
function Get-SchemaGuidMapping
        Returns a hashtable mapping schema guids to the name of an attribute / class.
        Returns a hashtable mapping schema guids to the name of an attribute / class.
        This hashtable is being generated (and cached) on a per-Server basis.
    .PARAMETER NameToGuid
        Return a hashtable mapping name to guid, rather than one mapping guid to name.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
        PS C:\> Get-SchemaGuidMapping @parameters
        Returns a hashtable mapping Guid of attributes or classes to their humanly readable name.

    Param (

        [string]$identity = '<default>'
        if ($Server) { $identity = $Server }

        if (Test-PSFTaskEngineCache -Module DomainManagement -Name "SchemaGuidCache.$Identity") {
            if ($NameToGuid) { return (Get-PSFTaskEngineCache -Module DomainManagement -Name "SchemaGuidCache.$Identity").NameToGuid }
            else { return (Get-PSFTaskEngineCache -Module DomainManagement -Name "SchemaGuidCache.$Identity").GuidToName }

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Get-SchemaGuidMapping.Processing' -StringValues $identity
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        $parameters['Debug'] = $false

        $schemaNC = (Get-ADRootDSE @parameters).schemaNamingContext
        $objects = Get-ADObject @parameters -SearchBase $schemaNC -Properties Name,SchemaIDGuid -LDAPFilter '(schemaIDGUID=*)' # Exclude the schema object itself
        $processed = $objects | Select-PSFObject Name, 'SchemaIDGuid to Guid as ID' | Select-PSFObject Name, 'ID to string'

        if (-not $processed) { return }
        $data = [PSCustomObject]@{
            NameToGuid = @{ '<All>' = "$([guid]::Empty)" }
            GuidToName = @{ "$([guid]::Empty)" = '<All>' }
        foreach ($processedItem in $processed) {
            $data.GuidToName[$processedItem.ID] = $processedItem.Name
            $data.NameToGuid[$processedItem.Name] = $processedItem.ID
        Set-PSFTaskEngineCache -Module DomainManagement -Name "SchemaGuidCache.$Identity" -Value $data
        if ($NameToGuid) { return $data.NameToGuid }
        else { return $data.GuidToName }