
function Test-DMGPLink {
        Tests, whether the configured group policy linking matches the desired state.
        Tests, whether the configured group policy linking matches the desired state.
        Define the desired state using the Register-DMGPLink command.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
        PS C:\> Test-DMGPLink -Server
        Tests, whether the group policy links of match the configured state

    param (
    begin {
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        $parameters['Debug'] = $false
        Assert-ADConnection @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Invoke-Callback @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Assert-Configuration -Type GroupPolicyLinks, GroupPolicyLinksDynamic -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Set-DMDomainContext @parameters

        #region Utility Functions
        function Get-OUData {
            param (

            $ous = @{ }
            #region Explicit OUs
            foreach ($organizationalUnit in $script:groupPolicyLinks.Keys) {
                $resolvedOU = Resolve-String -Text $organizationalUnit
                $ous[$resolvedOU] = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    OrganizationalUnit = $resolvedOU
                    ProcessingMode     = 'Additive'
                    Include            = @()
                    Exclude            = @()
                    ExtendedInclude    = @()
                $ous[$resolvedOU].Include = $script:groupPolicyLinks[$organizationalUnit].Values | Where-Object Present
                $ous[$resolvedOU].Exclude = $script:groupPolicyLinks[$organizationalUnit].Values | Where-Object Present -EQ $false
                if ($ous[$resolvedOU].Include.ProcessingMode -contains 'Constrained') {
                    $ous[$resolvedOU].ProcessingMode = 'Constrained'
            #region Explicit OUs
            #region Filter-Based OUs
            foreach ($filter in $script:groupPolicyLinksDynamic.Keys) {
                $adObjects = Resolve-ADObject @Parameters -Filter (Resolve-String -Text $filter) -ObjectClass organizationalUnit
                $values = $script:groupPolicyLinksDynamic[$filter].Values
                foreach ($adObject in $adObjects) {
                    if (-not $ous[$adObject.DistinguishedName]) {
                        $ous[$adObject.DistinguishedName] = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            OrganizationalUnit = $adObject.DistinguishedName
                            ProcessingMode     = 'Additive'
                            Include            = @()
                            Exclude            = @()
                            ExtendedInclude    = @()
                    $container = $ous[$adObject.DistinguishedName]
                    $container.Include = $container.Include, $values | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Where-Object Present
                    $container.Exclude = $container.Exclude, $values | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Where-Object Present -EQ $false
                    if ($container.Include.ProcessingMode -contains 'Constrained') {
                        $container.ProcessingMode = 'Constrained'
            #endregion Filter-Based OUs
        function New-Update {
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
            param (

                PSTypeName = 'DomainManagement.GPLink.Update'
                Action     = $Action
                Policy     = $PolicyName
                Status     = $Status
        function Get-LinkUpdate {
            param (

            $includeSorted = $Configuration.Include | Sort-Object @{ Expression = { $_.Tier }; Descending = $true }, Precedence | Where-Object PolicyName -NotIn $Configuration.Exclude.PolicyName
            $currentSorted = $ADObject.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects | Sort-Object Precedence

            if ($Configuration.ProcessingMode -eq 'Additive') {
                $currentAdditive = $ADObject.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects | Where-Object DisplayName -NotIn $includeSorted.PolicyName | Where-Object DisplayName -NotIn $Configuration.Exclude.PolicyName | Sort-Object Precedence | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Tier -Value 0 -PassThru -Force | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name PolicyName -Value DisplayName -PassThru -Force
                $newDesiredState = @($currentAdditive) + @($includeSorted) | Write-Output | Remove-PSFNull | Sort-Object @{ Expression = { $_.Tier }; Descending = $true }, Precedence
            else { $newDesiredState = $includeSorted }
            $Configuration.ExtendedInclude = $newDesiredState
            if (Compare-Array -ReferenceObject $newDesiredState.PolicyName -DifferenceObject $currentSorted.DisplayName -OrderSpecific -Quiet) {

            $index = 0
            foreach ($desired in $newDesiredState) {
                if ($currentSorted.DisplayName -notcontains $desired.PolicyName) {
                    New-Update -Action Add -PolicyName $desired.PolicyName -Status 'Enabled'
                    $index = $index + 1
                if ($index -gt @($currentSorted).Count -or $desired.PolicyName -ne $currentSorted[$index].DisplayName) {
                    New-Update -Action Reorder -PolicyName $desired.PolicyName -Status 'Enabled'
                    $index = $index + 1
                $index = $index + 1
            foreach ($current in $currentSorted) {
                if ($current.DisplayName -notin $newDesiredState.PolicyName) {
                    New-Update -Action Delete -PolicyName $current.DisplayName -Status $current.Status
        #endregion Utility Functions

        $gpoDisplayToDN = @{ }
        $gpoDNToDisplay = @{ }
        foreach ($adPolicyObject in (Get-ADObject @parameters -LDAPFilter '(objectCategory=groupPolicyContainer)' -Properties DisplayName, DistinguishedName)) {
            $gpoDisplayToDN[$adPolicyObject.DisplayName] = $adPolicyObject.DistinguishedName
            $gpoDNToDisplay[$adPolicyObject.DistinguishedName] = $adPolicyObject.DisplayName
    process {
        #region Process Configuration
        $ouData = Get-OUData -Parameters $parameters
        foreach ($ouDatum in $ouData) {
            $resultDefaults = @{
                Server        = $Server
                ObjectType    = 'GPLink'
                Identity      = $ouDatum.OrganizationalUnit
                Configuration = $ouDatum

            #region Handle AD Object doesn't exist
            try {
                $adObject = Get-ADObject @parameters -Identity $ouDatum.OrganizationalUnit -ErrorAction Stop -Properties gPLink, Name, DistinguishedName
                $resultDefaults['ADObject'] = $adObject
            catch {
                Write-PSFMessage -String 'Test-DMGPLink.OUNotFound' -StringValues $ouDatum.OrganizationalUnit -ErrorRecord $_ -Tag 'panic', 'failed'
                New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'MissingParent'
            #endregion Handle AD Object doesn't exist

            #region Handle AD Object does not contain any links
            $currentState = $adObject | ConvertTo-GPLink -PolicyMapping $gpoDNToDisplay
            Add-Member -InputObject $adObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LinkedGroupPolicyObjects -Value $currentState -Force
            if (-not $currentState) {
                New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'New'
            #endregion Handle AD Object does not contain any links

            $updates = Get-LinkUpdate -Configuration $ouDatum -ADObject $adObject
            if ($updates) {
                New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'Update' -Changed $updates

        #region Process Managed Estate
        # OneLevel needs to be converted to base, as searching for OUs with "OneLevel" would return unmanaged OUs.
        # This search however is targeted at GPOs linked to managed OUs only.
        $translateScope = @{
            'Subtree'  = 'Subtree'
            'OneLevel' = 'Base'
            'Base'     = 'Base'
        $adObjects = foreach ($searchBase in (Resolve-ContentSearchBase @parameters)) {
            Get-ADObject @parameters -LDAPFilter '(gPLink=*)' -SearchBase $searchBase.SearchBase -SearchScope $translateScope[$searchBase.SearchScope] -Properties gPLink, Name, DistinguishedName

        foreach ($adObject in $adObjects) {
            # If we have a configuration on it, it has already been processed
            if ($adObject.DistinguishedName -in $ouData.OrganizationalUnit) { continue }
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($adObject.GPLink)) { continue }

            $linkObjects = $adObject | ConvertTo-GPLink -PolicyMapping $gpoDNToDisplay
            Add-Member -InputObject $adObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LinkedGroupPolicyObjects -Value $linkObjects -Force

            $changes = foreach ($linkedObject in $linkObjects) {
                New-Update -PolicyName $linkedObject.DisplayName -Status $linkedObject.Status -Action Delete
            New-TestResult -ObjectType GPLink -Type 'Delete' -Identity $adObject.DistinguishedName -Server $Server -ADObject $adObject -Changed $changes
        #endregion Process Managed Estate