
function Test-DMGroup
            Tests whether the configured groups match a domain's configuration.
            Tests whether the configured groups match a domain's configuration.
        .PARAMETER Server
            The server / domain to work with.
        .PARAMETER Credential
            The credentials to use for this operation.
            PS C:\> Test-DMGroup
            Tests whether the configured groups' state matches the current domain group setup.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock", "")]
    param (
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        $parameters['Debug'] = $false
        Assert-ADConnection @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Invoke-Callback @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Assert-Configuration -Type Groups -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Set-DMDomainContext @parameters
        $oldNamesFound = @()
        :main foreach ($groupDefinition in $script:groups.Values) {
            $resolvedName = Resolve-String -Text $groupDefinition.Name

            $resultDefaults = @{
                Server = $Server
                ObjectType = 'Group'
                Identity = $resolvedName
                Configuration = $groupDefinition

            #region Group that needs to be removed
            if (-not $groupDefinition.Present) {
                try { $adObject = Get-ADGroup @parameters -Identity $resolvedName -ErrorAction Stop }
                catch { continue } # Only errors when group not present = All is well
                New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type ShouldDelete -ADObject $adObject
            #endregion Group that needs to be removed

            #region Groups that don't exist but should | Groups that need to be renamed
            try { $adObject = Get-ADGroup @parameters -Identity $resolvedName -Properties Description -ErrorAction Stop }
                $oldGroups = foreach ($oldName in ($groupDefinition.OldNames | Resolve-String)) {
                    try { Get-ADGroup @parameters -Identity $oldName -Properties Description -ErrorAction Stop }
                    catch { }

                switch (($oldGroups | Measure-Object).Count) {
                    #region Case: No old version present
                        New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type ConfigurationOnly
                        continue main
                    #endregion Case: No old version present

                    #region Case: One old version present
                        New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type Rename -ADObject $oldGroups
                        $oldNamesFound += $oldGroups.Name
                        continue main
                    #endregion Case: One old version present

                    #region Case: Too many old versions present
                        New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type MultipleOldGroups -ADObject $oldGroups
                        $oldNamesFound += $oldGroups.Name
                        continue main
                    #endregion Case: Too many old versions present
            #endregion Groups that don't exist but should | Groups that need to be renamed

            #region Existing Groups, might need updates
            # $adObject contains the relevant object

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$changes = @()
            Compare-Property -Property Description -Configuration $groupDefinition -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes -Resolve
            Compare-Property -Property Category -Configuration $groupDefinition -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes -ADProperty GroupCategory
            Compare-Property -Property Scope -Configuration $groupDefinition -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes -ADProperty GroupScope
            $ouPath = ($adObject.DistinguishedName -split ",",2)[1]
            if ($ouPath -ne (Resolve-String -Text $groupDefinition.Path)) {
                $null = $changes.Add('Path')
            if ($changes.Count) {
                New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type Changed -Changed $changes.ToArray() -ADObject $adObject
            #endregion Existing Groups, might need updates

        $foundGroups = foreach ($searchBase in (Resolve-ContentSearchBase @parameters)) {
            Get-ADGroup @parameters -LDAPFilter '(!(isCriticalSystemObject=*))' -SearchBase $searchBase.SearchBase -SearchScope $searchBase.SearchScope

        $resolvedConfiguredNames = $script:groups.Values.Name | Resolve-String
        $resultDefaults = @{
            Server = $Server
            ObjectType = 'Group'

        foreach ($existingGroup in $foundGroups) {
            if ($existingGroup.Name -in $oldNamesFound) { continue }
            if ($existingGroup.Name -in $resolvedConfiguredNames) { continue }
            if (1000 -ge ($existingGroup.SID -split "-")[-1]) { continue } # Ignore BuiltIn default groups

            New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type ShouldDelete -ADObject $existingGroup -Identity $existingGroup.Name