
HelpInfoURI ''

function Show-SpfDkimDmarc {
    param (
        # Specifies the domain for resolving the SPF, DKIM and DMARC-record.
            Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'domain',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Specifies the domain for resolving the SPF, DKIM and DMARC-record.",
            Position = 1)]

        # Show SPF, DKIM and DMARC-records from multiple domains from a file.
            Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'file',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Show SPF, DKIM and DMARC-records from multiple domains from a file.",
            Position = 2)]

        # Custom DKIM Selector
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False,
            HelpMessage = "Specify a custom DKIM selector.",
            Position = 3)]

        # DNS Server to use
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "DNS Server to use.",
            Position = 4)]

    begin {

        class SpfDkimDmarc {
            # Constructor: Created the object with the SPF, DMARC and DKIM values
            SpfDkimDmarc (
            ) {
                $this.Name = $d
                $this.SPFRecord = $SPF
                $this.SpfAdvisory = $SpfAdvisory
                $this.DmarcRecord = $DMARC
                $this.DmarcAdvisory = $DmarcAdvisory
                $this.DkimSelector = $DkimSelector
                $this.DkimRecord = $DKIM
                $this.DkimAdvisory = $DkimAdvisory

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Server')) {
            $SplatParameters = @{
                'Server'      = $Server
                'ErrorAction' = 'SilentlyContinue'
        Else {
            $SplatParameters = @{
                'ErrorAction' = 'SilentlyContinue'

        # Custom list of DKIM-selectors
        $DkimSelectors = @(
            'selector1' # Microsoft
            'google', # Google
            'everlytic', # Everlytic
            'k1', # Mailchimp / Mandrill
            'mxvault' # Global Micro
            'dkim' # Hetzner

    process {
        if ($file) {
            if (-not(Test-Path $file)) {
                Write-error "$($file) does not exist"
        function StartDomainHealthCheck($domain) {
            # Check SPF-record
            $SPF = $null
            $SPF = Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -Type TXT @SplatParameters | where-object { $_.strings -match "v=spf1" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty strings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($SPF -eq $null) {
                $SpfAdvisory = "Domain does not have an SPF record. To prevent abuse of this domain, please add an SPF record to it."
            if ($SPF -is [array]) {
                $SpfAdvisory = "Domain has more than one SPF-record. One SPF record for one domain. This is explicitly defined in RFC4408"
            Else {
                switch -Regex ($SPF) {
                    '~all' {
                        $SpfAdvisory = "An SPF-record is configured but the policy is not sufficiently strict."
                    '-all' {
                        $SpfAdvisory = "An SPF-record is configured and the policy is sufficiently strict."
                    "\?all" {
                        $SpfAdvisory = "Your domain has a valid SPF record but your policy is not effective enough."
                    '\+all' {
                        $SpfAdvisory = "Your domain has a valid SPF record but your policy is not effective enough."
                    Default {
                        $SpfAdvisory = "No qualifier found. Your domain has a SPF record but your policy is not effective enough."
            # Check DKIM-record
            $DKIM = $null
            if ($DkimSelector) {
                $DKIM = Resolve-DnsName -Type TXT -Name "$($DkimSelector)._domainkey.$($Domain)" @SplatParameters | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Strings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($DKIM -eq $null) {
                    $DkimAdvisory = "No DKIM-record found for selector $($DkimSelector)._domainkey."
                elseif ($DKIM -match "v=DKIM1" -or $DKIM -match "k=") {
                    $DkimAdvisory = "DKIM-record found."
            else {
                foreach ($DkimSelector in $DkimSelectors) {
                    $DKIM = Resolve-DnsName -Type TXT -Name  "$($DkimSelector)._domainkey.$($Domain)" @SplatParameters | Select-Object -ExpandProperty strings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    if ($DKIM -eq $null) {
                        $DkimAdvisory = "We couldn't find a DKIM record associated with your domain."
                    elseif ($DKIM -match "v=DKIM1" -or $DKIM -match "k=") {
                        $DkimAdvisory = "DKIM-record found."
                # Check DMARC-record
                $DMARC = $null
                $DMARC = Resolve-DnsName -type TXT -name _dmarc.$Domain @SplatParameters | Select-Object -ExpandProperty strings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($DMARC -eq $null) {
                    $DmarcAdvisory = "Does not have a DMARC record. This domain is at risk to being abused by phishers and spammers."
                Else {
                    switch -Regex ($DMARC) {
                        ('p=none') {
                            $DmarcAdvisory = "Domain has a valid DMARC record but the DMARC (subdomain) policy does not prevent abuse of your domain by phishers and spammers."
                        ('p=quarantine') {
                            $DmarcAdvisory = "Domain has a DMARC record and it is set to p=quarantine. To fully take advantage of DMARC, the policy should be set to p=reject."
                        ('p=reject') {
                            $DmarcAdvisory = "Domain has a DMARC record and your DMARC policy will prevent abuse of your domain by phishers and spammers."

                $ReturnValues = [SpfDkimDmarc]::New($Domain, $SPF, $SpfAdvisory, $DMARC, $DmarcAdvisory, $DkimSelector, $DKIM, $DkimAdvisory)

            if ($file) {
                foreach ($Domain in (Get-Content -Path $file)) {
                    StartDomainHealthCheck -Domain $Domain
            if ($Name) {
                StartDomainHealthCheck -Domain $Name
        } end {}