
function Get-LedStripFramerateInfo
      Calculates the maximum frame rate possible for a LED strip or the maximum LED that can be used for a desired frame rate
      In WS2182B and similar strings of LED, the one-wire data line has a maximum data transmission rate.
      This command can calculate two things:
      - given the number of LED (or the length and type of LED string), it calculates the maximum possible frame rate
      - given the framerate, it calculates the maximum possible number of LED that you can string together
      Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -TotalLedCount 100
      Calculates the maximum framerate achievable for 100 RGB LEDs in a string:
      LedCount Type Framerate DataTime (us)
      -------- ---- --------- -------------
         100 RGB 305 0.00328
      Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -TotalLedCount 100 -IncludeWhiteLed
      Calculates the maximum framerate achievable for 100 RGBW LEDs in a string (including separate white, 32 instead of 24 bit):
      LedCount Type Framerate DataTime (us)
      -------- ---- --------- -------------
         100 RGBW 234 0.00428
      60,90,120,144 | Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -StripLengthCm 150
      Calculates the maximum framerates for a strip of 150cm length and different LED/m:
      LedCount Type Framerate DataTime (us)
      -------- ---- --------- -------------
      90 RGB 336 0.00298
      135 RGB 231 0.00433
      180 RGB 176 0.00568
      216 RGB 148 0.00676
      Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -Framerate 60
      Determines the maximum number of LED that can be used to achieve a 60Hz frame rate:
      LedCount Type StripType StripLengthCm
      -------- ---- --------- -------------
         546 RGB n/a n/a
      Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -Framerate 30 -LedPerMeter 144
      Determines the maximum length for a LED strip using 144 LED/m to achieve a 30Hz frame rate:
      LedCount Type StripType StripLengthCm
      -------- ---- --------- -------------
        1102 RGB 144LED/m 765.3
      200,100,60,30,15 | Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -LedPerMeter 144
      Calculates the maximum length of a 144LED/m LED strip for various frame rates:
      LedCount Type StripType StripLengthCm
      -------- ---- --------- -------------
         157 RGB 144LED/m 109
         324 RGB 144LED/m 225
         546 RGB 144LED/m 379.2
        1102 RGB 144LED/m 765.3
        2213 RGB 144LED/m 1536.8

    # the desired frame rate in Hz
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='framerate', Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)]
    # the number of led per meter in a string or strip
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ledpermeter', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # the led reset time. If you don't know it, 280us are used.
    # this value is practically irrelevant as it has next to no influence on the results.
    # specify this switch for RGBW LED (with one distinct white led)
    # the data frequency in kHz. When not specified, 800kHz is assumed.
    # this parameter is practically irrelevant as all programmable one-wire controller
    # use 800kHz
    # the length of the string or strip in cm
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ledpermeter', Mandatory)]
    # the total number of leds in a string or strip
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='totalled', Mandatory)]
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ledpermeter'))
      $TotalLedCount = $LedPerMeter * $StripLengthCm / 100
    $bits = if ($IncludeWhiteLed)
      $type = 'RGBW'
      $type = 'RGB'
    $timeforSinglePackage = $bits / ($DataRateKhz * 1000)
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'framerate')
      $resetTime = $ResetTimeMicroSec / 1000000
      $datarate = $DataRateKhz * 1000
      [int]$totalLed = $datarate * (1/$framerate-$resetTime)/$bits
      if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ledpermeter'))
          LedCount = $totalLed
          Type = $type
          StripType = "${LedPerMeter}LED/m"
          StripLengthCm = [Math]::Round(($totalLed / $LedPerMeter) * 100, 1)
          LedCount = $totalLed
          Type = $type
          StripType = 'n/a'
          StripLengthCm = 'n/a'
      # led count is given
      $timeForPackage = $timeforSinglePackage * $TotalLedCount
      $totalPackageTime = $timeForPackage + ($ResetTimeMicroSec/1000000)
      $frameRate = 1 / $totalPackageTime
        LedCount = $TotalLedCount
        Type = $type
        Framerate = [Math]::Round($frameRate,1)
        'DataTime (us)' = $totalPackageTime