
function Get-DracoonNodeAsZip {
    Creates a ZIP archive from given NodeIDs and downloads it. API-POST /v4/nodes/zip
    Creates a ZIP archive from given NodeIDs and downloads it.
    .PARAMETER Connection
    Object of Class , stores the authentication Token and the API Base-URL
    Array of NodeIDs which should be included into the ZIP file.
    .PARAMETER FileName
    Name of the downloaded ZIP file.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
    If set to true, inner exceptions will be rethrown. Otherwise the an empty result will be returned.
    Get-DracoonNode -connection $connection -ParentID $roomId | Get-DracoonNodeAsZip -Connection $connection -FileName ""
    Creates a ZIP archive containing all files of the given room.
    General notes

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        $EnableException = $false
    begin {
        $idArray = @()
    process {
        $idArray += $id
    end {
        Write-PSFMessage "Download ID: $($idArray -join ",")"
        $apiCallParameter = @{
            Connection = $Connection
            method     = "Post"
            Path       = "/v4/nodes/zip"
            Body       = @{
                nodeIds = $idArray

        $result = Invoke-DracoonAPI @apiCallParameter
        if ($result) {
            Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -Action "Downloading" -Target $FileName -ScriptBlock {
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $result.downloadUrl -OutFile $FileName -ErrorAction Stop
            } -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet -EnableException $EnableException -RetryCount 4 -RetryWait 5