
function Set-DracoonUrl {
    This function allows to set new Server-URLs for TAB Completion.
    Each function which requires a -Url parameter will provide a TAB completer with suggested URLs.
    This function allows to set new Server-URLs for TAB Completion.
    Each function which requires a -Url parameter will provide a TAB completer with suggested URLs,
    e.g. Connect-Dracoon
    Different from Add-DracoonUrl this command overwrites existing settings.
    The new URLs to be added
    .PARAMETER whatIf
    If enabled it does not execute the backend API call.
    .PARAMETER confirm
    If enabled the backend API Call has to be confirmed
    Add-DracoonUrl 'https://dxi.mydomain'
    Add a single Server to the list of suggested URLs
    (get-adforest -ErrorAction Stop).domains | ForEach-Object { Add-DracoonUrl "https://dataexchange.$($_)" }
    If you have an on prem Dracoon server in each of your Windows Domains with the address "https://dracoon.<yourdomain>"
    it will get added to the list of suggested URLs.
    The URLs get saved at the PSF-Config "Dracoon.tepp.urls"

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'medium')]
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
    Write-PSFMessage "Saving new Urls for the URL TEPP: $NewUrl"
    # Adjusting format of URLs
    $NewUrl = $NewUrl | ForEach-Object { Get-DracoonServerRoot $_}
    Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -Action "Saving new Urls for the URL TEPP" -Target "$NewUrl" -ScriptBlock {
        Set-PSFConfig -Module 'Dracoon' -Name 'tepp.urls' -Value $NewUrl -AllowDelete -PassThru | Register-PSFConfig
    } -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet