
Param (
  [Switch]$Debug = $false,             
  [Switch]$Console = $false,
  [Switch]$FullReport = $False,
  [Switch]$NoPurge = $False,
  [Switch]$UsePattern = $false
          File Name : DomainPurge.ps1
    Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie
        Description : Removes any systems in Active Directory who have not connected
                    : in over 30 days.
              Notes : No local log generated. Emails results to recipient list.
                    : Number of days in purge window is adjustable via variable.
                    : Add systems to exclude to XML file in same folder as script.
                    : Create a scheduled task to run daily.
          Arguments : Normal operation is with no command line options.
                    : -console $true = Displays status output to console - defaults to $false
                    : -debug $true = Handles output normally but blocks anything from being actively deleted.
                    : -fullreport $true = Emails the entire run report rather than just what was found. - defaults to $false
                    : -nopurge $true = Disable all deletes - default to $false
                    : -usepattern $true = Read pattern from config file and ignore matches. - defaults to false (forced on below)
           Warnings : Don't run if you don't want PC's deleted from AD
              Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved.
            Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources including but
                    : not limited to the following: Internet - various
     Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie
    Version History : v1.0 - 05-16-13 - Original
     Change History : v1.1 - 05-01-15 - Added reporting option & ESX filter
                    : v2.0 - 10-30-15 - Changed the way html is created. Retooled to run
                       : daily and check date to determine whether to run.
                    : v2.1 - 02-01-16 - Switched to ADO delete due to extra objects on
                    : systems in AD.
                    : v3.00 - 10-31-17 - Added XML config file. Changed report info. Added credentials.
                    : v3.10 - 11-10-17 - minor output edit.
                    : v4.00 - 12-08-17 - Complete rework. Now checks each system daily.
                    : v4.10 - 01-19-18 - Fixed output bug. Added full report option. Removed force run option.
                    : v4.20 - 02-14-18 - Added option to ignore based on a pattern.
                    : v4.22 - 03-03-18 - Minor notation tweak for PS library upload
                    : #>

    $CurrentVersion = 4.22            <#

.AUTHOR Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT
.GUID 6d8d1d4d-0b4f-49dd-9f86-9841d9e92981
 Removes any systems in Active Directory who have not connected in over 30 days.
# Requires -version 4.0

If ($Debug){$Script:Debug = $True}
If ($Console){$Script:Console = $True}
If ($FullReport){$Script:FullReport = $true}
If ($NoPurge){$Script:NoPurge = $True}
#If ($UsePattern){
$Script:UsePattern = $True  #--[ forced to true ]--

#-------------------------------[ Begin ]--------------------------------------
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$ExclusionList = ""
$Computer = $Env:ComputerName
$ScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).split(".")[0] 
$Script:LogFile = $PSScriptRoot+"\"+$ScriptName+"_{0:MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss}.log" -f (Get-Date)
$Script:ConfigFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$ScriptName.xml"  

#-----------------------------[ Functions ]------------------------------------
Function SendEmail {
    $email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $email.From = $Script:EmailFrom
    $email.IsBodyHtml = $Script:EmailHTML
    If ($Script:Debug){
    $email.Subject = $Script:Subject
    $email.Body = $Script:ReportBody 
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Script:SmtpServer)
    If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`nStatus email has been sent" -ForegroundColor green}

Function LoadConfig {  #--[ Read and load configuration file ]------------------
    If (!(Test-Path $Script:ConfigFile)){       #--[ Error out if configuration file doesn't exist ]--
        Write-Host "---------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "--[ MISSING CONFIG FILE. Script aborted. ]--" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "---------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Red
        [xml]$Script:Configuration = Get-Content $Script:ConfigFile       
        $Script:ReportName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.ReportName
        $Script:DebugTarget = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.DebugTarget 
        $Script:DebugEmail = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.DebugEmail 
        $Script:ExclusionList = ($Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Exclusions).Split(",")
        $Script:Days = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Days
        $Script:Subject = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Subject
        $Script:EmailTo = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.To
        $Script:EmailFrom = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.From
        $Script:EmailHTML = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.HTML
        $Script:SmtpServer = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.SmtpServer
        $Script:UserName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username
        $Script:EncryptedPW = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password
        $Script:Base64String = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Key   
        $ByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Script:Base64String);
        $Script:Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Script:UserName, ($Script:EncryptedPW | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $ByteArray)
        $Script:Password = $Script:Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

#--[ HashTables ]--
$MonthDays = @{
"January" = "31";
"February" = "28";
"March" = "31";
"April" = "30";
"May" = "31";
"June" = "30";
"July" = "31";
"August" = "31";
"September" = "30";
"October" = "31";
"November" = "30";
"December" = "31"

#--[ Date Processing ]----------------------------------------------------------
$CurrentDate = Get-Date

$ThisMonth = @()
$ThisMonth += (Get-Date -Format MMMM)                                   #--[ This month text name ]--
$ThisMonth += $CurrentDate.Month                                        #--[ This month number ]--
$ThisMonth += $MonthDays.($ThisMonth[0])
$NextMonth = @()
If ($ThisMonth[1] -eq 12){
    $NextMonth += (Get-Date -Month 1).tostring("MMMM")                  #--[ Force values for january if it is December now ]--
    $NextMonth += "1"
    $NextMonth += "31"
    $NextMonth += (Get-Date -Month ($ThisMonth[1]+1) ).tostring("MMMM")
    $NextMonth += $CurrentDate.Month+1
    $NextMonth += $MonthDays.($NextMonth[0])

$DaysOut = ""
$DaysOut = (Get-Date).AddDays(-([int]$Script:DaysOut))                  #--[ Date 30 days from today or whatever value was loaded from config ]--
$DaysOut = ($DaysOut).ToString("MM/dd/yyy") 

If ($Script:Debug){
    If ($Script:Console){
        Write-Host `n"--[ "$Script:ReportName" ]---" -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
        Write-Host " DEBUG MODE " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        Write-Host "----------------------"`n -ForegroundColor Cyan 
    If ($Script:Console){Write-Host `n"--[ "$Script:ReportName" ]--------------------------------------"`n -ForegroundColor Cyan }

If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Now :"$CurrentDate -ForegroundColor Cyan }
If ($Script:Console){Write-Host 'This Month :'$ThisMonth[0] '('$ThisMonth[1]')' -ForegroundColor Cyan }
If ($Script:Console){Write-Host 'Day of Month :'$CurrentDate.Day -ForegroundColor Cyan }
If ($Script:Console){Write-Host 'Days this month :'$ThisMonth[2]`n -ForegroundColor Cyan }
If ($Script:Console){Write-Host 'Next Month :'$NextMonth[0] '('$NextMonth[1]')' -ForegroundColor Cyan }
If ($Script:Console){Write-Host 'Days next Month :'$NextMonth[2]`n -ForegroundColor Cyan }
If ($Script:Console){Write-Host 'Purge window :'$Script:Days' Days ' -ForegroundColor Cyan }
If ($Script:Console){Write-Host 'Exclusion filter :'$Script:ExclusionList`n -ForegroundColor Cyan }

#--[ Main Process ]-------------------------------------------------------------
$Script:Action = "stop"
If ($Debug){
    $TargetGroup = Get-ADComputer -Properties Name, lastLogonDate, operatingsystem -Credential $Script:Credential -Filter {name -like $Script:DebugTarget -an operatingSystem -notlike "*server*"} | sort Name 
    $TargetGroup = Get-ADComputer -Properties Name, lastLogonDate, operatingsystem -Credential $Script:Credential -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $DaysOut} | sort Name 

#--[ Add header to html log file ]--
$Script:FontDarkCyan = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#008B8B;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontBlack = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#000000;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontRed = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#ff0000;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontMaroon = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#990000;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontGreen = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#00ff00;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontDarkGreen = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#008b00;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontYellow = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#ff9900;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontOrange = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#ff6600;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'
$Script:FontDimGray = '<p style="display:inline;font-family:Calibri;size:7pt;color:#696969;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'

$Script:ReportBody = @() 
$Script:ReportBody += '
<style type="text/css">
    table.myTable { border:5px solid black;border-collapse:collapse; }
    table.myTable td { border:2px solid black;padding:5px}
    table.myTable th { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background: #949494 }
    table.bottomBorder { border-collapse:collapse; }
    table.bottomBorder td, table.bottomBorder th { border-bottom:1px dotted black;padding:5px; }
    tr.noBorder td {border: 0; }
<table class="myTable">
<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=4><center><h1>- '
+$Script:ReportName+' -</h1></td></tr>
<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=4><center>Computers with SecureChannel refresh older than '
+$Days+' days will be deleted from the domain.</td></tr>
<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=4><center>Computers within 5 days of deletion are listed as a warning of their impending deletion.<br></td></tr>
<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=4><center>Current exclusion filter (from config file) includes the following strings: "'
<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=4><center>Today is '
+(Get-Date -Format MM/dd/yyyy)+'</td></tr>

If ($Script:Debug){
    $Script:ReportBody += '<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=4><center><strong><font color=red>Script running in DEBUGGING mode...</strong></font></td></tr>'
If ($Script:NoPurge){
    $Script:ReportBody += '<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=4><font color=darkgreen><center>Script running in NOPURGE mode... NO DELETES WILL BE EXECUTED...</font></td></tr>'

$Script:ReportBody += '<tr><th>Target System</th><th>Last Secure Channel Update</th><th>Action</th><th>Delete Verification</th></tr>'   #--[ Report Header ]--------

foreach ($Target in $TargetGroup){
    If ($Script:FullReport){
        $Script:ReportFlag = $True
        $Script:ReportFlag = $False
    $ExcludeFlag = $false
    $Script:ExclusionList | foreach{
        if ($Target.Name -match $_){$ExcludeFlag = $true}
    $DaysOld = (New-TimeSpan $Target.lastLogonDate $(Get-Date)).Days                    #--[ Days since target last secure channel refresh ]--
    $KillDate = (Get-Date ($CurrentDate.AddDays(30-$DaysOld)) -Format "MM/dd/yyyy")
    $DaysLeft = ($Script:Days)-($DaysOld)
    If (($DaysOld -ge 25) -and (!$ExcludeFlag)){$Script:ReportFlag = $True}
    If ($ReportFlag){        
        #--[ Generate HTML new row ]------------------------------------------------
        $BGColor = "#dfdfdf"                                                        #--[ Grey default cell background ]--
        $FGColor = "#000000"                                                        #--[ Black default cell foreground ]--
        $Script:RowData = '<tr>'                                                       #--[ Start table row ]--
           $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '>'+$Script:FontDarkCyan+$Target.Name+"</td>"
        $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '>'+$Script:FontDarkCyan+$Target.lastLogonDate + "&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp("+(New-TimeSpan $Target.lastLogonDate $(Get-Date)).Days +"&nbspDays) </td>"

    If ($Script:Console){
        Write-Host "--[ Current Target ="$Target.Name"]-----------------" -ForegroundColor Magenta 
        Write-Host "-- Date of last secure channel refresh =" $Target.lastLogonDate -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "-- Days since last secure channel refresh =" $DaysOld -ForegroundColor Yellow

    If ($Script:Debug){        
           Write-Host  "-- Extended Information from Active Directory" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $TargetInfo = Get-ADComputer -Identity $Target -Credential $Script:Credential -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue"                 

    If ($DaysOld -ge 25){
        $Script:Action = "warn"
        If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- Days until deletion from Active Directory =" $DaysLeft -ForegroundColor Yellow}
    If($DaysOld -ge 30){
        $Script:Action = "run"
        $DaysLeft = 0
    If ($ExcludeFlag){
        If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- EXEMPT from AD purge. --" -ForegroundColor Magenta }
        If ($ReportFlag){
            $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'><center>'+$Script:FontDarkGreen+'-- EXEMPT from AD deletion --</center></td>'
            $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'>'+$Script:FontDarkGreen+'</td>'
        If (($Target.Name.SubString(0,1) -eq "w") -and ($Target.Name.SubString(1,1) -match "^[-]?[0-9.]+$") -and ($_.operatingsystem -NotLike "*server*") -and $Script:UsePattern){ #--[ Bypass according to a pattern ]--
            If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- Pattern-select enabled. Pattern matched. IGNORING --" -ForegroundColor green}
            If ($ReportFlag){
                $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'><center><font color=#A9A9A9>IGNORING</td><td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'><font color=#A9A9A9>Pattern bypass in effect</center></font></td>'
              If ($Script:Action -eq "warn"){
                 If ($Script:Console){Write-Host  "-- SCHEDULED to be deleted from Active Directory --" -ForegroundColor Red}
                If ($Script:ReportFlag){
                    $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'>'+$Script:FontOrange+'SCHEDULED to be deleted in '+$DaysLeft+' days on</td>'
                    $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'><center>'+$Script:FontOrange+$KillDate+'</center></td>'
                  If ($DaysOld -ge $Days){ 
                    If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- DELETING"$"From Active Directory -- " -ForegroundColor Red}
                       If ($ReportFlag){$Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'><center>'+$Script:FontRed+'--- DELETING From AD ---</center></td>'}
                    If (!$Script:NoPurge){
                        Get-ADComputer -Identity $Target -Credential $Script:Credential | Remove-ADObject -Recursive -Credential $Script:Credential -Confirm:$false  
                        #Remove-ADComputer -identity $Target -Credential $Script:Credential #--[ Alternate method ]--
                        #Set-ADComputer -Disabled $false #--[ Can be used to disable instead of delete.
                        #--[ Verification ]---------------------------------------------------------
                            Get-ADComputer -Identity $Target -Credential $Script:Credential -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue"
                            If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- Verification FAILED --"$Target.Name -ForegroundColor Red}
                            If ($ReportFlag){$Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'>'+$Script:FontRed+'-- Verification FAILED --</td>'}
                               If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- Verified DELETED From Active Directory -- "$Target.Name -ForegroundColor green}
                            If ($Script:ReportFlag){$Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'><center>'+$Script:FontDarkGreen+'-- VERIFIED --</center></td>'}
                        If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- No Action Taken. NOPURGE Enabled -- " -ForegroundColor green}
                        If ($Script:ReportFlag){$Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'><center>'+$Script:FontDarkGreen+'-- NOPURGE Enabled --</center></td>'}
                      If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- No Action Taken. Within"$Script:Days" day safety window." -ForegroundColor green}
                    If ($Script:ReportFlag){
                        $Script:RowData += '<td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor='+$BGColor+'>&nbsp;</td>'
          If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`n-----------------------------------------------------`n" -ForegroundColor yellow}
        If ($ReportFlag){
            $Script:RowData += '</tr>'
            $Script:ReportBody += $Script:RowData
        $Script:Action = "run"
    $Script:ReportFlag = $False

$Script:ReportBody += '<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=8><font size=2 color=#909090><br>Script "'+$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name+'" executed from server "'+$env:computername+'".</td></tr>'
$Script:ReportBody += "</table><br>"

#--[ Send The Email ]--

If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`n--- COMPLETED ---`n" -ForegroundColor Red }


<#--[ Sample XML config file ]--------------------------------------------------
<!-- Settings & Configuration File -->
        <ReportName>Domain Stale Computer Purge</ReportName>
        <Subject>Domain Stale Computer Purge</Subject>