
function Resolve-String {
            Resolves a string, inserting all registered placeholders as appropriate.
            Resolves a string, inserting all registered placeholders as appropriate.
            Use Register-DMNameMapping to configure your own replacements.
        .PARAMETER Text
            The string on which to perform the replacements.
        .PARAMETER Server
            The server / domain to work with.
        .PARAMETER Credential
            The credentials to use for this operation.
            PS C:\> Resolve-String -Text $_.GroupName
            Returns the resolved name of the input string (probably the finalized name of a new group to add).

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential

        $replacementScript = {
            param (

            if ($Match -like "%!*%") {
                try { (Invoke-DMDomainData -Name $Match.Trim('%!') @parameters -EnableException).Data }
                catch { throw }
            if ($script:nameReplacementTable[$Match]) { $script:nameReplacementTable[$Match] }
            else { $Match }

        $pattern = $script:nameReplacementTable.Keys -join "|"
        if ($Server) { $pattern += '|{0}' -f ($script:domainDataScripts.Values.Placeholder -join "|") }
    process {
        foreach ($textItem in $Text) {
            if (-not $textItem) { return $textItem }
            try { [regex]::Replace($textItem, $pattern, $replacementScript, 'IgnoreCase') }
            catch { throw }