
Using Namespace System.Collections.Generic
Function Resolve-DryADReplacementPatterns {
    Param (



    Try {
        If (($InputObject -is [Array]) -and $InputObject.count -eq 0) {
        ElseIf ($InputObject) {
            # make a copy of the object, or else the changes
            # may be written back to the original object
            $CopyObject = $InputObject.PSObject.Copy()
            # loop through all properties of $InputObject
            If ($CopyObject -is [Array]) {
                $ResultArray = @()
                Foreach ($arrItem in $CopyObject) {
                    $ResultArray+= Resolve-DryADReplacementPatterns -InputObject $arrItem -Variables $Variables
            Else {
                $CopyObject.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                    $PropertyName = $_.Name
                    $PropertyValue = $_.Value
                    # The pattern definitions themselves (common_variables and resource_variables),
                    # may be sent to this function. Avoid replacing the pattern definitions themselves,
                    # just return the original object
                    If ($PropertyName -match "common_variables$") {
                        ol d "Skipping replacement for the common_variables object itself ($PropertyName)"
                    ElseIf ($PropertyName -match "resource_variables$") {
                        ol d "Skipping replacement for the resource_variables object itself ($PropertyName)"
                    # If Key is a string, we can do the replacement. If it is an object, we must make a nested
                    # call. If array, make nested call for each element of the array
                    ElseIf ($PropertyValue -is [String]) {
                        # call Resolve-DryADReplacementPattern that returns the replaced string
                        $PropertyValue = Resolve-DryADReplacementPattern -InputText $PropertyValue -Variables $Variables     
                    ElseIf ($PropertyValue -is [PSObject]) {
                        # make a nested call to this function
                        $PropertyValue = Resolve-DryADReplacementPatterns -InputObject $PropertyValue -Variables $Variables
                    ElseIf ($PropertyValue -is [Array]) {
                        # nested call for each array element
                        $PropertyValue = @(  $PropertyValue | Foreach-Object { 
                            If ($_ -is [String]) {
                                Resolve-DryADReplacementPatterns -InputText $_ -Variables $Variables
                            Else {
                                Resolve-DryADReplacementPatterns -InputObject $_ -Variables $Variables
                    # Set the value
                    $CopyObject."$PropertyName" = $PropertyValue
                Return $CopyObject
            # Any property will eventually end up here
            $InputText = Resolve-DryADReplacementPattern -InputText $InputText -Variables $Variables
            Return $InputText
    Catch {