
function Resolve-PolicyRevision
        Checks the management state information of the specified policy object.
        Checks the management state information of the specified policy object.
        It uses PowerShell remoting to read the configuration file with the associated group policy.
        This configuration file is stored when deploying a group policy using Invoke-DMGroupPolicy.
        This process is required to ensure only policies that need updating are thus updated.
    .PARAMETER Policy
        The policy object to validate and add the state information to.
    .PARAMETER Session
        The PowerShell Session to the PDCEmulator of the domain the GPO is part of.
        PS C:\> Resolve-PolicyRevision -Policy $managedPolicy -Session $session
        Checks the management state information of the specified policy object.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseUsingScopeModifierInNewRunspaces", "")]
    Param (

        #region Remote Call - Resolve GPO data => $result
        $result = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ArgumentList $Policy.Path -ScriptBlock {
            param (

            $testPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath gpt.ini
            $configPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath dm_config.xml

            if (-not (Test-Path $testPath)) {
                    Success = $false
                    Exists = $null
                    ExportID = $null
                    Timestamp = $null
                    Version = -1
                    Error = $null
            if (-not (Test-Path $configPath)) {
                    Success = $true
                    Exists = $false
                    ExportID = $null
                    Timestamp = $null
                    Version   = -1
                    Error = $null
            try { $data = Import-Clixml -Path $configPath -ErrorAction Stop }
            catch {
                    Success = $false
                    Exists = $true
                    ExportID = $null
                    Timestamp = $null
                    Version   = -1
                    Error = $_
                Success = $true
                Exists = $true
                ExportID = $data.ExportID
                Timestamp = $data.Timestamp
                Version  = $data.Version
                Error = $null
        #endregion Remote Call - Resolve GPO data => $result

        #region Process results
        $Policy.ExportID = $result.ExportID
        $Policy.ImportTime = $result.Timestamp
        $Policy.Version = $result.Version

        if (-not $result.Success) {
            if ($result.Exists) {
                $Policy.State = 'ConfigError'
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Resolve-PolicyRevision.Result.ErrorOnConfigImport' -StringValues $Policy.DisplayName, $result.Error.Exception.Message -Target $Policy }
                throw $result.Error
            else {
                $Policy.State = 'CriticalError'
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Resolve-PolicyRevision.Result.PolicyError' -StringValues $Policy.DisplayName -Target $Policy
                throw "Policy object not found in filesystem. Check existence and permissions! $($Policy.DisplayName) ($($Policy.ObjectGUID))"
        else {
            if ($result.Exists) {
                $Policy.State  = 'Healthy'
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Resolve-PolicyRevision.Result.Success' -StringValues $Policy.DisplayName, $result.ExportID, $result.Timestamp -Target $Policy }
            else {
                $Policy.State = 'Unmanaged'
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Resolve-PolicyRevision.Result.Result.SuccessNotYetManaged' -StringValues $Policy.DisplayName -Target $Policy
        #endregion Process results