
function Resolve-GPFilterMapping {
        Determines which filter conditions apply to which GPO
        Determines which filter conditions apply to which GPO
        Used by components that apply rules based on GPOs, such as GP Permissions and GP Ownership.
    .PARAMETER Conditions
        The list of conditions that need to be evaluated.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
        PS C:\> Resolve-GPFilterMapping @parameters -Conditions ($ownerConfig.FilterConditions | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Sort-Object -Unique)
        Returns a mapping of which of the conditions needed and what GPOs they apply to.

    param (


    process {
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential

        $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Success          = $true
            Mapping          = @{ }
            Conditions       = $Conditions
            AllGpos = @()
            MissingCondition = $null
            ErrorType        = 'None'
            ErrorData        = @()
            ErrorTarget      = $null

        $allFilters = @{ }
        foreach ($filterObject in Get-DMGPPermissionFilter) {
            $allFilters[$filterObject.Name] = $filterObject

        $result.MissingCondition = $Conditions | Where-Object { $_ -notin $allFilters.Keys }
        if ($result.MissingCondition) {
            $result.ErrorType = 'MissingCondition'
            $result.Success = $false

        if ($Conditions) { $relevantFilters = $allFilters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include $Conditions }
        else { $relevantFilters = @() }

        $allGpos = Get-ADObject @parameters -LDAPFilter '(objectCategory=groupPolicyContainer)' -Properties DisplayName
        $result.AllGpos = $allGpos
        $filterToGPOMapping = @{ }
        $managedGPONames = (Get-DMGroupPolicy).DisplayName | Resolve-String
        #region Process individual filter conditions
        :conditions foreach ($condition in $relevantFilters.Values) {
            switch ($condition.Type) {
                #region Managed - Do we define the policy using the GroupPolicy Component?
                'Managed' {
                    if ($condition.Reverse -xor (-not $condition.Managed)) { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -NotIn $managedGPONames }
                    else { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -In $managedGPONames }
                #endregion Managed - Do we define the policy using the GroupPolicy Component?

                #region Path - Resolve by where GPOs are linked
                'Path' {
                    $searchBase = Resolve-String -Text $condition.Path
                    if (-not (Test-ADObject @parameters -Identity $searchBase)) {
                        if ($condition.Optional) {
                            Write-PSFMessage -String 'Resolve-GPFilterMapping.Filter.Path.DoesNotExist.SilentlyContinue' -StringValues $Condition.Name, $searchBase -Target $condition
                            continue conditions
                        $result.Success = $false
                        $result.ErrorType = 'PathNotFound'
                        $result.ErrorData = $searchBase
                        $result.ErrorTarget = $condition

                    $objects = Get-ADObject @parameters -SearchBase $searchBase -SearchScope $condition.Scope -LDAPFilter '(|(objectCategory=OrganizationalUnit)(objectCategory=domainDNS))' -Properties gPLink
                    $allLinkedGpoDNs = $objects | ConvertTo-GPLink | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName -Unique
                    if ($condition.Reverse) { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DistinguishedName -NotIn $allLinkedGpoDNs }
                    else { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DistinguishedName -In $allLinkedGpoDNs }
                #endregion Path - Resolve by where GPOs are linked

                #region GPName - Match by name, using either direct comparison, wildcard or regex
                'GPName' {
                    $resolvedGpoName = Resolve-String -Text $condition.GPName
                    switch ($condition.Mode) {
                        'Explicit' {
                            if ($condition.Reverse) { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -NE $resolvedGpoName }
                            else { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -EQ $resolvedGpoName }
                        'Wildcard' {
                            if ($condition.Reverse) { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -NotLike $resolvedGpoName }
                            else { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -Like $resolvedGpoName }
                        'Regex' {
                            if ($condition.Reverse) { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -NotMatch $resolvedGpoName }
                            else { $filterToGPOMapping[$condition.Name] = $allGpos | Where-Object DisplayName -Match $resolvedGpoName }
                #endregion GPName - Match by name, using either direct comparison, wildcard or regex
        #endregion Process individual filter conditions
        $result.Mapping = $filterToGPOMapping