
    Explains how to use the Dracoon powershell module
    This Powershell Module is a wrapper for the API of Dracoon. Dracoon is a
    solution for a secure file exchange and can be used as a cloud service or
    OnPremise for internal uses. Further information about Dracoon can be found
    at [https://www.dracoon.com/](https://www.dracoon.com/). ## Detailed
    Information for this Module - [Project Homepage
    ## Usage
    The module is a wrapper for the Dracoon API. As you have to authenticate with
    OAuth2.0 it is neccessary to create a client application within the admin web-page. For this
    * Go to _System Settings_ / _Apps_ in the navigation bar
    * Click on the _Add app_ button
    * Enter an application name (e.g. "Powershell Scripting")
    * enable all 4 checkboxes (authorization code:implicit:password:refresh token)
    * Copy the _Client ID_ and the _Client Secret_. Both will be referenced
      as `$ClientID` and `$ClientSecret`.
    Now it's time to open the powershell. Prepare the basic variables:
    $cred=Get-Credential -Message "Dracoon"
    $clientId="YOU JUST CREATED IT ;-)"
    $clientSecret="THIS ALSO"
    From here you have multiple possibilities to connect to your server and
    store the connection for further usage:
    #### Direct auth with /auth/login (**Deprecated**)
    If you are running an older version it maybe possible to login directly.
    But this option is deprecated and [will be removed in every installation
    in the future](https://blog.dracoon.com/en/goodbye-x-sds-auth-token-hello-oauth-2.0)
    $connection=Connect-Dracoon -Url $url -Credential $cred
    #### Via OAuth access token
    # Generate accesstoken
    $accessToken=Request-DracoonOAuthToken -ClientID $clientId -ClientSecret $clientSecret -Url $url -Credential $cred -TokenType access
    # Login with created access token
    $connection=Connect-Dracoon -Url $url -AccessToken $accessToken
    #### Via OAuth refresh token
    # Create a refresh token
    $refreshToken=Request-DracoonOAuthToken -ClientID $clientId -ClientSecret $clientSecret -Credential $cred -url $url -TokenType refresh
    # Connect directly with the refresh token
    $connection=Connect-Dracoon -ClientID $clientId -ClientSecret $clientSecret -url $url -RefreshToken $refreshToken
    # Second option: Create an access token from the refreh token and login with the access token.
    $accessToken=Request-DracoonOAuthToken -ClientID $clientId -ClientSecret $clientSecret -Url $url -RefreshToken $refreshToken
    $connection=Connect-Dracoon -Url $url -AccessToken $accessToken
    Now we are connected to your server: What can we do?
    # Query all Users and display the data in a table
    Get-DracoonUser -Connection $connection |ft
    # Query a specific user (you have to know the login)
    Get-DracoonUser -Connection $connection -Filter 'login:cn:DonaldDuck'
    #Find all locked accounts and remove the users (Luckily it supports WhatIf)
    Get-DracoonUser -Connection $connection -Filter 'isLocked:eq:true' |Remove-DracoonUser -connection $connection -WhatIf
    If you need an overview of the existing commands use
    # List available commands
    Get-Command -Module Dracoon
    #Get-Help for a specific command
    Get-Help -Detailed Get-DracoonUser
    everything else is documented in the module itself.
    ### Tab completion
    Are you tired of typing the URL of your Server? Do you have multiple instances? Add the possible URLs to the Tab Completer:
    Add-DracoonURL "myserver.com"
    Now give it a try and hit `TAB` after any `-Url` Parameter. You can now choose between all previously saved server addresses.
    The same mechanism kicks in for the '-Filter' parameters:
    Get-DracoonUser -Connection $connection -Filter [TAB]
    effectiveRoles:eq:[true or false] firstName:cn:[search String]
    isLocked:eq:[true or false] lastName:cn:[search String]
    login:cn:[search String]