt only once for bootstrapping the NuGet provider
    # Should continue message for bootstrapping only NuGet provider
    $shouldContinueQueryMessage = $InstallNuGetProviderShouldContinueQuery -f @($script:NuGetBinaryProgramDataPath,$script:NuGetBinaryLocalAppDataPath)
    $shouldContinueCaption = $InstallNuGetProviderShouldContinueCaption

    if($Force -or $request.ShouldContinue($shouldContinueQueryMessage, $shouldContinueCaption))
            Write-Verbose -Message $DownloadingNugetProvider

            $scope = 'CurrentUser'
                $scope = 'AllUsers'

            # Bootstrap the NuGet provider
            $null = PackageManagement\Install-PackageProvider -Name $script:NuGetProviderName `
                                                              -Scope $scope `

            # Force import ensures that nuget provider with minimum version got loaded.
            $null = PackageManagement\Import-PackageProvider -Name $script:NuGetProviderName `

            $nugetProvider = PackageManagement\Get-PackageProvider -Name $script:NuGetProviderName

            if ($nugetProvider)
                $script:NuGetProvider = $nugetProvider

    $message = $null
    $errorId = $null
    $failedToBootstrapNuGetProvider = $false

    if($bootstrapNuGetProvider -and -not $script:NuGetProvider)
        $failedToBootstrapNuGetProvider = $true

        $message = $CouldNotInstallNuGetProvider
        $errorId = 'CouldNotInstallNuGetProvider'

    # Throw the error message if one of the above conditions are met
    if($message -and $errorId)
        ThrowError -ExceptionName "System.InvalidOperationException" `
                    -ExceptionMessage $message `
                    -ErrorId $errorId `
                    -CallerPSCmdlet $CallerPSCmdlet `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation
