
  Copyright (c) 2016 Code Owls LLC, All Rights Reserved.

function copy-dropBoxItem {
      [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
      [alias("path", "dropboxFilePath")]
      # the path to the dropbox item; this must point to a Dropbox provider path

      [parameter(position=1, mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
      # the path to the local file; this must point to a Filesystem provider path

      [parameter( mandatory=$false)]
      # overwrites the local file if it already exists

  process {
    $d = '';
    [system.management.automation.providerinfo] $providerInfo = $null;
    [system.management.automation.psdriveinfo] $driveInfo = $null;

    $pathInfo = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path;
    $isAbsFilePath = $pathInfo.IsPSAbsolute($localFilePath, [ref]$d);
    if( -not $isAbsFilePath ) {
      $d = $pathInfo.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Drive.Name;
      $localFilePath = $pathInfo.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(
          "${d}:" + $localFilePath

    ) | out-null;

    if( $providerInfo.Name -notmatch 'dropbox' ) {
      write-error -message "the -pspath parameter must point to a dropbox provider location" -targetObject $pspath

    ) | out-null;

    if( $providerInfo.Name -notmatch 'filesystem' ) {
      write-error -message "the -localFilePath parameter must point to a file system location" -targetObject $localFilePath

    $bytes = get-content -literalpath $pspath;
    if( (Test-Path $localFilePath) -and (-not $force) ) {
        write-error -message "local file $localFilePath exists, and -force was not specified" -targetObject $localFilePath

    [system.io.file]::writeAllBytes( $localFilePath, $bytes );

    get-item $localFilePath;

Copies one or more files from the mounted Dropbox account to the local
file system.
Copies one or more files from the mounted Dropbox account to the local
file system. The PSPath parameter specifies the path to the Dropbox
item, and the LocalFilePath parameter identifies where to save the file
The Dropbox item to copy, either as a provider object with a PSPath property,
or a String containing the PSPath to the Dropbox object.
The local file system object copied from Dropbox.
C:\PS> copy-dropBoxItem dp:/transcripts/audit.txt -localFilePath ./audit.txt
This example copies the audit.txt file from the transcripts hive on Dropbox
to a file named audit.txt in the current file system provider location.
DP:\transcripts> dir | copy-dropBoxItem -localFilePath {$_.name} -force
This example copies all items from the current location in the Dropbox
provider to the local file system. The force parameter is specified, so the
command will overwrite any existing files.


function get-DropboxProtectedAccessToken
      [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
      # the path of a dropbox item; the access token for that hive will be encrypted and returned
      $pspath = '.'

  process {
    [system.management.automation.providerinfo] $providerInfo = $null;
    [system.management.automation.psdriveinfo] $driveInfo = $null;

    $pathInfo = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path;
    ) | out-null;

    if( $providerInfo.Name -notmatch "dropbox" ) {
      write-error "the -pspath parameter must point to a dropbox provider location" -targetObject $pspath


Retrieves an protected access token for the specifid mounted Dropbox account.
Retrieves an protected access token for the specifid mounted Dropbox account.
The token is encrypted such that only the current user may reuse the token.
The protected access token can be passed to the AccessToken dynamic parameter
of new-psdrive when mounting a Dropbox. See Examples.
Any Dropbox provider item; the access token for the account backing the
item will be returned.
The encrypted access token.
C:\PS> get-DropboxProtectedAccessToken dp:/
This example displays the encrypted access token for the dp: Dropbox provider
DP:\transcripts> $t = get-DropboxProtectedAccessToken dp:/
DP:\transcripts> new-psdrive -name other -psp Dropbox -accessToken $t -root ''
In this example, the access token for drive dp:/ is re-used to create another
mounted instance of the Dropbox account.
