
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

using namespace System.Management.Automation

#region Enums.Public

enum MarkdownExtension {

enum LinkKind {
  TextInline          # [<Text>](<Definition>)
  TextSelfReference   # [<Text>]
  TextUsingReference  # [<Text>][<Reference>]
  ImageInline         # ![<AltText>](<Definition>)
  ImageSelfReference  # ![<AltText>]
  ImageUsingReference # ![<AltText>][<Reference>]
  ReferenceDefinition # [<Name>]: <Definition>

#endregion Enums.Public

#region Classes.Public

  Justification = 'Easier readability for regex strings from arrays'
class ParsingPatterns {
  # Anything following this is the start of a valid inline/block for Markdown. The value can be
  # used to find code fence openings, link reference definitions, etc.
  static [string] $LineLead = @(
    '^'                              # Anchors to start of line
    '(?<Lead>'                       # Lead captures whitespace + block notation
      '(?<LeadingWhiteSpace>\s*)'    # May start with any amount of leading whitespace
      '(?<BlockNotation>'            # May be in a list or blockquote
        "(?'BlockQuoteBefore'>\s+)*" # Blockquote, like '> ```', '> > ```', etc.
        '(?<ListNotation>'           # A list can follow a block quote
          '(?<OrderedList>\d+\. )'   # Ordered list, like '1. ```' or '15. ```'
          '|'                        #
          '(?<UnorderedList>[-+*] )' # Unordered list, like '- ```', '* ```', or '+ ```'
        ')?'                         #
        "(?'BlockQuoteAfter'>\s+)?"  # Blockquotes can come after a list, too, but only once
      ')?'                           # Doesn't need to have a block
    ')'                              # Close lead capture group
  ) -join ''

  # Returns a pattern for finding everything inside square brackets using balance groups with an optional name.
  # To use the same pattern more than once in a regex, the balance groups need unique names.
  static [string] InSquareBrackets([string]$BalanceGroupName) {
    $OpenGroup = "Open$BalanceGroupName"
    $CloseGroup = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($BalanceGroupName) ? 'Close' : $BalanceGroupName
    return @(
      '(?:'                                # Open bracket group finder
        '(?:'                              #
          "(?<$OpenGroup>\[)"              # Open balance group starts with [
          '(?:`` .* ``|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]])*'  # Anything inside inline code or not-[]
        ')+'                               # At least one
        '(?:'                              #
          "(?<$CloseGroup-$OpenGroup>\])"  # Push to stack on ]
          '(?:`` .* ``|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]])*?' # Anything inside inline code or not-[]
        ')+?'                              # At least one
      ')+?'                                # Must match at least once
      "(?($OpenGroup)(?!))"                # If open exists (ie not-matching # of ]), fail
    ) -join ''

  # This will return the whole thing, need to trim [] from start and end for
  # text. Need to reparse text for nested.
  static [string] InSquareBrackets() {
    return [ParsingPatterns]::InSquareBrackets('')

  # Double backticks are difficult - we can't reuse capture groups inside a
  # pattern to know that we're closing the right one. We'll just assume it's
  # always `` ... `` for now. Theoretically you could nest them but that
  # seems like a tiny edge case for most documents.
  static [string] $MultitickInlineCode = @(
    '(?<open>`{2,}) '    # Multi-backtick inline code opens with 2+ backticks and a space
    '(?<text>(?:'        # Capture everything until the code closes, don't capture sub-group
      '.(?!\k<open>))*.' # Anything not followed by the code closer, then that character too
    ')'                  # Close the text capture group
    '\k<open>'           # The code is closed only by the same number of backticks it opened with.
  ) -join ''

  # Finds the opening for a codefence with leading components and the actual fence. This is useful
  # so we can effectively find the matching closing fence.
  static [string] $OpenCodeFence = @(
    [ParsingPatterns]::LineLead # Retrieves any leading whitespace/block syntax
    '(?<Fence>`{3,}|~{3,})'     # Fences can be backticks or tildes, don't care about after.
  ) -join ''

  # Finds any comment block, including unclosed comment blocks so we know if a multi-line comment
  # is starting. Used for ignoring otherwise valid syntax.
  static [string] $HtmlCommentBlock = @(
  ) -join ''

  # Only used for discovering the closure point of a multi-line HTML comment so we can ignore
  # otherwise valid syntax that comes before the closure.
  static [string] $ClosingMultiLineHtmlComment = @(
  ) -join ''

  # Finds a match within a set of single backticks, the most common syntax for inline code.
  static [string] InsideSingleBacktick([string]$InnerPattern) {
    return @(
      '`[^`]*'      # Opening backtick followed by zero-or-more not-backticks
      $InnerPattern # Inner regex between close and open
      '[^`]*`'      # zero-or-more not-backticks followed by closing backtick
    ) -join ''

  # Helper method for discovering whether a string of text is inside any inline code blocks
  # for a given line of Markdown.
  static [bool] NotInsideInlineCode([string]$Line, [string]$FullMatch) {
    $EscapedMatch = [regex]::Escape($FullMatch)
    $SingleBacktickPattern = [ParsingPatterns]::InsideSingleBacktick($EscapedMatch)

    # First find all multitick codeblocks, grab their raw value
    $MultitickCodeBlocks = [regex]::Matches($Line, [ParsingPatterns]::MultitickInlineCode)?.Value

    # If the text is inside a multitick codeblock, it's in a codeblock.
    # If it isn't inside a multitick codeblock, it might still be in a single-tick codeblock.
    if (($MultitickCodeBlocks.Count -ge 1) -and ($MultitickCodeBlocks -match $EscapedMatch)) {
      return $false
    } elseif ($Line -match $SingleBacktickPattern) {
      return $false

    # The text wasn't inside any codeblocks
    return $true

  # Needed to make it easier to read the combined pattern; also reused for reference definitions.
  static [string] $LinkDefinition = @(
    '(?<Destination>\S+)' # The URL component, capture any non-whitespace
    '(?:\s+(?:'           # The title component, leads with non-captured whitespace
      "'(?<Title>[^']*)'" # May be wrapped in non-captured single-quotes
      '|'                 # or
      '"(?<Title>[^"]*)"' # May be wrapped in non-captured double-quotes
    '))?'                 # Make sure title is optional.
  ) -join ''

  # Finds a Markdown link in a given line. This pattern is likely hugely non-performant on a
  # non-split document. It's also not codeblock-aware. Only use it on a single line known not
  # to be inside a Markdown codeblock.
  static [string] $Link = @(
    '(?<IsImage>!)?'                        # If the link has a ! prefix, it's an image
    "(?<Text>$( #
      # [ParsingPatterns]::InSquareBracketsP # Need to retrieve the text inside the brackets.
      [ParsingPatterns]::InSquareBrackets('Text') # Need to retrieve the text inside the brackets.
    '(?!:)'                                 # Ignore if followed by colon - that's a ref def
    '(?:'                                   # Text can be followed by an inline def/ref/null
      "\($( #
        [ParsingPatterns]::LinkDefinition # Inline Definition, optional destination/title
      '|'                                   #
      "(?<ReferenceID>$( #
        # [ParsingPatterns]::InSquareBracketsP
        [ParsingPatterns]::InSquareBrackets('ReferenceID') # Need to retrieve the text inside the brackets.
    ')?'                                    # The definition and reference syntax is optional
  ) -join ''

  # Finds a link reference definition, which can be inside a block.
  static [string] $LinkReferenceDefinition = @(
    [ParsingPatterns]::LineLead           # Retrieves any leading whitespace/block syntax
    "(?<ReferenceID>$( #
      # [ParsingPatterns]::InSquareBrackets # Need to retrieve the text inside the brackets as ID
    ':\s+'                                # Must be followed by a colon and at least one space
    [ParsingPatterns]::LinkDefinition     # Inline Definition, optional destination/title
  ) -join ''

class Position {

  [string] ToString() {
    $StringValue = "$($this.LineNumber):$($this.StartColumn)"

    if ($null -ne $this.FileInfo) {
      $StringValue = "$($this.FileInfo):$StringValue"

    return $StringValue

class DocumentLink {
  [LinkKind] $Kind
  [string]   $Text
  [uri]      $Destination
  [string]   $Title
  [string]   $ReferenceID
  [Position] $Position
  [string]   $Markdown

  # Shorthand method for determining if this link is for an image
  [bool] IsImage() {
    return $this.Kind.ToString() -match '^Image'

  # Shorthand method for determining if this link is for text
  [bool] IsText() {
    return $this.Kind.ToString() -match '^Text'

  # Shorthand method for determining if this link has a reference
  [bool] HasReference() {
    return $this.Kind.ToString() -match 'Reference$'

  [bool] IsSelfReferential() {
    return $this.Kind.ToString() -match 'SelfReference$'

  # Shorthand method for determining if this link is a reference
  [bool] IsReference() {
    return $this.Kind.ToString() -match '^Reference'

  DocumentLink() {
    # Re-defined to support alternate constructors

  # Generate a document link from a match group for [ParsingPatterns]::Link
  DocumentLink([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group]$LinkMatch) {
    [DocumentLink]::New($LinkMatch, 0)

  # Generate a document link from a match group for [ParsingPatterns]::Link
  DocumentLink([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group]$LinkMatch, [int]$LineNumber) {
    $this.Position = [Position]@{
      FileInfo    = $null
      LineNumber  = $LineNumber
      StartColumn = $LinkMatch.Index + 1
    $this.Text = [DocumentLink]::TrimSquareBrackets(
      $LinkMatch.Groups.Where({ $_.Name -eq 'Text' }).Value
    $this.Destination = $LinkMatch.Groups.Where({ $_.Name -eq 'Destination' }).Value
    $this.Title = $LinkMatch.Groups.Where({ $_.Name -eq 'Title' }).Value
    $this.ReferenceID = [DocumentLink]::TrimSquareBrackets(
      $LinkMatch.Groups.Where({ $_.Name -eq 'ReferenceID' }).Value
    $this.Markdown = $LinkMatch.Value

    $IsImage = $LinkMatch.Groups.Where({ $_.Name -eq 'IsImage' }).Value -eq '!'
    $IsInline = ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.Destination)
    $HasReference = ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.ReferenceID)

    if ($IsImage -and $IsInline) {
      $this.Kind = [LinkKind]::ImageInline
    } elseif ($IsImage -and $HasReference) {
      $this.Kind = [LinkKind]::ImageUsingReference
    } elseif ($IsImage) {
      $this.Kind = [LinkKind]::ImageSelfReference
    } elseif ($IsInline) {
      $this.Kind = [LinkKind]::TextInline
    } elseif ($HasReference) {
      $this.Kind = [LinkKind]::TextUsingReference
    } else {
      $this.Kind = [LinkKind]::TextSelfReference

  # Trim square brackets when using balance groups, like to find text and reference IDs
  hidden static [string] TrimSquareBrackets([string]$Text) {
    if ($Text -match '^\[(?<Inner>.*)\]$') {
      return $Matches.Inner

    return $Text

  # Parses a file's content for Markdown links, parsing one line at a time to support ignoring any
  # links in multiline codeblocks or comments, and ensuring the returned objects have the FileInfo
  # property defined with the input file's values.
  static [DocumentLink[]] Parse([System.IO.FileInfo]$FileInfo) {
    $Content = Get-Content -Raw -Path $FileInfo.FullName
    [DocumentLink[]]$Links = [DocumentLink]::Parse($Content)
    | ForEach-Object -Process {
      # Add the file info to each link
      $_.Position.FileInfo = $FileInfo
      # Emit the link for the list

    return $Links

  # Parses an arbitrary block of text for Markdown links, parsing one line at a time to support
  # ignoring any links in multiline codeblocks or comments.
  static [DocumentLink[]] Parse([string]$Markdown) {
    [DocumentLink[]]$Links = @()
    [DocumentLink[]]$DiscoveredLinks = @()
    $Lines = $Markdown -split '\r?\n|`r'
    $InCodeFence = $false    # This is set to true when a code fence opens to ignore lines til close
    $CodeFenceClose = $null  # This is defined when a code fence is found and nulled when closed
    $InCommentBlock = $false # This is set to true when a comment block opens without closing
    for ($i = 1; $i -le $Lines.Count ; $i++) {
      $CommentBlocks = @()       # This holds the enclosed comment blocks for a line
      $IgnoreAfterIndex = $null  # Points to a comment block that doesn't close on this line
      $IgnoreBeforeIndex = $null # Points to closing of a multi-line comment block
      $LinkMatches = $null       # Holds discovered links on this line
      $Line = $Lines[$i - 1]     # Editors/humans use a 1-index array for file lines

      # Before we process anything else, check if we're in a code fence and closing it
      if ($InCodeFence) {
        if ($Line -eq $CodeFenceClose) {
          $InCodeFence = $false
          $CodeFenceClose = $null
        # Regardless whether this line closes the code fence, no valid links can be here.
      } elseif ($InCommentBlock) {
        # If we're not in a code fence, we might be in a comment block and need to see if it closes.
        # If it does, we need to mark the index so we ignore links before the closure.
        if ($Line -match [ParsingPatterns]::ClosingMultiLineHtmlComment) {
          $ClosingMatch = $Matches
          $InCommentBlock = $false
          $IgnoreBeforeIndex = ($ClosingMatch.InComments + $ClosingMatch.CloseComment).Length

      # Look for new HTML comments. We need to capture fully enclosed comments and mark any unclosed
      # comments so we can ignore links in comments. We can have any number of comments on a line.
      $HtmlCommentMatches = [regex]::Matches($Line, [ParsingPatterns]::HtmlCommentBlock)
      if ($HtmlCommentMatches.Count) {
        $CommentBlocks = $HtmlCommentMatches.Groups
        | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'InComments' }
        | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
        if ($CommentBlocks) {
        $UnclosedHtmlComment = $HtmlCommentMatches
        | Where-Object {
          $_.Groups | Where-Object {
            $_.Name -eq 'CloseComment' -and (-not $_.Success)
        } | Select-Object -First 1
        if ($UnclosedHtmlComment) {
          $IgnoreAfterIndex = $UnclosedHtmlComment.Index
          $InCommentBlock = $true

      # If the line opens a code fence, capture the closing pattern and continue
      # if ($Line -match [DocumentLink]::OpenCodeFencePattern) {
      if ($Line -match [ParsingPatterns]::OpenCodeFence) {
        $InCodeFence = $true
        $CodeFenceClose = @(
          $Matches.Lead -replace '([0-9]|\.|-|\+|\*)', ' '
        ) -join ''

      # Check for link references first - less expensive and no valid links follow them.
      if ($Line -match [ParsingPatterns]::LinkReferenceDefinition) {
        $ReferenceMatchInfo = $Matches
        $FullMatch = $ReferenceMatchInfo.0
        if ([ParsingPatterns]::NotInsideInlineCode($Line, $FullMatch)) {
          $Properties = @{
            Position    = [Position]@{
              LineNumber  = $i
              StartColumn = $ReferenceMatchInfo.Lead.Length
            ReferenceID = [DocumentLink]::TrimSquareBrackets($ReferenceMatchInfo.ReferenceID)
            Destination = $ReferenceMatchInfo.Destination
            Title       = $ReferenceMatchInfo.Title
            Markdown    = $FullMatch
            Kind        = [LinkKind]::ReferenceDefinition

          $DiscoveredLinks += [DocumentLink]$Properties

        # Reset before next line
        $ReferenceMatchInfo = $null

      # Find all links in the line, ignoring them if in comment blocks or code
      if ($LinkMatches = [regex]::Matches($Line, [ParsingPatterns]::Link)) {
        foreach ($LinkMatch in $LinkMatches) {
          $FullMatch = $LinkMatch.Value
          $Index = $LinkMatch.Index
          $NotInsideComment = $true

          # If there was an unclosed comment block on this line, ignore links after it started
          if ($IgnoreAfterIndex -and ($Index -gt $IgnoreAfterIndex)) {
            $NotInsideComment = $false

          # If this line closed a multi-line comment block, ignore links before it closed
          if ($IgnoreBeforeIndex -and ($Index -le $IgnoreBeforeIndex)) {
            $NotInsideComment = $false

          # If this line had closed comment blocks, ignore links inside them
          foreach ($Block in $CommentBlocks) {
            if ($Block -match [regex]::Escape($FullMatch)) {
              $NotInsideComment = $false

          $NotInsideInlineCode = [ParsingPatterns]::NotInsideInlineCode($Line, $FullMatch)
          if ($NotInsideComment -and $NotInsideInlineCode) {
            $Link = [DocumentLink]::New($LinkMatch, $i)
            $DiscoveredLinks += $Link
            # Look for nested links, setting their position relative to their parent
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Link.Text)) {
              if ($NestedLinks = [DocumentLink]::ParseNested($Link.Text, 1, 5)) {
                foreach ($NestedLink in $NestedLinks) {
                  $NestedLink.Position.LineNumber = $Link.Position.LineNumber
                  $NestedLink.Position.StartColumn += $Link.Position.StartColumn
                  $DiscoveredLinks += $NestedLink

    # Need to discard self-reference links without a definition - they're technically
    # not links at all.
    $ReferenceDefinitions = $DiscoveredLinks | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsReference() }
    foreach ($Link in $DiscoveredLinks) {
      if (!$Link.IsSelfReferential() -or ($Link.Text -in $ReferenceDefinitions.ReferenceID)) {
        $Links += $Link

    return $Links

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] ParseNested([string]$LinkText, [int]$Depth, [int]$MaxDepth) {
    [DocumentLink[]]$Links = @()
    $CommentBlocks = @()

    if ($Depth -gt $MaxDepth) {
      return $Links

    # Look for new HTML comments. We need to capture fully enclosed comments and mark any unclosed
    # comments so we can ignore links in comments. We can have any number of comments on a line.
    $HtmlCommentMatches = [regex]::Matches($LinkText, [ParsingPatterns]::HtmlCommentBlock)
    if ($HtmlCommentMatches.Count) {
      $CommentBlocks = $HtmlCommentMatches.Groups
      | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'InComments' }
      | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value

    # Find all links in the line, ignoring them if in comment blocks or code
    if ($LinkMatches = [regex]::Matches($LinkText, [ParsingPatterns]::Link)) {
      foreach ($LinkMatch in $LinkMatches) {
        $FullMatch = $LinkMatch.Value
        $NotInsideComment = $true

        # If this line had closed comment blocks, ignore links inside them
        foreach ($Block in $CommentBlocks) {
          if ($Block -match [regex]::Escape($FullMatch)) {
            $NotInsideComment = $false

        $NotInsideInlineCode = [ParsingPatterns]::NotInsideInlineCode($LinkText, $FullMatch)
        if ($NotInsideComment -and $NotInsideInlineCode) {
          $Link = [DocumentLink]::New($LinkMatch, 0)
          $Links += $Link
          # Look for nested links, setting their position relative to their parent
          if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Link.Text)) {
            if ($NestedLinks = [DocumentLink]::ParseNested($Link.Text, ($Depth + 1), $MaxDepth)) {
              foreach ($NestedLink in $NestedLinks) {
                $NestedLink.Position.LineNumber = $Link.Position.LineNumber
                $NestedLink.Position.StartColumn += $Link.Position.StartColumn
                $Links += $NestedLink

    return $Links

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForInlineLinks([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    return $Links.Where({ -not ($_.HasReference() -or $_.IsReference()) })

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForReferenceLinks([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    return $Links.Where({ $_.HasReference() })

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForSelfReferentialLinks([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    return $Links.Where({ $_.IsSelfReferential() })

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForReferenceDefinitions([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    return $Links.Where({ $_.IsReference() })

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForReferenceLinksAndDefinitions([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    return $Links.Where({ $_.HasReference() -or $_.IsReference() })

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForUndefinedReferenceLinks([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceLinks($Links).Where({
        $ReferenceID = $_.IsSelfReferential() ? $_.Text : $_.ReferenceID
        $ReferenceID -notin [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceDefinitions($Links).ReferenceID

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForUnusedReferenceLinkDefinitions([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceDefinitions($Links).Where({
        ($_.ReferenceID -notin [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceLinks($Links).ReferenceID) -and
        ($_.ReferenceID -notin [DocumentLink]::FilterForSelfReferentialLinks($Links).Text)

  hidden static [DocumentLink[]] FilterForValidReferenceLinksAndDefinitions([DocumentLink[]]$Links) {
    $InvalidReferences = (
      [DocumentLink]::FilterForUndefinedReferenceLinks($Links) +
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceLinksAndDefinitions($Links).Where({ $_ -notin $InvalidReferences })

class LinkKindTransformAttribute : ArgumentTransformationAttribute {
  [object] Transform([EngineIntrinsics]$engineIntrinsics, [System.Object]$inputData) {
    $ValidEnums = [LinkKind].GetEnumNames()
    $outputData = switch ($inputData) {
      { $_ -is [LinkKind] } { $_ }

      { $_ -is [string] } {
        if ($_ -in $ValidEnums) {
        } elseif ($Matching = $ValidEnums -like $_) {
        } else {
          $Message = @(
            "Specified kind '$_' couldn't resolve to any LinkKind enums;"
            'values must be a specific LinkKind or a wildcard expression'
            "(containing '*', '?', or '[]') matching one or more LinkKind."
            "Valid LinkKind enums are: $ValidEnums"
          ) -join ' '
          throw [ArgumentTransformationMetadataException]::New(
      default {
        $Message = @(
          "Could not convert input ($_) of type '$($_.GetType().FullName)' to a LinkKind."
          "Specify a valid LinkKind or a wildcard expression (containing '*', '?', or '[]')"
          "matching one or more LinkKind enums. Valid LinkKind enums are: $ValidEnums"
        ) -join ' '
        throw [ArgumentTransformationMetadataException]::New(

    return $outputData

class ParsedDocument {

  hidden [bool]$HasParsedLinks

  ParsedDocument() {}

  hidden ParseLinksFromBody() {
    $this.Links = [DocumentLink]::Parse($this.Body)
    | ForEach-Object -Process {
      # Add the file info to each link
      $_.Position.FileInfo = $FileInfo
      # Emit the link for the list

    $this.HasParsedLinks = $true

  [DocumentLink[]] ParsedLinks() {
    if (!$this.HasParsedLinks) {

    return $this.Links

  [DocumentLink[]] ParsedLinks([bool]$Force) {
    if (!$this.HasParsedLinks -or $Force) {

    return $this.Links

  [DocumentLink[]] InlineLinks() {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForInlineLinks($this.Links)

  [DocumentLink[]] ReferenceLinks() {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceLinks($this.Links)

  [DocumentLink[]] ReferenceDefinitions() {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceDefinitions($this.Links)

  [DocumentLink[]] ReferenceLinksAndDefinitions() {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForReferenceLinksAndDefinitions($this.Links)

  [DocumentLink[]] UndefinedReferenceLinks() {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForUndefinedReferenceLinks($this.Links)

  [DocumentLink[]] UnusedReferenceLinkDefinitions() {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForUnusedReferenceLinkDefinitions($this.Links)

  [DocumentLink[]] ValidReferenceLinksAndDefinitions() {
    return [DocumentLink]::FilterForValidReferenceLinksAndDefinitions($this.Links)

  [string] ToDecoratedString() {
    return $this.Body
    | ConvertFrom-Markdown -AsVT100EncodedString
    | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VT100EncodedString

#endregion Classes.Public

#region Functions.Private

function Get-YamlHeader {


    $doc = Get-Content $path -Encoding UTF8
    $hasFrontmatter = Select-String -Pattern '^---$' -Path $path
    $start = 0
    $end = $doc.count

    if ($hasFrontmatter) {
        $start = $hasFrontmatter[0].LineNumber
        $end = $hasFrontmatter[1].LineNumber - 2


function hash2yaml {


    ### This is a naive implementation of a YAML serializer. It is not intended to be a complete
    ### implementation. It converts all members of the hashtable to single-line strings, and does
    ### not support any of the more complex YAML features. It is intended to be used to serialize
    ### the metadata hashtable that is passed to the Markdown template.

    ForEach-Object {
        ForEach ($key in ($MetaHash.keys | Sort-Object)) {
            if ('' -ne $MetaHash.$key) {
                '{0}: {1}' -f $key, $MetaHash.$key


function New-ParsedDocument {





  process {
    $Document = [ParsedDocument]::new()

    $Document.FileInfo = $FileInfo
    $Document.RawContent = $RawContent
    $Document.ParsedMarkdown = $ParsedMarkdown
    if ($FrontMatter) {
      $Document.FrontMatter = $FrontMatter
    $Document.Body = $Body



#endregion Functions.Private

#region Functions.Public

function Convert-MDLinks {

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]


    $mdlinkpattern = '[\s\n]*(?<link>!?\[(?<label>[^\]]*)\]\((?<target>[^\)]+)\))[\s\n]?'
    $reflinkpattern = '[\s\n]*(?<link>!?\[(?<label>[^\]]*)\]\[(?<ref>[^\[\]]+)\])[\s\n]?'
    $refpattern = '^(?<refdef>\[(?<ref>[^\[\]]+)\]:\s(?<target>.+))$'

    $Path = Get-Item $Path # resolve wildcards

    foreach ($filename in $Path) {
        $mdfile = Get-Item $filename

        $mdlinks = Get-Content $mdfile -Raw | Select-String -Pattern $mdlinkpattern -AllMatches
        $reflinks = Get-Content $mdfile -Raw | Select-String -Pattern $reflinkpattern -AllMatches
        $refdefs = Select-String -Path $mdfile -Pattern $refpattern -AllMatches

        Write-Verbose ('{0}/{1}: {2} links' -f $mdfile.Directory.Name, $mdfile.Name, $mdlinks.count)
        Write-Verbose ('{0}/{1}: {2} ref links' -f $mdfile.Directory.Name, $mdfile.Name, $reflinks.count)
        Write-Verbose ('{0}/{1}: {2} ref defs' -f $mdfile.Directory.Name, $mdfile.Name, $refdefs.count)

        function GetMDLinks {
            foreach ($mdlink in $mdlinks.Matches) {
                # Skip INCLUDE and tab links
                if (-not $mdlink.Value.Trim().StartsWith('[!INCLUDE') -and
                    -not $mdlink.Value.Trim().Contains('#tab/')
                ) {
                    $linkitem = [pscustomobject]([ordered]@{
                            mdlink = ''
                            target = ''
                            ref    = ''
                            label  = ''
                    switch ($mdlink.Groups) {
                        { $_.Name -eq 'link' } { $linkitem.mdlink = $_.Value }
                        { $_.Name -eq 'target' } { $ = $_.Value }
                        { $_.Name -eq 'label' } { $linkitem.label = $_.Value }

            foreach ($reflink in $reflinks.Matches) {
                if (-not $reflink.Value.Trim().StartsWith('[!INCLUDE')) {
                    $linkitem = [pscustomobject]([ordered]@{
                            mdlink = ''
                            target = ''
                            ref    = ''
                            label  = ''
                    switch ($reflink.Groups) {
                        { $_.Name -eq 'link' } { $linkitem.mdlink = $_.Value }
                        { $_.Name -eq 'label' } { $linkitem.label = $_.Value }
                        { $_.Name -eq 'ref' } { $linkitem.ref = $_.Value }
        function GetRefTargets {
            foreach ($refdef in $refdefs.Matches) {
                $refitem = [pscustomobject]([ordered]@{
                        refdef = ''
                        target = ''
                        ref    = ''

                switch ($refdef.Groups) {
                    { $_.Name -eq 'refdef' } { $refitem.refdef = $_.Value }
                    { $_.Name -eq 'target' } { $ = $_.Value }
                    { $_.Name -eq 'ref' } { $refitem.ref = $_.Value }
                if (!$RefTargets.ContainsKey($refitem.ref)) {
                            target = $
                            ref    = $refitem.ref
                            refdef = $refitem.refdef

        $linkdata = GetMDLinks
        $RefTargets = @{}; GetRefTargets

        # map targets by reference
        if ($RefTargets.Count -gt 0) {
            for ($x = 0; $x -lt $linkdata.Count; $x++) {
                foreach ($key in $RefTargets.Keys) {
                    if ($RefTargets[$key].ref -eq $linkdata[$x].ref) {
                        $linkdata[$x].target = $RefTargets[$key].target

        # Get unique list of targets
        $targets = $ + $ | Sort-Object -Unique

        # Calculate new links and references
        $newlinks = @()
        $index = 0
        for ($x = 0; $x -lt $linkdata.Count; $x++) {
            if ($linkdata[$x].mdlink.StartsWith('!')) {
                $bang = '!'
            } else {
                $bang = ''
            if ($linkdata[$x].target -match '\w+/\w+/(pull|issues)/(?<linkid>\d+)$') {
                $linkid = $matches.linkid
                $newlinks += '[{0}]: {1}' -f $linkid, $linkdata[$x].target
                $newlink = '[{0}][{1}]' -f $linkdata[$x].label, $linkid
            } else {
                $index += 1
                $linkid = $index
                $newlinks += '[{0:d2}]: {1}' -f $linkid, $linkdata[$x].target
                $newlink = '{0}[{1}][{2:d2}]' -f $bang, $linkdata[$x].label, $linkid

            $parms = @{
                InputObject = $linkdata[$x]
                MemberType  = 'NoteProperty'
                Name        = 'newlink'
                Value       = $newlink
            Add-Member @parms

        $mdtext = Get-Content $mdfile
        foreach ($link in $linkdata) {
            $mdtext = $mdtext -replace [regex]::Escape($link.mdlink), $link.newlink
        if ($PassThru) {
        } else {
            $mdtext += '<!-- updated link references -->'
            $mdtext += $newlinks | Sort-Object -Unique
            Set-Content -Path $mdfile -Value $mdtext -Encoding utf8 -Force


function ConvertTo-Contraction {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]


    ### This function converts common word pairs to contractions. It doesn't handle all possible
    ### cases and it's not aware of code blocks.

    $contractions = @{
        lower = @{
            '([\s\n])are([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1aren't`$3"
            '([\s\n])cannot([\s\n])'            = "`$1can't`$2"
            '([\s\n])could([\s\n])not([\s\n])'  = "`$1couldn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])did([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1didn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])do([\s\n])not([\s\n])'     = "`$1don't`$3"
            '([\s\n])does([\s\n])not([\s\n])'   = "`$1doesn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])has([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1hasn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])have([\s\n])not([\s\n])'   = "`$1haven't`$3"
            '([\s\n])is([\s\n])not([\s\n])'     = "`$1isn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])it([\s\n])is([\s\n])'      = "`$1it's`$3"
            '([\s\n])should([\s\n])not([\s\n])' = "`$1shouldn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])that([\s\n])is([\s\n])'    = "`$1that's`$3"
            '([\s\n])they([\s\n])are([\s\n])'   = "`$1they're`$3"
            '([\s\n])was([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1wasn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])what([\s\n])is([\s\n])'    = "`$1what's`$3"
            '([\s\n])we([\s\n])are([\s\n])'     = "`$1we're`$3"
            '([\s\n])we([\s\n])have([\s\n])'    = "`$1we've`$3"
            '([\s\n])were([\s\n])not([\s\n])'   = "`$1weren't`$3"
        upper = @{
            '([\s\n])Are([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1Aren't`$3"
            '([\s\n])Cannot([\s\n])'            = "`$1Can't`$2"
            '([\s\n])Could([\s\n])not([\s\n])'  = "`$1Couldn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])Did([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1Didn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])Do([\s\n])not([\s\n])'     = "`$1Don't`$3"
            '([\s\n])Does([\s\n])not([\s\n])'   = "`$1Doesn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])Has([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1Hasn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])Have([\s\n])not([\s\n])'   = "`$1Haven't`$3"
            '([\s\n])Is([\s\n])not([\s\n])'     = "`$1Isn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])It([\s\n])is([\s\n])'      = "`$1It's`$3"
            '([\s\n])Should([\s\n])not([\s\n])' = "`$1Shouldn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])That([\s\n])is([\s\n])'    = "`$1That's`$3"
            '([\s\n])They([\s\n])are([\s\n])'   = "`$1They're`$3"
            '([\s\n])Was([\s\n])not([\s\n])'    = "`$1Wasn't`$3"
            '([\s\n])What([\s\n])is([\s\n])'    = "`$1what's`$3"
            '([\s\n])We([\s\n])are([\s\n])'     = "`$1We're`$3"
            '([\s\n])We([\s\n])have([\s\n])'    = "`$1We've`$3"
            '([\s\n])Were([\s\n])not([\s\n])'   = "`$1Weren't`$3"

    foreach ($filepath in $Path) {
        Get-ChildItem -Path $filepath -Recurse:$Recurse | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $
            $mdtext = Get-Content $_ -Raw
            foreach ($key in $contractions.lower.keys) {
                $mdtext = $mdtext -creplace $key, $contractions.lower[$key]
            foreach ($key in $contractions.upper.keys) {
                $mdtext = $mdtext -creplace $key, $contractions.upper[$key]
            Set-Content -Path $_ -Value $mdtext -NoNewline -Encoding utf8 -Force


function Get-ContentWithoutHeader {

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

    $doc = Get-Content $path -Encoding UTF8
    $hasFrontmatter = Select-String -Pattern '^---$' -Path $path
    $start = 0
    $end = $doc.count

    if ($hasFrontmatter) {
        $start = $hasFrontmatter[-1].LineNumber


function Get-Document {

  begin {
    $Pipeline = New-Object -TypeName Markdig.MarkdownPipelineBuilder
    $Pipeline = [Markdig.MarkdownExtensions]::Configure($Pipeline, 'Advanced+Yaml')

  process {
    $Files = Get-Item -Path $Path
    if ($Files.PSIsContainer) {
      $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_.Extension -eq '.md'

    $Files | ForEach-Object -Process {
      $File = $_
      if ($File.Extension -ne '.md') {
      $ParsedDocumentParameters = @{
        FileInfo = $File
      $ParsedDocumentParameters.RawContent = Get-Content -Path $File.FullName -Raw
      if ($ParsedDocumentParameters.RawContent.Length -gt 0) {
        $ParsedDocumentParameters.ParsedMarkdown = [Markdig.Parsers.MarkdownParser]::Parse(
          $ParsedDocumentParameters.RawContent, $Pipeline.Build()
      } else {
        $ParsedDocumentParameters.ParsedMarkdown = $null

      $FrontMatterToken = $ParsedDocumentParameters.ParsedMarkdown | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_.Parser -is [Markdig.Extensions.Yaml.YamlFrontMatterParser]

      if ($FrontMatterToken) {
        $ParsedDocumentParameters.FrontMatter = $FrontMatterToken.Lines.ToString().Trim()
        | ConvertFrom-Yaml -Ordered

        $Body = $ParsedDocumentParameters.RawContent -split '---'
        | Select-Object -Skip 2
        | Join-String -Separator '---'
        $ParsedDocumentParameters.Body = $Body.TrimStart()
      } else {
        $ParsedDocumentParameters.Body = $ParsedDocumentParameters.RawContent

      New-ParsedDocument @ParsedDocumentParameters

function Get-DocumentLink {
  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FilterByKind')]
      ParameterSetName = 'FilterByKind',
      ParameterSetName = 'FilterByOnly',
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FilterByKind', ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FilterByOnly', ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FilterByKind')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FilterByKind')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FilterByOnly')]

  process {
    if ($Path) {
      $Document = Get-Document -Path $Path

    $Document | ForEach-Object {
      $ParsedDocument = $_
      $Links = $ParsedDocument.Links

      switch ($Only) {
        'Inline' {
          $Links = $ParsedDocument.InlineLinks()

        'References' {
          $Links = $ParsedDocument.ReferenceLinksAndDefinitions()

        'UndefinedReferences' {
          $Links = $ParsedDocument.UndefinedReferenceLinks()

        'UnusedReferences' {
          $Links = $ParsedDocument.UnusedReferenceLinkDefinitions()

        'ValidReferences' {
          $Links = $ParsedDocument.ValidReferenceLinksAndDefinitions()

      if ($IncludeKind.Count) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Kind -in $IncludeKind })

      if ($ExcludeKind.Count) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Kind -notin $ExcludeKind })

      if ($MatchMarkdown) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Markdown -match $MatchMarkdown })

      if ($MatchText) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Text -match $MatchText })

      if ($MatchDestination) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Destination -match $MatchDestination })

      if ($MatchReferenceID) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.ReferenceID -match $MatchReferenceID })

      if ($NotMatchMarkdown) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Markdown -notmatch $NotMatchMarkdown })

      if ($NotMatchText) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Text -notmatch $NotMatchText })

      if ($NotMatchDestination) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.Destination -notmatch $NotMatchDestination })

      if ($NotMatchReferenceID) {
        $Links = $Links.Where({ $_.ReferenceID -notmatch $NotMatchReferenceID })


function Get-Metadata {

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AsHash')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsHash', Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsObject', Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsYaml', Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsObject', Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsYaml', Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsHash')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsObject')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsYaml')]

    foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Recurse:$Recurse -File -Path $Path)) {
        $ignorelist = 'keywords', 'helpviewer_keywords', 'ms.assetid'
        $lines = Get-YamlHeader $file

        if ($AsYaml) {
        } else {
            $meta = @{}
            foreach ($line in $lines) {
                ### Parse the YAML block
                ### This is a naive implementation that only works for simple single-line
                ### YAML data types and has some special cases for the metadata we care
                ### about. It's not intended to be a general purpose solution.
                $i = $line.IndexOf(':')
                if ($i -ne -1) {
                    $key = $line.Substring(0, $i)
                    if (!$ignorelist.Contains($key)) {
                        $value = $line.Substring($i + 1).replace('"', '')
                        switch ($key) {
                            'title' {
                                $value = $value.split('|')[0].Trim()
                            '' {
                                [datetime]$date = $value.Trim()
                                $value = Get-Date $date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy'
                            Default {
                                $value = $value.Trim()

                        $meta.Add($key, $value)
            if ($AsObject) {
                $meta.Add('file', $file.FullName)
            } else {


function Remove-Metadata {

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)]


    foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recurse)) {
        $metadata = Get-Metadata -Path $file
        $mdtext = Get-ContentWithoutHeader -Path $file

        foreach ($key in $KeyName) {
            if ($metadata.ContainsKey($key)) {

        Set-Content -Value (hash2yaml $metadata) -Path $file -Force -Encoding utf8
        Add-Content -Value $mdtext -Path $file -Encoding utf8


function Set-Metadata {

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)]


    foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recurse)) {
        $mdtext = Get-ContentWithoutHeader -Path $file
        Set-Content -Value (hash2yaml $NewMetadata) -Path $file -Force -Encoding utf8
        Add-Content -Value $mdtext -Path $file -Encoding utf8


function Update-Metadata {

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)]


    foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recurse)) {
        $OldMetadata = Get-Metadata -Path $file
        $mdtext = Get-ContentWithoutHeader -Path $file

        $update = $OldMetadata.Clone()
        foreach ($key in $NewMetadata.Keys) {
            if ($update.ContainsKey($key)) {
                $update[$key] = $NewMetadata[$key]
            } else {
                $update.Add($key, $NewMetadata[$key])

        Set-Content -Value (hash2yaml $update) -Path $file -Force -Encoding utf8
        Add-Content -Value $mdtext -Path $file -Encoding utf8


#endregion Functions.Public

$ExportableFunctions = @(

Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function $ExportableFunctions